I finally found salt bagels for sale in Massachusetts. I’m quite pleased with myself. And I hope you’re having a very happy weekend. Also On Tap for Today: Learning about turkeys at the South Shore Natural Science Center 11 Tips for Better Brainstorming via Work Awesome Working on an illustrated 2016 calendar What are you snacking on this weekend?
Today: I woke up like this | Cape edition.
Who needs a vacation alarm clock (set for 3 hours earlier than you desire to wake up), when you have a toddler at the foot of your bed? I woke up like this. With Grace pinching my toes and yelling, “Hellooooo!” In an effort to…
Today: The Clark Chronicles [a giveaway and a giveback]
UPDATE: Congratulations to Shannon, who will soon be the (proud?) owner of a Clark calendar. I will reach out to you by email to get your mailing address. Thank you so very much to each of you who commented. With 35 comments in total as of…
Today: Sunday in the country.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false] Also On Tap for Today: I found bridesmaid shoes!
Fall cookies, yuuum In case you haven’t heard, fall is in the air Pray tell, how was your weekend?
Today: Be cool.
Clark has a message for everyone out there surfing this heat wave: Just be cool. And that’s why they call it… the doggie paddle. If you can’t don a sweet red life vest and swim around in the shallow end, here are a few more…
Today: The Godblessmobile.
Happiness on wheels! I haven’t seen this little car since we moved (hence the snow on the ground in this photo, safely snapped at a red light), but once I tried to follow the Godblessmobile. It’s a speedy little thing and it got away from…
Today: Laugh it off.
According to scientists a random website claiming to quote a Vanderbilt study, one can burn as many as 50 calories a day by laughing. Fifty calories! That’s half a 100 calorie pack of Cheez-Its! Good heavens. If you laughed off 50 calories a day, you…
We will miss you, sir. “For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dream shall never die.” –Senator Edward M. Kennedy