I am fairly certain Target’s bullseye logo has hypnotic powers. It’s impossible to enter and exit that store having purchased only the Neosporin, Chobani, C2 sports bras (love those) and mouthwash you intended to buy. Target is where thoughtful shopping lists go to die, and…
French bulldog
Today: What’s your fun fact?
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]Everyone should have a fun fact or two at the ready. You never know when an elevator might break down or something, forcing you to make pleasant conversation with strangers. This time of year, politics would be a natural go-to, but um… you…
Today: An award-winning weekend.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]It’s been an award-winning weekend in our condohold. We’re still waiting for the results from Saturday morning’s 5k, but Nick likely placed in his age group. I have no idea how I did, mostly because my watch busted at the starting line. And…
Today: Clark weighs in.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]Clark fancies himself an explorer. Whether it’s casually climbing atop the toilet, taking a seat on my laptop, or tiptoeing across the window sill, he is determined to go where no Frenchie has gone before. Today’s adventure? The scale. I was in the…
Today: SBF* seeks BFFL**.
Not normal. Also On Tap for Today: There’s still time to enter the fabulous Stages of Beauty giveaway! Meeting my future lawyer of America sister to give her a Valentine
Obsessing over these Pantone chip cookies If you were seeking a BFFL, what would…
Today: Clark tours Southie in the snow.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false] When Clark and I headed out for his first walk this morning, just before 7 o’clock, the snow had begun to slow. The roads were still quite a mess though, so after wading through a few snow banks in my new bright yellow…
Today: Before and After.
First things first: There will be nearly no substance to this post. In other words, it’ll be just like every other post. Okay. I was sorting through old emails and came across a real gem that I just had to share… a photo from…
Today: Join me, by joining Project Feed Me
Hi. It’s me. So, today’s post was going to be all about our new French Bulldog. I know, I know. I quite literally just posted about wanting a dog, and not knowing how to take care of one. But before you go all PETA on…