{"id":9343,"date":"2016-03-29T06:00:19","date_gmt":"2016-03-29T10:00:19","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/?p=9343"},"modified":"2016-03-28T23:50:07","modified_gmt":"2016-03-29T03:50:07","slug":"today-made-005","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2016\/03\/29\/today-made-005\/","title":{"rendered":"Today: What I made | 005"},"content":{"rendered":"<p><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">So, we know I both fear and loathe <del>Las Vegas<\/del> going to the dentist, right? And that I semi-accidentally didn&#8217;t go for several years?\u00a0 And that, ironically, I broke a tooth (more accurately: an old filling fell out) while flossing, prompting an emergency visit to that place of fear and loathing?\u00a0 (If you didn&#8217;t know those things, consider yourself fully caught up.)<\/span><\/p>\n<p><img data-recalc-dims=\"1\" loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"aligncenter\" src=\"https:\/\/i0.wp.com\/i1352.photobucket.com\/albums\/q641\/elizabethev\/IMG_2463_zpsjfdufhh9.jpg?resize=1024%2C1024\" alt=\"its a good day to have a good day\" width=\"1024\" height=\"1024\" \/><\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\"><em>Materials used: Pentel brush pen (pink)&#8230; and, um&#8230; that&#8217;s it.<\/em><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">It&#8217;s been a year, and I&#8217;ve stuck with regular cleaning appointments and approximately 800 other appointments to replace various old dental work and (shame on me) tend to one or two&#8230; fine, three cavities.\u00a0 I have one more visit to go and then I&#8217;m done with my treatment plan, which feels mostly good.<\/span><\/p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">The last couple appointments, though, have been especially uncomfortable and annoying. \u00a0A temporary crown fell out twice <span class=\"aBn\" tabindex=\"0\" data-term=\"goog_1961033975\"><span class=\"aQJ\">in one day.<\/span><\/span>\u00a0 Oh, and a dental assistant tried to pull out a permanent tooth instead of the loosening a different temporary crown.\u00a0 It was all I could do to not flee the office and cry in my car.\u00a0 Or stress eat an extra gluten-y donut.\u00a0 I know it&#8217;s silly, but I can feel my heart rate quicken even thinking about being in the dentist&#8217;s chair.<\/span><\/p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">If you&#8217;re wondering what the H\u00a0the dentist has to do with art-making, <em>welp<\/em>&#8230; Not much. But I did find my mind wandering away from the drill and that annoying suction thing and toward my sketchbook.\u00a0 I thought about what I would paint or draw or paste if I wasn&#8217;t, you know, at the dentist.\u00a0 Much of what I made in the last week or two was cooked up there.\u00a0 And that cooking up (along with a pair of noise canceling headphones and some Led Zeppelin) got me through those appointments.<\/span><\/p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">This is a super roundabout way of saying that you don&#8217;t need to be sitting before an easel to be creative.\u00a0 \u00a0And creative thought can be just as powerful and transformative as the actual act of creating.\u00a0 You simply need to be open to possibility.\u00a0 (Dental insurance doesn&#8217;t hurt though.)<\/span><\/p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">Anyway&#8230;\u00a0 Here&#8217;s what I made.<\/span><\/p>\n<h3><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">What I made | 005<\/span><\/h3>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"><img data-recalc-dims=\"1\" loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"aligncenter\" src=\"https:\/\/i0.wp.com\/i1352.photobucket.com\/albums\/q641\/elizabethev\/IMG_2287_zpsspmzrqrl.jpg?resize=1024%2C1365\" alt=\"rumi quote heart\" width=\"1024\" height=\"1365\" \/><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\"><em>Materials used: Gifted scrapbook paper, Sakura Gelly Roll pen (white), gel medium (matte), scissors (obvi)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">I come back to this poem often.\u00a0 When Graham (a fellow Get Messy member) sent me a beautiful packet of pink papers, I started snipping and doodling away.\u00a0 Sometimes pages feel like they make themselves.<\/span><\/p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">I weirdly enjoy drawing hearts and regret not being a better student in biology.\u00a0 Just think what else I would be able to draw if I had spent more time paying attention and less time being grossed out and\/or fainting.<\/span><\/p>\n<p><img data-recalc-dims=\"1\" loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"aligncenter\" src=\"https:\/\/i0.wp.com\/i1352.photobucket.com\/albums\/q641\/elizabethev\/IMG_2528_zpsdjmx09kg.jpg?resize=1024%2C1024\" alt=\"wendell berry peace of the wild things\" width=\"1024\" height=\"1024\" \/><\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\"><em>Materials used: Strathmore Artists Tile (black), Sakura Gelly Roll pen (white), magazine pages (Edible Boston), Winsor and Newton professional watercolors, random alphabet stencil, Micron 01 (black)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">This is an old work (and one I&#8217;ve shared before, I think),\u00a0 but it feels sort of like a cousin to the one above.\u00a0 And I get the same comfort from reading Wendell Berry that I do Rumi, so I thought it worth sharing again.\u00a0 I recently came across <a href=\"https:\/\/audioboom.com\/boos\/3556168-the-peace-of-wild-things-read-by-wendell-berry\" target=\"_blank\">this recording of Berry reciting the poem quoted here<\/a>.\u00a0 It&#8217;s just perfect.<\/span><\/p>\n<ul>\n<li><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">Other writers and poets that I constantly return to: Thomas Merton, Mary Oliver, and Hafez.<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p><img data-recalc-dims=\"1\" loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"aligncenter\" src=\"https:\/\/i0.wp.com\/i1352.photobucket.com\/albums\/q641\/elizabethev\/IMG_2632_zpsxknrspvy.jpg?resize=1024%2C1024\" alt=\"this too shall pass\" width=\"1024\" height=\"1024\" \/><\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"><em><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">Materials used: Starthmore Artigan paper (black), Sakura Gelly Roll pen (white), gel medium (matte), magazine pages\u00a0(WSJ magazine).<\/span><\/em><\/p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">Another collage, and\u00a0more evidence that I don&#8217;t really know what body parts look like.\u00a0 For the record: that&#8217;s a head.\u00a0 With ears.\u00a0 And a neck.<\/span><\/p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">Moving on: How divine are these words?\u00a0 They sort of stop me in my tracks. \u00a0And I have a crush on my own handwriting. \u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n<p><img data-recalc-dims=\"1\" loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"aligncenter\" src=\"https:\/\/i0.wp.com\/i1352.photobucket.com\/albums\/q641\/elizabethev\/IMG_2359_zpsv9fygst0.jpg?resize=819%2C1024\" alt=\"watercolor pattern\" width=\"819\" height=\"1024\" \/><\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"><em><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">Materials used: Winsor and Newton professional watercolors, round brushes (2 and 6, I believe).<\/span><\/em><\/p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">Just some good ol&#8217; watercolor doodling while watching <em>The Americans<\/em>. \u00a0(I am convinced <a href=\"http:\/\/facebook.com\/clarkthefrenchie\" target=\"_blank\">Clark<\/a>, who came to us by way of Russia, is a spy waiting to be activated.)<\/span><\/p>\n<p><img data-recalc-dims=\"1\" loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"aligncenter\" src=\"https:\/\/i0.wp.com\/i1352.photobucket.com\/albums\/q641\/elizabethev\/IMG_2517_zpswqdyu8nt.jpg?resize=1024%2C1024\" alt=\"root down to rise up\" width=\"1024\" height=\"1024\" \/><\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\"><img data-recalc-dims=\"1\" loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"aligncenter\" src=\"https:\/\/i0.wp.com\/i1352.photobucket.com\/albums\/q641\/elizabethev\/FullSizeRender%2036_zps8edjgtfv.jpg?resize=1024%2C768\" alt=\"grow up \" width=\"1024\" height=\"768\" \/><\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\"><em>Materials used: [top] Micron 08 (black), acrylic and watercolor paints, colored card stock, glue stick [bottom] Magazine image (Real Simple), black acrylic paint, colored card stock, gel medium (matte), glue stick<\/em><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">I really love how these two turned out.\u00a0 They&#8217;re sort of half <a href=\"https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2016\/03\/18\/today-2016-boston-flower-garden-show\/\" target=\"_blank\">flower show,<\/a> half\u00a0<\/span><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">yoga class inspired. \u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">P.<\/span><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">S. The next Get Messy Art Journal season starts next week &#8212; it&#8217;s a collaboration with 30Lists and should be really interesting. \u00a0A\u00a0new season is a great time to <a href=\"http:\/\/getmessyartjournal.com\" target=\"_blank\">join Get Messy<\/a>, especially if you&#8217;re looking to jump start your own creative routine.\u00a0 No emergency trips to the dentist required.<\/span><\/p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">Also <strong>On Tap for Today<\/strong>:<\/span><\/p>\n<ul>\n<li><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">I loved this: <a href=\"http:\/\/lisacongdon.com\/blog\/2016\/03\/the-internet-is-not-real-life\/\" target=\"_blank\">The Internet is Not Real Life<\/a> <em>from artist Lisa Congdon<\/em><\/span><\/li>\n<li><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">Gymnastics with Grace<\/span><\/li>\n<li><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\">Pretending to think about spring cleaning<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: 'PT Sans';\"><strong>What did you make this week? \u00a0Which poems or stories or quotes do you keep coming back to?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"<p>So, we know I both fear and loathe Las Vegas going to the dentist, right? And that I semi-accidentally didn&#8217;t go for several years?\u00a0 And that, ironically, I broke a tooth (more accurately: an old filling fell out) while flossing, prompting an emergency visit to that place of fear and loathing?\u00a0 (If you didn&#8217;t know those things, consider yourself fully caught up.) Materials used: Pentel brush pen (pink)&#8230; and, um&#8230; that&#8217;s it. It&#8217;s been a year, and I&#8217;ve stuck with regular cleaning appointments and approximately 800 other appointments to replace various old dental work and (shame on me) tend to one or two&#8230; fine, three cavities.\u00a0 I have one more visit to go and then I&#8217;m done with my treatment plan, which feels mostly good. The last couple appointments, though, have been especially uncomfortable and annoying. \u00a0A temporary crown fell out twice in one day.\u00a0 Oh, and a dental assistant tried to pull out a permanent tooth instead of the loosening a different temporary crown.\u00a0 It was all I could do to not flee the office and cry in my car.\u00a0 Or stress eat an extra gluten-y donut.\u00a0 I know it&#8217;s silly, but I can feel my heart rate quicken even thinking about being in the dentist&#8217;s chair. If you&#8217;re wondering what the H\u00a0the dentist has to do with art-making, welp&#8230; Not much. But I did find my mind wandering away from the drill and that annoying suction thing and toward my sketchbook.\u00a0 I thought about what I would paint or draw or paste if I wasn&#8217;t, you know, at the dentist.\u00a0 Much of what I made in the last week or two was cooked up there.\u00a0 And that cooking up (along with a pair of noise canceling headphones and some Led Zeppelin) got me through those appointments. This is a super roundabout way of saying that you don&#8217;t need to be sitting before an easel to be creative.\u00a0 \u00a0And creative thought can be just as powerful and transformative as the actual act of creating.\u00a0 You simply need to be open to possibility.\u00a0 (Dental insurance doesn&#8217;t hurt though.) Anyway&#8230;\u00a0 Here&#8217;s what I made. What I made | 005 Materials used: Gifted scrapbook paper, Sakura Gelly Roll pen (white), gel medium (matte), scissors (obvi) I come back to this poem often.\u00a0 When Graham (a fellow Get Messy member) sent me a beautiful packet of pink papers, I started snipping and doodling away.\u00a0 Sometimes pages feel like they make themselves. I weirdly enjoy drawing hearts and regret not being a better student in biology.\u00a0 Just think what else I would be able to draw if I had spent more time paying attention and less time being grossed out and\/or fainting. Materials used: Strathmore Artists Tile (black), Sakura Gelly Roll pen (white), magazine pages (Edible Boston), Winsor and Newton professional watercolors, random alphabet stencil, Micron 01 (black) This is an old work (and one I&#8217;ve shared before, I think),\u00a0 but it feels sort of like a cousin to the one above.\u00a0 And I get the same comfort from reading Wendell Berry that I do Rumi, so I thought it worth sharing again.\u00a0 I recently came across this recording of Berry reciting the poem quoted here.\u00a0 It&#8217;s just perfect. Other writers and poets that I constantly return to: Thomas Merton, Mary Oliver, and Hafez. Materials used: Starthmore Artigan paper (black), Sakura Gelly Roll pen (white), gel medium (matte), magazine pages\u00a0(WSJ magazine). Another collage, and\u00a0more evidence that I don&#8217;t really know what body parts look like.\u00a0 For the record: that&#8217;s a head.\u00a0 With ears.\u00a0 And a neck. Moving on: How divine are these words?\u00a0 They sort of stop me in my tracks. \u00a0And I have a crush on my own handwriting. \u00a0 Materials used: Winsor and Newton professional watercolors, round brushes (2 and 6, I believe). Just some good ol&#8217; watercolor doodling while watching The Americans. \u00a0(I am convinced Clark, who came to us by way of Russia, is a spy waiting to be activated.) Materials used: [top] Micron 08 (black), acrylic and watercolor paints, colored card stock, glue stick [bottom] Magazine image (Real Simple), black acrylic paint, colored card stock, gel medium (matte), glue stick I really love how these two turned out.\u00a0 They&#8217;re sort of half flower show, half\u00a0yoga class inspired. \u00a0 P.S. The next Get Messy Art Journal season starts next week &#8212; it&#8217;s a collaboration with 30Lists and should be really interesting. \u00a0A\u00a0new season is a great time to join Get Messy, especially if you&#8217;re looking to jump start your own creative routine.\u00a0 No emergency trips to the dentist required. Also On Tap for Today: I loved this: The Internet is Not Real Life from artist Lisa Congdon Gymnastics with Grace Pretending to think about spring cleaning What did you make this week? \u00a0Which poems or stories or quotes do you keep coming back to?<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"wprm-recipe-roundup-name":"","wprm-recipe-roundup-description":"","_jetpack_newsletter_access":"","_jetpack_dont_email_post_to_subs":false,"_jetpack_newsletter_tier_id":0,"_jetpack_memberships_contains_paywalled_content":false,"_jetpack_memberships_contains_paid_content":false,"footnotes":""},"categories":[1128,12],"tags":[1290,1197,129,240,1124,1216,1354,1132,615,1288,881],"class_list":["post-9343","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","hentry","category-art-and-creativity","category-reading","tag-art-and-creativity","tag-art-journal","tag-boston-flower-garden-show","tag-dentist","tag-drawing","tag-get-messy-art-journal","tag-get-messy-habit","tag-painting","tag-poems","tag-reading","tag-yoga"],"acf":[],"yoast_head":"<!-- This site is optimized with the Yoast SEO plugin v24.5 - https:\/\/yoast.com\/wordpress\/plugins\/seo\/ -->\n<title>Today: What I made | 005 - ON TAP FOR TODAY<\/title>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2016\/03\/29\/today-made-005\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_US\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"Today: What I made | 005 - ON TAP FOR TODAY\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"So, we know I both fear and loathe Las Vegas going to the dentist, right? And that I semi-accidentally didn&#8217;t go for several years?\u00a0 And that, ironically, I broke a tooth (more accurately: an old filling fell out) while flossing, prompting an emergency visit to that place of fear and loathing?\u00a0 (If you didn&#8217;t know those things, consider yourself fully caught up.) Materials used: Pentel brush pen (pink)&#8230; and, um&#8230; that&#8217;s it. It&#8217;s been a year, and I&#8217;ve stuck with regular cleaning appointments and approximately 800 other appointments to replace various old dental work and (shame on me) tend to one or two&#8230; fine, three cavities.\u00a0 I have one more visit to go and then I&#8217;m done with my treatment plan, which feels mostly good. The last couple appointments, though, have been especially uncomfortable and annoying. \u00a0A temporary crown fell out twice in one day.\u00a0 Oh, and a dental assistant tried to pull out a permanent tooth instead of the loosening a different temporary crown.\u00a0 It was all I could do to not flee the office and cry in my car.\u00a0 Or stress eat an extra gluten-y donut.\u00a0 I know it&#8217;s silly, but I can feel my heart rate quicken even thinking about being in the dentist&#8217;s chair. If you&#8217;re wondering what the H\u00a0the dentist has to do with art-making, welp&#8230; Not much. But I did find my mind wandering away from the drill and that annoying suction thing and toward my sketchbook.\u00a0 I thought about what I would paint or draw or paste if I wasn&#8217;t, you know, at the dentist.\u00a0 Much of what I made in the last week or two was cooked up there.\u00a0 And that cooking up (along with a pair of noise canceling headphones and some Led Zeppelin) got me through those appointments. This is a super roundabout way of saying that you don&#8217;t need to be sitting before an easel to be creative.\u00a0 \u00a0And creative thought can be just as powerful and transformative as the actual act of creating.\u00a0 You simply need to be open to possibility.\u00a0 (Dental insurance doesn&#8217;t hurt though.) Anyway&#8230;\u00a0 Here&#8217;s what I made. What I made | 005 Materials used: Gifted scrapbook paper, Sakura Gelly Roll pen (white), gel medium (matte), scissors (obvi) I come back to this poem often.\u00a0 When Graham (a fellow Get Messy member) sent me a beautiful packet of pink papers, I started snipping and doodling away.\u00a0 Sometimes pages feel like they make themselves. I weirdly enjoy drawing hearts and regret not being a better student in biology.\u00a0 Just think what else I would be able to draw if I had spent more time paying attention and less time being grossed out and\/or fainting. Materials used: Strathmore Artists Tile (black), Sakura Gelly Roll pen (white), magazine pages (Edible Boston), Winsor and Newton professional watercolors, random alphabet stencil, Micron 01 (black) This is an old work (and one I&#8217;ve shared before, I think),\u00a0 but it feels sort of like a cousin to the one above.\u00a0 And I get the same comfort from reading Wendell Berry that I do Rumi, so I thought it worth sharing again.\u00a0 I recently came across this recording of Berry reciting the poem quoted here.\u00a0 It&#8217;s just perfect. Other writers and poets that I constantly return to: Thomas Merton, Mary Oliver, and Hafez. Materials used: Starthmore Artigan paper (black), Sakura Gelly Roll pen (white), gel medium (matte), magazine pages\u00a0(WSJ magazine). Another collage, and\u00a0more evidence that I don&#8217;t really know what body parts look like.\u00a0 For the record: that&#8217;s a head.\u00a0 With ears.\u00a0 And a neck. Moving on: How divine are these words?\u00a0 They sort of stop me in my tracks. \u00a0And I have a crush on my own handwriting. \u00a0 Materials used: Winsor and Newton professional watercolors, round brushes (2 and 6, I believe). Just some good ol&#8217; watercolor doodling while watching The Americans. \u00a0(I am convinced Clark, who came to us by way of Russia, is a spy waiting to be activated.) Materials used: [top] Micron 08 (black), acrylic and watercolor paints, colored card stock, glue stick [bottom] Magazine image (Real Simple), black acrylic paint, colored card stock, gel medium (matte), glue stick I really love how these two turned out.\u00a0 They&#8217;re sort of half flower show, half\u00a0yoga class inspired. \u00a0 P.S. The next Get Messy Art Journal season starts next week &#8212; it&#8217;s a collaboration with 30Lists and should be really interesting. \u00a0A\u00a0new season is a great time to join Get Messy, especially if you&#8217;re looking to jump start your own creative routine.\u00a0 No emergency trips to the dentist required. Also On Tap for Today: I loved this: The Internet is Not Real Life from artist Lisa Congdon Gymnastics with Grace Pretending to think about spring cleaning What did you make this week? \u00a0Which poems or stories or quotes do you keep coming back to?\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:url\" content=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2016\/03\/29\/today-made-005\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:site_name\" content=\"ON TAP FOR TODAY\" \/>\n<meta property=\"article:publisher\" content=\"https:\/\/facebook.com\/ontapfortoday\" \/>\n<meta property=\"article:author\" content=\"https:\/\/facebook.com\/ontapfortoday\" \/>\n<meta property=\"article:published_time\" content=\"2016-03-29T10:00:19+00:00\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"http:\/\/i1352.photobucket.com\/albums\/q641\/elizabethev\/IMG_2463_zpsjfdufhh9.jpg\" \/>\n<meta name=\"author\" content=\"Elizabeth\" \/>\n<meta name=\"twitter:label1\" content=\"Written by\" \/>\n\t<meta name=\"twitter:data1\" content=\"Elizabeth\" \/>\n\t<meta name=\"twitter:label2\" content=\"Est. reading time\" \/>\n\t<meta name=\"twitter:data2\" content=\"4 minutes\" \/>\n<script type=\"application\/ld+json\" class=\"yoast-schema-graph\">{\"@context\":\"https:\/\/schema.org\",\"@graph\":[{\"@type\":\"Article\",\"@id\":\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2016\/03\/29\/today-made-005\/#article\",\"isPartOf\":{\"@id\":\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2016\/03\/29\/today-made-005\/\"},\"author\":{\"name\":\"Elizabeth\",\"@id\":\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/#\/schema\/person\/e02c7fdfd3cf926a958bfbedc26644cc\"},\"headline\":\"Today: What I made | 005\",\"datePublished\":\"2016-03-29T10:00:19+00:00\",\"mainEntityOfPage\":{\"@id\":\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2016\/03\/29\/today-made-005\/\"},\"wordCount\":806,\"commentCount\":2,\"publisher\":{\"@id\":\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/#\/schema\/person\/e02c7fdfd3cf926a958bfbedc26644cc\"},\"image\":{\"@id\":\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2016\/03\/29\/today-made-005\/#primaryimage\"},\"thumbnailUrl\":\"http:\/\/i1352.photobucket.com\/albums\/q641\/elizabethev\/IMG_2463_zpsjfdufhh9.jpg\",\"keywords\":[\"Art and Creativity\",\"art journal\",\"Boston Flower &amp; 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And that I semi-accidentally didn&#8217;t go for several years?\u00a0 And that, ironically, I broke a tooth (more accurately: an old filling fell out) while flossing, prompting an emergency visit to that place of fear and loathing?\u00a0 (If you didn&#8217;t know those things, consider yourself fully caught up.) Materials used: Pentel brush pen (pink)&#8230; and, um&#8230; that&#8217;s it. It&#8217;s been a year, and I&#8217;ve stuck with regular cleaning appointments and approximately 800 other appointments to replace various old dental work and (shame on me) tend to one or two&#8230; fine, three cavities.\u00a0 I have one more visit to go and then I&#8217;m done with my treatment plan, which feels mostly good. The last couple appointments, though, have been especially uncomfortable and annoying. \u00a0A temporary crown fell out twice in one day.\u00a0 Oh, and a dental assistant tried to pull out a permanent tooth instead of the loosening a different temporary crown.\u00a0 It was all I could do to not flee the office and cry in my car.\u00a0 Or stress eat an extra gluten-y donut.\u00a0 I know it&#8217;s silly, but I can feel my heart rate quicken even thinking about being in the dentist&#8217;s chair. If you&#8217;re wondering what the H\u00a0the dentist has to do with art-making, welp&#8230; Not much. But I did find my mind wandering away from the drill and that annoying suction thing and toward my sketchbook.\u00a0 I thought about what I would paint or draw or paste if I wasn&#8217;t, you know, at the dentist.\u00a0 Much of what I made in the last week or two was cooked up there.\u00a0 And that cooking up (along with a pair of noise canceling headphones and some Led Zeppelin) got me through those appointments. This is a super roundabout way of saying that you don&#8217;t need to be sitting before an easel to be creative.\u00a0 \u00a0And creative thought can be just as powerful and transformative as the actual act of creating.\u00a0 You simply need to be open to possibility.\u00a0 (Dental insurance doesn&#8217;t hurt though.) Anyway&#8230;\u00a0 Here&#8217;s what I made. What I made | 005 Materials used: Gifted scrapbook paper, Sakura Gelly Roll pen (white), gel medium (matte), scissors (obvi) I come back to this poem often.\u00a0 When Graham (a fellow Get Messy member) sent me a beautiful packet of pink papers, I started snipping and doodling away.\u00a0 Sometimes pages feel like they make themselves. I weirdly enjoy drawing hearts and regret not being a better student in biology.\u00a0 Just think what else I would be able to draw if I had spent more time paying attention and less time being grossed out and\/or fainting. Materials used: Strathmore Artists Tile (black), Sakura Gelly Roll pen (white), magazine pages (Edible Boston), Winsor and Newton professional watercolors, random alphabet stencil, Micron 01 (black) This is an old work (and one I&#8217;ve shared before, I think),\u00a0 but it feels sort of like a cousin to the one above.\u00a0 And I get the same comfort from reading Wendell Berry that I do Rumi, so I thought it worth sharing again.\u00a0 I recently came across this recording of Berry reciting the poem quoted here.\u00a0 It&#8217;s just perfect. Other writers and poets that I constantly return to: Thomas Merton, Mary Oliver, and Hafez. Materials used: Starthmore Artigan paper (black), Sakura Gelly Roll pen (white), gel medium (matte), magazine pages\u00a0(WSJ magazine). Another collage, and\u00a0more evidence that I don&#8217;t really know what body parts look like.\u00a0 For the record: that&#8217;s a head.\u00a0 With ears.\u00a0 And a neck. Moving on: How divine are these words?\u00a0 They sort of stop me in my tracks. \u00a0And I have a crush on my own handwriting. \u00a0 Materials used: Winsor and Newton professional watercolors, round brushes (2 and 6, I believe). Just some good ol&#8217; watercolor doodling while watching The Americans. \u00a0(I am convinced Clark, who came to us by way of Russia, is a spy waiting to be activated.) Materials used: [top] Micron 08 (black), acrylic and watercolor paints, colored card stock, glue stick [bottom] Magazine image (Real Simple), black acrylic paint, colored card stock, gel medium (matte), glue stick I really love how these two turned out.\u00a0 They&#8217;re sort of half flower show, half\u00a0yoga class inspired. \u00a0 P.S. The next Get Messy Art Journal season starts next week &#8212; it&#8217;s a collaboration with 30Lists and should be really interesting. \u00a0A\u00a0new season is a great time to join Get Messy, especially if you&#8217;re looking to jump start your own creative routine.\u00a0 No emergency trips to the dentist required. Also On Tap for Today: I loved this: The Internet is Not Real Life from artist Lisa Congdon Gymnastics with Grace Pretending to think about spring cleaning What did you make this week? \u00a0Which poems or stories or quotes do you keep coming back to?","og_url":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2016\/03\/29\/today-made-005\/","og_site_name":"ON TAP FOR TODAY","article_publisher":"https:\/\/facebook.com\/ontapfortoday","article_author":"https:\/\/facebook.com\/ontapfortoday","article_published_time":"2016-03-29T10:00:19+00:00","og_image":[{"url":"http:\/\/i1352.photobucket.com\/albums\/q641\/elizabethev\/IMG_2463_zpsjfdufhh9.jpg","type":"","width":"","height":""}],"author":"Elizabeth","twitter_misc":{"Written by":"Elizabeth","Est. reading time":"4 minutes"},"schema":{"@context":"https:\/\/schema.org","@graph":[{"@type":"Article","@id":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2016\/03\/29\/today-made-005\/#article","isPartOf":{"@id":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2016\/03\/29\/today-made-005\/"},"author":{"name":"Elizabeth","@id":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/#\/schema\/person\/e02c7fdfd3cf926a958bfbedc26644cc"},"headline":"Today: What I made | 005","datePublished":"2016-03-29T10:00:19+00:00","mainEntityOfPage":{"@id":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2016\/03\/29\/today-made-005\/"},"wordCount":806,"commentCount":2,"publisher":{"@id":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/#\/schema\/person\/e02c7fdfd3cf926a958bfbedc26644cc"},"image":{"@id":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2016\/03\/29\/today-made-005\/#primaryimage"},"thumbnailUrl":"http:\/\/i1352.photobucket.com\/albums\/q641\/elizabethev\/IMG_2463_zpsjfdufhh9.jpg","keywords":["Art and Creativity","art journal","Boston Flower &amp; 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