Welp, it’s cold (again). It is, after all, January in Boston. I am wearing layers and layers and reminiscing about a much warmer day, no so long ago, when Nick and jumped ship small boat and swam to shore at Devil’s Bay, Virgin Gorda. Perhaps a look at some of the 5,004 photos I took (with my snazzy underwater-friendly Nikon, which I bought as a wedding present… to myself) will…
Today: Honeymoon Greatest Hits – St. John edition
Is it terribly rude to tease you with more photos of the tropics, especially now that it’s winter coat weather in Boston? After scrolling through approximately nine million and four photos from not one, but three cameras (underwater, over-water, and please-don’t-drop-the-iPhone-in-the-water), I’ve got some honeymoon…