home improvement

  • Today: My fairy WODmother. {and a Reebok #getafterit giveaway}

    [tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]The downside to being an adult is that when something breaks, you sort of need to fix it (or in many cases, have it fixed… because you don’t always know how to repair machines).  Our water heater peaced it on Monday night, making for several cold showers, one very hot shower taken at my parents’ house, an excessive use of deodorant (I am convinced cold showers do nothing…

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  • Today: North of the border.

    [tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]Sometimes I think I should have been born in Canada.  It would explain my natural affinity for the cold,  general politeness, hockey, the French language (even if oui is pronounced ouais up there), and um… Canadian people. My parents recently returned from a trip to…

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