{"id":3161,"date":"2011-01-13T10:41:08","date_gmt":"2011-01-13T14:41:08","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/?p=3161"},"modified":"2013-04-16T09:57:59","modified_gmt":"2013-04-16T13:57:59","slug":"today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/13\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii\/","title":{"rendered":"Today: 26.2 miles of smiles… Part II."},"content":{"rendered":"<p>If you like to do things in order (you’re probably one of those people who reads the directions), and you’re wondering what happened to the first 20 miles, <a title=\"Today: 26.2 miles of smiles\u2026 Part\u00a0I.\" href=\"https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/12\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-i\/\" target=\"_blank\">feel free to start with Part I<\/a>. Or maybe you just want to dive in, you wild thing, you.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\"><em>Here we go again.<\/em> I’m guessing I misjudged my mileage in Part I, because I seem to have omitted the Animal Kingdom entirely. \u00a0Maybe I was high. \u00a0You know, with runner’s high? \u00a0Or maybe I just can’t handle simple math. \u00a0To make up for my error, here’s a photo of me, awkwardly posing with Chip and Dale.<\/p>\n<figure id=\"attachment_3164\" aria-describedby=\"caption-attachment-3164\" style=\"width: 600px\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><a href=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/img_7365.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-3164\" title=\"IMG_7365\" alt=\"\" src=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/img_7365.jpg\" width=\"600\" height=\"450\" srcset=\"https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7365.jpg 1600w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7365-300x225.jpg 300w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7365-1024x768.jpg 1024w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7365-400x300.jpg 400w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px\" \/><\/a><figcaption id=\"caption-attachment-3164\" class=\"wp-caption-text\">10 points if you know which one is which.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<p>The route through the Animal Kingdom was shady (in a good way), and offered a welcomed break from the heat. \u00a0Our little Southie team planned to visit that park the following day– marathon finishers got free admission, so it was nice to get a preview. \u00a0I even got to see some live monkeys!<\/p>\n<figure id=\"attachment_3165\" aria-describedby=\"caption-attachment-3165\" style=\"width: 600px\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><a href=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/img_7366.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-3165\" title=\"IMG_7366\" alt=\"\" src=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/img_7366.jpg\" width=\"600\" height=\"450\" srcset=\"https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7366.jpg 1600w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7366-300x225.jpg 300w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7366-1024x768.jpg 1024w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7366-400x300.jpg 400w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px\" \/><\/a><figcaption id=\"caption-attachment-3165\" class=\"wp-caption-text\">What an unhelpful photo.\u00a0 The monkey’s in the center-right.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<p>Soon we were back on the road. \u00a0As I neared <strong>Mile 21<\/strong>, a bit of panic set it. \u00a0Our training plan maxed out at 20 miles, so I was entering uncharted territory. \u00a0Would I hit the proverbial wall? \u00a0Would I die, you know, like <a href=\"http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Pheidippides\" target=\"_blank\">that fabled Greek soldier<\/a>, the second I crossed the finish line? \u00a0I really wasn’t sure what to expect. \u00a0Mostly because I didn’t study the course map very well.<\/p>\n<figure id=\"attachment_3172\" aria-describedby=\"caption-attachment-3172\" style=\"width: 500px\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><a href=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/disney-marathon-map.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-3172\" title=\"Disney Marathon Map\" alt=\"\" src=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/disney-marathon-map.jpg\" width=\"500\" height=\"497\" srcset=\"https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/disney-marathon-map.jpg 500w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/disney-marathon-map-150x150.jpg 150w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/disney-marathon-map-300x298.jpg 300w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/disney-marathon-map-301x300.jpg 301w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px\" \/><\/a><figcaption id=\"caption-attachment-3172\" class=\"wp-caption-text\">Disney has a way of making even physical pain look cute!<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<p>Whoever said that Disney is the happiest place on Earth was clearly unfamiliar with\u00a0<strong>Miles 20 and 21<\/strong> of the Walt Disney World Marathon, an out-and-back stretch of highway. \u00a0I had no idea how far out I’d have to run before the hairpin turnaround, and considered laying down on the pavement so I could be trampled and henceforth have a legitimate excuse to seek medical attention. \u00a0But there were people watching. \u00a0And I think that sort of behavior is general frowned upon. \u00a0So I kept running, and I kept smiling (like a maniacal freak person).<\/p>\n<figure id=\"attachment_3162\" aria-describedby=\"caption-attachment-3162\" style=\"width: 600px\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><a href=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/img_7368.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-3162\" title=\"IMG_7368\" alt=\"\" src=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/img_7368.jpg\" width=\"600\" height=\"712\" srcset=\"https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7368.jpg 651w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7368-252x300.jpg 252w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px\" \/><\/a><figcaption id=\"caption-attachment-3162\" class=\"wp-caption-text\">Sarge from Toy Story and Elizabeth from Weirdo Story.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\"><strong>Nearing Mile 22<\/strong>, we climbed an on-ramp and I was once again thankful to have been training in our hilly neighborhood. \u00a0Sarge from Toy Story was yelling to runners, “Climb that hill, civilians! \u00a0Double-time it!” \u00a0It was nice to see that I wasn’t the only person on the course wearing makeup. \u00a0There was no line, so I took a mini-hill break for a photo.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">I worried that I had begun hallucinating when an accordion band, people jumping on a trampoline, and a woman holding an owl started popping up along the side of the road.\u00a0 Scrolling through my digicam, there seems to be no photographic evidence of any of these… so maybe I was hallucinating.\u00a0 Can anyone confirm or deny?<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">I\u00a0 barely used my iPod at all, listening only to a bit of Michael Jackson during the long stretches of highway. \u00a0Shortly after stalking Sarge however, there were speakers along the road playing “Sweet Caroline” over and over and over. \u00a0I love the Red Sox (and Neil Diamond, sort of) as much as the next girl, but this was a bit much. \u00a0I tried to drown Neil out with my own music, and subsequently went deaf for a minute or two.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">I’m sorry, did you say something?<\/p>\n<figure id=\"attachment_3163\" aria-describedby=\"caption-attachment-3163\" style=\"width: 600px\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><a href=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/img_7369.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-3163\" title=\"IMG_7369\" alt=\"\" src=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/img_7369.jpg\" width=\"600\" height=\"603\" srcset=\"https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7369.jpg 1133w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7369-150x150.jpg 150w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7369-298x300.jpg 298w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7369-1017x1024.jpg 1017w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px\" \/><\/a><figcaption id=\"caption-attachment-3163\" class=\"wp-caption-text\">This photo is surely a Code Orange on the Spandex Terror Index.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\"><strong>Mile 23<\/strong> brought us through Disney’s Hollywood Studios. \u00a0While standing in line for the photo above, a woman asked me who I was running for. \u00a0She was <a href=\"http:\/\/www.parentprojectmd.org\/site\/PageNavigator\/A_Marathon_Home\" target=\"_blank\">running for her son<\/a>. \u00a0I could feel the tide of emotion rising and wondered if I’d be able to keep it together for the last few miles.\u00a0 Then I was distracted by a group of tourists taking a bunch of pictures of me, standing in line… \u00a0That didn’t strike me as odd until just now.<\/p>\n<figure id=\"attachment_3168\" aria-describedby=\"caption-attachment-3168\" style=\"width: 600px\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><a href=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/img_7370.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-3168\" title=\"IMG_7370\" alt=\"\" src=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/img_7370.jpg\" width=\"600\" height=\"800\" srcset=\"https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7370.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7370-225x300.jpg 225w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7370-768x1024.jpg 768w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px\" \/><\/a><figcaption id=\"caption-attachment-3168\" class=\"wp-caption-text\">New York City, Florida.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">The route\u00a0 took us through the behind-the-scenes and costuming areas, which was rather cool. \u00a0I knew my friends Kristine and Christie, who ran the half marathon the day before (wahoo!), were planning to be in the park, so I kept an eye out as I came around each corner and tried to look as alive and well as possible.<\/p>\n<figure id=\"attachment_3173\" aria-describedby=\"caption-attachment-3173\" style=\"width: 600px\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><a href=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/047.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-3173\" title=\"047\" alt=\"\" src=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/047.jpg\" width=\"600\" height=\"400\" \/><\/a><figcaption id=\"caption-attachment-3173\" class=\"wp-caption-text\">These half-marathoners are fully awesome.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">Shortly before exiting Hollywood Studios, an older woman called out, “Thank you, Elizabeth” in a voice that rang out above all the others. \u00a0Later, my teammate Amy would mention that same woman– she was thanking every Team member as they passed her. \u00a0I burst into tears. \u00a0Fortunately, there was a little narrow curve that took us behind a building before the next cheering section, providing just enough time to catch my breath and stabilize (a little). \u00a0Though I was still running, albeit at the speed of an injured slug, and my body felt strong, at this point I was emotionally exhausted.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">As I rounded the corner, a TNT coach whom I had seen earlier on in the course called out, “Great to see you still smiling, Elizabeth!” and I couldn’t help but laugh. \u00a0I was ready to be done. \u00a0I exited Hollywood Studios and worried that I had run right past Kristine and Christie. \u00a0And then I saw them, about a quarter mile away, standing on a bench. \u00a0I started waving frantically and suddenly had the energy to sprint up to them. \u00a0<del>Man<\/del> Women, that was exactly what I needed. \u00a0Thank you!<\/p>\n<figure id=\"attachment_3169\" aria-describedby=\"caption-attachment-3169\" style=\"width: 600px\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><a href=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/img_7371.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-3169\" title=\"IMG_7371\" alt=\"\" src=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/img_7371.jpg\" width=\"600\" height=\"422\" srcset=\"https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7371.jpg 1309w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7371-300x211.jpg 300w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7371-1024x721.jpg 1024w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/img_7371-425x300.jpg 425w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px\" \/><\/a><figcaption id=\"caption-attachment-3169\" class=\"wp-caption-text\">So close… yet so necessary to document.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">I spent the <strong>last two miles<\/strong> in the proverbial zone. \u00a0I remember running along the Boardwalk and through Epcot, but it was pretty much a blur. \u00a0As much as I felt like I had been running forever, it was hard to believe I was nearly done. \u00a0I stopped to have my photo taken at <strong>Mile 26<\/strong>, which in retrospect seems basically demented.\u00a0 Why stop now?\u00a0 I could hear the crowds cheering, but um… I sort of didn’t want it to be over.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">\n<figure id=\"attachment_3175\" aria-describedby=\"caption-attachment-3175\" style=\"width: 600px\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><a href=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/medals.jpg\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-3175\" title=\"Medals\" alt=\"\" src=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/medals.jpg\" width=\"600\" height=\"450\" srcset=\"https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/medals.jpg 720w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/medals-300x225.jpg 300w, https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/medals-400x300.jpg 400w\" sizes=\"auto, (max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px\" \/><\/a><figcaption id=\"caption-attachment-3175\" class=\"wp-caption-text\">South Boston Victory Tour 2011.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">After a quick right hand turn, the finish line was before me. \u00a0There were people clapping and yelling, a Gospel choir singing, and… it was over. \u00a0Before I knew it, there was a medal around my neck and an over-sized piece of tinfoil being wrapped around my shoulders.\u00a0 I am a marathoner.\u00a0 I got to the finish line, <a title=\"Today: I get by with a little help from my\u00a0friends.\" href=\"https:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/11\/today-i-get-by-with-a-little-help-from-my-friends\/\">with a lot of help from my friends<\/a>.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">A few final (um… until I start talking about this again) thoughts on the experience:<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>The marathon is a gift you give yourself.<\/strong> Like most experiences in life, you get out of it what you put into it… but I hobbled away from the marathon feeling like I had hit the jackpot.\u00a0 I learned a lot about myself during those hours on my feet, and over the course of our training.\u00a0 I proved to myself that I can do something pretty incredible.\u00a0\u00a0 I overcame physical weakness with emotional strength I didn’t know I had.\u00a0 And on top of that, I had a really, really good time (as in experience, not clock time… obvi).<\/li>\n<li><strong>The marathon is a gift your fellow runners give you<\/strong>.\u00a0 Unlike 5k or 10k races, people actually talk to one another during a marathon.\u00a0 The “we’re all in this together” spirit is pretty unbelievable.\u00a0 My marathon experience feels sort of like a quilt of people sewn together.\u00a0 It boasts patches of Endorphin Dude, TNT runners from chapters across the country, and a leukemia survivor from Long Island that I was blessed to run alongside for a quarter mile or so.\u00a0 These people gave me laughter, inspiration, and courage.<\/li>\n<li><strong>Running a marathon is hard. <\/strong>That’s sort of the point<strong>. <\/strong>There were moments that broke my heart, and miles that nearly broke my legs.\u00a0 There were times when I wanted to quit, and felt so sick that I worried I would have to quit.\u00a0 But nothing– nothing– can compare to the overwhelming joy I felt when being thanked by a spectator, encouraged by a coach or fellow runner, and having a big, fat medal draped around my neck.\u00a0 I did it.\u00a0 And if I can do it, you can too.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p>I am so thankful for all the kind words, and I appreciate your letting me share this experience.\u00a0 And I am sorry for the Spandex photos.\u00a0 Very, very sorry.<\/p>\n<p>Also <strong>On Tap for Today<\/strong>:<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"http:\/\/www.cnn.com\/2011\/TRAVEL\/01\/13\/winter.storm\/index.html?hpt=C1\" target=\"_blank\">Breaking out the wellies<\/a><\/li>\n<li>From the Globe: <a href=\"http:\/\/www.boston.com\/community\/pets\/photos\/dogs_in_snow\/?p1=News_links#\/item-8904\" target=\"_blank\">Puppies in the snow!<\/a><\/li>\n<li>Must get to the grocery store… or eat pickles for dinner<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p><strong>What’s your big goal for 2011?\u00a0 I need a new challenge to take on. \ud83d\ude42<\/strong><\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: left;\">\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"<p>If you like to do things in order (you’re probably one of those people who reads the directions), and you’re wondering what happened to the first 20 miles, feel free to start with Part I. Or maybe you just want to dive in, you wild thing, you. Here we go again. I’m guessing I misjudged my mileage in Part I, because I seem to have omitted the Animal Kingdom entirely. \u00a0Maybe I was high. \u00a0You know, with runner’s high? \u00a0Or maybe I just can’t handle simple math. \u00a0To make up for my error, here’s a photo of me, awkwardly posing with Chip and Dale. The route through the Animal Kingdom was shady (in a good way), and offered a welcomed break from the heat. \u00a0Our little Southie team planned to visit that park the following day– marathon finishers got free admission, so it was nice to get a preview. \u00a0I even got to see some live monkeys! Soon we were back on the road. \u00a0As I neared Mile 21, a bit of panic set it. \u00a0Our training plan maxed out at 20 miles, so I was entering uncharted territory. \u00a0Would I hit the proverbial wall? \u00a0Would I die, you know, like that fabled Greek soldier, the second I crossed the finish line? \u00a0I really wasn’t sure what to expect. \u00a0Mostly because I didn’t study the course map very well. Whoever said that Disney is the happiest place on Earth was clearly unfamiliar with\u00a0Miles 20 and 21 of the Walt Disney World Marathon, an out-and-back stretch of highway. \u00a0I had no idea how far out I’d have to run before the hairpin turnaround, and considered laying down on the pavement so I could be trampled and henceforth have a legitimate excuse to seek medical attention. \u00a0But there were people watching. \u00a0And I think that sort of behavior is general frowned upon. \u00a0So I kept running, and I kept smiling (like a maniacal freak person). Nearing Mile 22, we climbed an on-ramp and I was once again thankful to have been training in our hilly neighborhood. \u00a0Sarge from Toy Story was yelling to runners, “Climb that hill, civilians! \u00a0Double-time it!” \u00a0It was nice to see that I wasn’t the only person on the course wearing makeup. \u00a0There was no line, so I took a mini-hill break for a photo. I worried that I had begun hallucinating when an accordion band, people jumping on a trampoline, and a woman holding an owl started popping up along the side of the road.\u00a0 Scrolling through my digicam, there seems to be no photographic evidence of any of these… so maybe I was hallucinating.\u00a0 Can anyone confirm or deny? I\u00a0 barely used my iPod at all, listening only to a bit of Michael Jackson during the long stretches of highway. \u00a0Shortly after stalking Sarge however, there were speakers along the road playing “Sweet Caroline” over and over and over. \u00a0I love the Red Sox (and Neil Diamond, sort of) as much as the next girl, but this was a bit much. \u00a0I tried to drown Neil out with my own music, and subsequently went deaf for a minute or two. I’m sorry, did you say something? Mile 23 brought us through Disney’s Hollywood Studios. \u00a0While standing in line for the photo above, a woman asked me who I was running for. \u00a0She was running for her son. \u00a0I could feel the tide of emotion rising and wondered if I’d be able to keep it together for the last few miles.\u00a0 Then I was distracted by a group of tourists taking a bunch of pictures of me, standing in line… \u00a0That didn’t strike me as odd until just now. The route\u00a0 took us through the behind-the-scenes and costuming areas, which was rather cool. \u00a0I knew my friends Kristine and Christie, who ran the half marathon the day before (wahoo!), were planning to be in the park, so I kept an eye out as I came around each corner and tried to look as alive and well as possible. Shortly before exiting Hollywood Studios, an older woman called out, “Thank you, Elizabeth” in a voice that rang out above all the others. \u00a0Later, my teammate Amy would mention that same woman– she was thanking every Team member as they passed her. \u00a0I burst into tears. \u00a0Fortunately, there was a little narrow curve that took us behind a building before the next cheering section, providing just enough time to catch my breath and stabilize (a little). \u00a0Though I was still running, albeit at the speed of an injured slug, and my body felt strong, at this point I was emotionally exhausted. As I rounded the corner, a TNT coach whom I had seen earlier on in the course called out, “Great to see you still smiling, Elizabeth!” and I couldn’t help but laugh. \u00a0I was ready to be done. \u00a0I exited Hollywood Studios and worried that I had run right past Kristine and Christie. \u00a0And then I saw them, about a quarter mile away, standing on a bench. \u00a0I started waving frantically and suddenly had the energy to sprint up to them. \u00a0Man Women, that was exactly what I needed. \u00a0Thank you! I spent the last two miles in the proverbial zone. \u00a0I remember running along the Boardwalk and through Epcot, but it was pretty much a blur. \u00a0As much as I felt like I had been running forever, it was hard to believe I was nearly done. \u00a0I stopped to have my photo taken at Mile 26, which in retrospect seems basically demented.\u00a0 Why stop now?\u00a0 I could hear the crowds cheering, but um… I sort of didn’t want it to be over. After a quick right hand turn, the finish line was before me. \u00a0There were people clapping and yelling, a Gospel choir singing, and… it was over. \u00a0Before I knew it, there was a medal around my neck and an over-sized piece of tinfoil being wrapped around my shoulders.\u00a0 I am a marathoner.\u00a0 I got […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"wprm-recipe-roundup-name":"","wprm-recipe-roundup-description":"","footnotes":""},"categories":[8,10],"tags":[245,345,423,486,1289,759],"class_list":["post-3161","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","hentry","category-humans","category-physical-education","tag-disney","tag-goals","tag-inspiration","tag-marathon","tag-running","tag-team-in-training"],"acf":[],"yoast_head":"<!-- This site is optimized with the Yoast SEO plugin v23.7 - https:\/\/yoast.com\/wordpress\/plugins\/seo\/ -->\n<title>Today: 26.2 miles of smiles... Part II. - ON TAP FOR TODAY<\/title>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/13\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_US\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"Today: 26.2 miles of smiles... Part II. - ON TAP FOR TODAY\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"If you like to do things in order (you’re probably one of those people who reads the directions), and you’re wondering what happened to the first 20 miles, feel free to start with Part I. Or maybe you just want to dive in, you wild thing, you. Here we go again. I’m guessing I misjudged my mileage in Part I, because I seem to have omitted the Animal Kingdom entirely. \u00a0Maybe I was high. \u00a0You know, with runner’s high? \u00a0Or maybe I just can’t handle simple math. \u00a0To make up for my error, here’s a photo of me, awkwardly posing with Chip and Dale. The route through the Animal Kingdom was shady (in a good way), and offered a welcomed break from the heat. \u00a0Our little Southie team planned to visit that park the following day– marathon finishers got free admission, so it was nice to get a preview. \u00a0I even got to see some live monkeys! Soon we were back on the road. \u00a0As I neared Mile 21, a bit of panic set it. \u00a0Our training plan maxed out at 20 miles, so I was entering uncharted territory. \u00a0Would I hit the proverbial wall? \u00a0Would I die, you know, like that fabled Greek soldier, the second I crossed the finish line? \u00a0I really wasn’t sure what to expect. \u00a0Mostly because I didn’t study the course map very well. Whoever said that Disney is the happiest place on Earth was clearly unfamiliar with\u00a0Miles 20 and 21 of the Walt Disney World Marathon, an out-and-back stretch of highway. \u00a0I had no idea how far out I’d have to run before the hairpin turnaround, and considered laying down on the pavement so I could be trampled and henceforth have a legitimate excuse to seek medical attention. \u00a0But there were people watching. \u00a0And I think that sort of behavior is general frowned upon. \u00a0So I kept running, and I kept smiling (like a maniacal freak person). Nearing Mile 22, we climbed an on-ramp and I was once again thankful to have been training in our hilly neighborhood. \u00a0Sarge from Toy Story was yelling to runners, “Climb that hill, civilians! \u00a0Double-time it!” \u00a0It was nice to see that I wasn’t the only person on the course wearing makeup. \u00a0There was no line, so I took a mini-hill break for a photo. I worried that I had begun hallucinating when an accordion band, people jumping on a trampoline, and a woman holding an owl started popping up along the side of the road.\u00a0 Scrolling through my digicam, there seems to be no photographic evidence of any of these… so maybe I was hallucinating.\u00a0 Can anyone confirm or deny? I\u00a0 barely used my iPod at all, listening only to a bit of Michael Jackson during the long stretches of highway. \u00a0Shortly after stalking Sarge however, there were speakers along the road playing “Sweet Caroline” over and over and over. \u00a0I love the Red Sox (and Neil Diamond, sort of) as much as the next girl, but this was a bit much. \u00a0I tried to drown Neil out with my own music, and subsequently went deaf for a minute or two. I’m sorry, did you say something? Mile 23 brought us through Disney’s Hollywood Studios. \u00a0While standing in line for the photo above, a woman asked me who I was running for. \u00a0She was running for her son. \u00a0I could feel the tide of emotion rising and wondered if I’d be able to keep it together for the last few miles.\u00a0 Then I was distracted by a group of tourists taking a bunch of pictures of me, standing in line… \u00a0That didn’t strike me as odd until just now. The route\u00a0 took us through the behind-the-scenes and costuming areas, which was rather cool. \u00a0I knew my friends Kristine and Christie, who ran the half marathon the day before (wahoo!), were planning to be in the park, so I kept an eye out as I came around each corner and tried to look as alive and well as possible. Shortly before exiting Hollywood Studios, an older woman called out, “Thank you, Elizabeth” in a voice that rang out above all the others. \u00a0Later, my teammate Amy would mention that same woman– she was thanking every Team member as they passed her. \u00a0I burst into tears. \u00a0Fortunately, there was a little narrow curve that took us behind a building before the next cheering section, providing just enough time to catch my breath and stabilize (a little). \u00a0Though I was still running, albeit at the speed of an injured slug, and my body felt strong, at this point I was emotionally exhausted. As I rounded the corner, a TNT coach whom I had seen earlier on in the course called out, “Great to see you still smiling, Elizabeth!” and I couldn’t help but laugh. \u00a0I was ready to be done. \u00a0I exited Hollywood Studios and worried that I had run right past Kristine and Christie. \u00a0And then I saw them, about a quarter mile away, standing on a bench. \u00a0I started waving frantically and suddenly had the energy to sprint up to them. \u00a0Man Women, that was exactly what I needed. \u00a0Thank you! I spent the last two miles in the proverbial zone. \u00a0I remember running along the Boardwalk and through Epcot, but it was pretty much a blur. \u00a0As much as I felt like I had been running forever, it was hard to believe I was nearly done. \u00a0I stopped to have my photo taken at Mile 26, which in retrospect seems basically demented.\u00a0 Why stop now?\u00a0 I could hear the crowds cheering, but um… I sort of didn’t want it to be over. After a quick right hand turn, the finish line was before me. \u00a0There were people clapping and yelling, a Gospel choir singing, and… it was over. \u00a0Before I knew it, there was a medal around my neck and an over-sized piece of tinfoil being wrapped around my shoulders.\u00a0 I am a marathoner.\u00a0 I got […]\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:url\" content=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/13\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:site_name\" content=\"ON TAP FOR TODAY\" \/>\n<meta property=\"article:publisher\" content=\"https:\/\/facebook.com\/ontapfortoday\" \/>\n<meta property=\"article:author\" content=\"https:\/\/facebook.com\/ontapfortoday\" \/>\n<meta property=\"article:published_time\" content=\"2011-01-13T14:41:08+00:00\" \/>\n<meta property=\"article:modified_time\" content=\"2013-04-16T13:57:59+00:00\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/img_7365.jpg\" \/>\n<meta name=\"author\" content=\"Elizabeth\" \/>\n<meta name=\"twitter:label1\" content=\"Written by\" \/>\n\t<meta name=\"twitter:data1\" content=\"Elizabeth\" \/>\n\t<meta name=\"twitter:label2\" content=\"Est. reading time\" \/>\n\t<meta name=\"twitter:data2\" content=\"7 minutes\" \/>\n<script type=\"application\/ld+json\" class=\"yoast-schema-graph\">{\"@context\":\"https:\/\/schema.org\",\"@graph\":[{\"@type\":\"Article\",\"@id\":\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/13\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii\/#article\",\"isPartOf\":{\"@id\":\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/13\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii\/\"},\"author\":{\"name\":\"Elizabeth\",\"@id\":\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/#\/schema\/person\/e02c7fdfd3cf926a958bfbedc26644cc\"},\"headline\":\"Today: 26.2 miles of smiles… Part II.\",\"datePublished\":\"2011-01-13T14:41:08+00:00\",\"dateModified\":\"2013-04-16T13:57:59+00:00\",\"mainEntityOfPage\":{\"@id\":\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/13\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii\/\"},\"wordCount\":1502,\"commentCount\":25,\"publisher\":{\"@id\":\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/#\/schema\/person\/e02c7fdfd3cf926a958bfbedc26644cc\"},\"image\":{\"@id\":\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/13\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii\/#primaryimage\"},\"thumbnailUrl\":\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/img_7365.jpg\",\"keywords\":[\"Disney\",\"goals\",\"inspiration\",\"marathon\",\"Running\",\"Team in Training\"],\"articleSection\":[\"Humans\",\"Physical Education\"],\"inLanguage\":\"en-US\",\"potentialAction\":[{\"@type\":\"CommentAction\",\"name\":\"Comment\",\"target\":[\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/13\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii\/#respond\"]}]},{\"@type\":\"WebPage\",\"@id\":\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/13\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii\/\",\"url\":\"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/13\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii\/\",\"name\":\"Today: 26.2 miles of smiles... 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Part II. - ON TAP FOR TODAY","robots":{"index":"index","follow":"follow","max-snippet":"max-snippet:-1","max-image-preview":"max-image-preview:large","max-video-preview":"max-video-preview:-1"},"canonical":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/13\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii\/","og_locale":"en_US","og_type":"article","og_title":"Today: 26.2 miles of smiles... Part II. - ON TAP FOR TODAY","og_description":"If you like to do things in order (you’re probably one of those people who reads the directions), and you’re wondering what happened to the first 20 miles, feel free to start with Part I. Or maybe you just want to dive in, you wild thing, you. Here we go again. I’m guessing I misjudged my mileage in Part I, because I seem to have omitted the Animal Kingdom entirely. \u00a0Maybe I was high. \u00a0You know, with runner’s high? \u00a0Or maybe I just can’t handle simple math. \u00a0To make up for my error, here’s a photo of me, awkwardly posing with Chip and Dale. The route through the Animal Kingdom was shady (in a good way), and offered a welcomed break from the heat. \u00a0Our little Southie team planned to visit that park the following day– marathon finishers got free admission, so it was nice to get a preview. \u00a0I even got to see some live monkeys! Soon we were back on the road. \u00a0As I neared Mile 21, a bit of panic set it. \u00a0Our training plan maxed out at 20 miles, so I was entering uncharted territory. \u00a0Would I hit the proverbial wall? \u00a0Would I die, you know, like that fabled Greek soldier, the second I crossed the finish line? \u00a0I really wasn’t sure what to expect. \u00a0Mostly because I didn’t study the course map very well. Whoever said that Disney is the happiest place on Earth was clearly unfamiliar with\u00a0Miles 20 and 21 of the Walt Disney World Marathon, an out-and-back stretch of highway. \u00a0I had no idea how far out I’d have to run before the hairpin turnaround, and considered laying down on the pavement so I could be trampled and henceforth have a legitimate excuse to seek medical attention. \u00a0But there were people watching. \u00a0And I think that sort of behavior is general frowned upon. \u00a0So I kept running, and I kept smiling (like a maniacal freak person). Nearing Mile 22, we climbed an on-ramp and I was once again thankful to have been training in our hilly neighborhood. \u00a0Sarge from Toy Story was yelling to runners, “Climb that hill, civilians! \u00a0Double-time it!” \u00a0It was nice to see that I wasn’t the only person on the course wearing makeup. \u00a0There was no line, so I took a mini-hill break for a photo. I worried that I had begun hallucinating when an accordion band, people jumping on a trampoline, and a woman holding an owl started popping up along the side of the road.\u00a0 Scrolling through my digicam, there seems to be no photographic evidence of any of these… so maybe I was hallucinating.\u00a0 Can anyone confirm or deny? I\u00a0 barely used my iPod at all, listening only to a bit of Michael Jackson during the long stretches of highway. \u00a0Shortly after stalking Sarge however, there were speakers along the road playing “Sweet Caroline” over and over and over. \u00a0I love the Red Sox (and Neil Diamond, sort of) as much as the next girl, but this was a bit much. \u00a0I tried to drown Neil out with my own music, and subsequently went deaf for a minute or two. I’m sorry, did you say something? Mile 23 brought us through Disney’s Hollywood Studios. \u00a0While standing in line for the photo above, a woman asked me who I was running for. \u00a0She was running for her son. \u00a0I could feel the tide of emotion rising and wondered if I’d be able to keep it together for the last few miles.\u00a0 Then I was distracted by a group of tourists taking a bunch of pictures of me, standing in line… \u00a0That didn’t strike me as odd until just now. The route\u00a0 took us through the behind-the-scenes and costuming areas, which was rather cool. \u00a0I knew my friends Kristine and Christie, who ran the half marathon the day before (wahoo!), were planning to be in the park, so I kept an eye out as I came around each corner and tried to look as alive and well as possible. Shortly before exiting Hollywood Studios, an older woman called out, “Thank you, Elizabeth” in a voice that rang out above all the others. \u00a0Later, my teammate Amy would mention that same woman– she was thanking every Team member as they passed her. \u00a0I burst into tears. \u00a0Fortunately, there was a little narrow curve that took us behind a building before the next cheering section, providing just enough time to catch my breath and stabilize (a little). \u00a0Though I was still running, albeit at the speed of an injured slug, and my body felt strong, at this point I was emotionally exhausted. As I rounded the corner, a TNT coach whom I had seen earlier on in the course called out, “Great to see you still smiling, Elizabeth!” and I couldn’t help but laugh. \u00a0I was ready to be done. \u00a0I exited Hollywood Studios and worried that I had run right past Kristine and Christie. \u00a0And then I saw them, about a quarter mile away, standing on a bench. \u00a0I started waving frantically and suddenly had the energy to sprint up to them. \u00a0Man Women, that was exactly what I needed. \u00a0Thank you! I spent the last two miles in the proverbial zone. \u00a0I remember running along the Boardwalk and through Epcot, but it was pretty much a blur. \u00a0As much as I felt like I had been running forever, it was hard to believe I was nearly done. \u00a0I stopped to have my photo taken at Mile 26, which in retrospect seems basically demented.\u00a0 Why stop now?\u00a0 I could hear the crowds cheering, but um… I sort of didn’t want it to be over. After a quick right hand turn, the finish line was before me. \u00a0There were people clapping and yelling, a Gospel choir singing, and… it was over. \u00a0Before I knew it, there was a medal around my neck and an over-sized piece of tinfoil being wrapped around my shoulders.\u00a0 I am a marathoner.\u00a0 I got […]","og_url":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/13\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii\/","og_site_name":"ON TAP FOR TODAY","article_publisher":"https:\/\/facebook.com\/ontapfortoday","article_author":"https:\/\/facebook.com\/ontapfortoday","article_published_time":"2011-01-13T14:41:08+00:00","article_modified_time":"2013-04-16T13:57:59+00:00","og_image":[{"url":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/img_7365.jpg"}],"author":"Elizabeth","twitter_misc":{"Written by":"Elizabeth","Est. reading time":"7 minutes"},"schema":{"@context":"https:\/\/schema.org","@graph":[{"@type":"Article","@id":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/13\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii\/#article","isPartOf":{"@id":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/13\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii\/"},"author":{"name":"Elizabeth","@id":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/#\/schema\/person\/e02c7fdfd3cf926a958bfbedc26644cc"},"headline":"Today: 26.2 miles of smiles… Part II.","datePublished":"2011-01-13T14:41:08+00:00","dateModified":"2013-04-16T13:57:59+00:00","mainEntityOfPage":{"@id":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/13\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii\/"},"wordCount":1502,"commentCount":25,"publisher":{"@id":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/#\/schema\/person\/e02c7fdfd3cf926a958bfbedc26644cc"},"image":{"@id":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/13\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii\/#primaryimage"},"thumbnailUrl":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com\/2011\/01\/img_7365.jpg","keywords":["Disney","goals","inspiration","marathon","Running","Team in Training"],"articleSection":["Humans","Physical Education"],"inLanguage":"en-US","potentialAction":[{"@type":"CommentAction","name":"Comment","target":["http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/13\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii\/#respond"]}]},{"@type":"WebPage","@id":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/13\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii\/","url":"http:\/\/ontapfortoday.com\/2011\/01\/13\/today-26-2-miles-of-smiles-part-ii\/","name":"Today: 26.2 miles of smiles... 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