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	<title>Mother Nature Archives - ON TAP FOR TODAY</title>
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	<description>fun loving, inspired living</description>
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	<title>Mother Nature Archives - ON TAP FOR TODAY</title>
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		<title>Today: Find out who&#8217;ll stop the rain.</title>
		<pubDate>Thu, 25 Jun 2009 00:37:12 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[Mother Nature]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[old people]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://ontapfortoday.wordpress.com/?p=14</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[<p>It&#8217;s been raining, it&#8217;s been pouring. And man, has it been boring. And a little creepy. Today I left a meeting and was walking back to the office. I was wearing sandals, much to the concern of a group of construction professionals. Construction worker 1: Honey, I got a towel. Can I dry off your feet? Construction workers 2-7: [gaggle erupts in giggles, high fives ensue, stereotypes of the construction work break live to die another day.] I suppose, given the lack of a proper shoe, my feet were wet. It&#8217;s been raining for 19 of the past 23 days. Everything is wet. The other footwear in my closet is probably wet. I don&#8217;t even know. I thought about replying in kind with an offer to shove the aforementioned towel in a place where the sun don&#8217;t shine. But on second thought, that place seems to be very much here, so I doubted it would prove any point similar to, Your offer, kind sir, is altogether inappropriate. The weather has succeeded in watering down my snark, and let&#8217;s not even talk about my hair. So I played undisturbed and scurried on. In my haste to escape, I nearly lost a sandal. And then I accidentally hip-checked an old man. He looked up, smiling (did I imagine this, or was he impervious to the rain?). &#8220;Good morning, miss,&#8221; he said. And I felt suddenly sunny.  Incidentally, when I was younger, I thought the lyrics were &#8220;And I wonder, still I wonder, who&#8217;s Doctor Strraaaange.&#8221;  Can&#8217;t win &#8217;em all. Also On Tap For Today: Reschedule MFA visit with my mentee for a sunnier day Read NYT article about running and sleep How are you, fellow Northeasters, coping with the weather? Did you get one of these yet? Would you ever let a stranger dry your feet?</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://ontapfortoday.com/2009/06/24/today-find-out-wholl-stop-the-rain/">Today: Find out who&#8217;ll stop the rain.</a> appeared first on <a href="https://ontapfortoday.com">ON TAP FOR TODAY</a>.</p>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img data-recalc-dims="1" decoding="async" class="size-medium wp-image-168 alignleft" title="Rain" src="http://ontapfortoday.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/rain.jpg?w=300&#038;resize=210%2C208" alt="Rain" width="210" height="208" /></p>
<p>It&#8217;s been raining, it&#8217;s been pouring.  And man, has it been boring.  And a little creepy.  Today I left a meeting and was walking back to the office.  I was wearing sandals, much to the concern of a group of construction professionals.</p>
<p><strong>Construction worker 1:</strong> Honey, I got a towel.  Can I dry off your feet?                                                                                                                                      <strong></strong></p>
<p><strong>Construction workers 2-7:</strong> [gaggle erupts in giggles, high fives ensue, stereotypes of the construction work break live to die another day.]</p>
<p>I suppose, given the lack of a proper shoe, my feet were wet.  It&#8217;s been raining for 19 of the past 23 days.  Everything is wet.  The other footwear in my closet is probably wet.  I don&#8217;t <em>even</em> know.</p>
<p>I thought about replying in kind with an offer to shove the aforementioned towel in a place where the sun don&#8217;t shine.  But on second thought, that place seems to be very much <em>here</em>, so I doubted it would prove any point similar to, <em>Your offer, kind sir, is altogether inappropriate</em>.   The weather has succeeded in watering down my snark, and let&#8217;s not even talk about my hair.</p>
<p>So I played undisturbed and scurried on.  In my haste to escape, I nearly lost a sandal.  And then I accidentally hip-checked an old man.  He looked up, smiling (did I imagine this, or was he impervious to the rain?).  &#8220;Good morning, miss,&#8221; he said.  And I felt suddenly sunny.  Incidentally, when I was younger, I thought the lyrics were &#8220;And I wonder, still I wonder, who&#8217;s Doctor Strraaaange.&#8221;  Can&#8217;t win &#8217;em all.</p>
<p>Also <em>On Tap For Today</em>:</p>
<li>Reschedule MFA visit with my mentee for a sunnier day</li>
<li>Read <a href="http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/06/17/for-a-better-workout-try-sleep/">NYT article</a> about running and sleep</li>
<p>How are you, fellow Northeasters, coping with the weather?  Did you get one of <a title="Rain Bird" href="http://craziestgadgets.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/fck-the-rain-450x683.jpg">these</a> yet?  Would you ever let a stranger dry your feet?</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://ontapfortoday.com/2009/06/24/today-find-out-wholl-stop-the-rain/">Today: Find out who&#8217;ll stop the rain.</a> appeared first on <a href="https://ontapfortoday.com">ON TAP FOR TODAY</a>.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">14</post-id>	</item>