All is calm, all is bright. This is what I’ve been singing to myself as Duplos fly through the air, dishes pile up in the sink, Clark runs through the living room with a plastic ear of corn from the play kitchen in his mouth, and I realize that I forgot (for the 33rd time) that we are (still) out of olive oil. In a rare quiet moment this week, I…
holiday season
A beautiful Black Friday
It’s Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, and the hunt for the perfect holiday gifts is officially underway. The only door I plan to bust, however, is the one that leads to a walk on the beach. As much as I love the holiday rush,…
Today: A slow and quiet Christmas (and a David’s Tea giveaway!)
If I had it my way, we would have a (childproof) Christmas tree up all year long and we’d live next door to the kind of people who leave a plastic Santa on the roof well into the Spring. There would be an Advent calendar for…