Am I writing a soap opera, or introducing you to my houseplants… it could go either way. Like sands through the hourglass, these are… all my plant children. Firstly, my Monstera (Monstera deliciosa, if we’re getting specific slash Latin) . I bought this little (now giant) guy at Star Market in Dorchester for $10 in 2016– sometimes a girl just gets lucky. Something I wish I didn’t know: Monsteras are…
The Clean Up | My favorite non-toxic cleaning products including the scoop on Branch Basics
When it comes to home keeping skills, I’d say mine just very, very slightly above average. And if we didn’t have the luxury of a bi-weekly cleaning service, well… I don’t want to imagine what our condo would look like. Also, I am highly motivated…
Today: Get ready for some football!
I thought maybe I was a football widow, until inferred from Wikipedia that that was inherently a bad thing. I should probably clarify that no, I did not get married and no, Nick did not get mowed down by an errant pigskin. But yes, I…