Last spring, I had the chance to make a quick visit to the Lorraine Motel and the National Civil Rights Museum while I was walking working in Memphis (more on that here). I was scrolling through pictures from that trip earlier today, and thinking how lucky (I’m wracking my brain for a better word, but my brain isn’t cooperating…) we are to have had people like Dr. King come before…
Today: Ten years later.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]Ten years ago, I was a sophomore at Boston College, settling into my seat in Devlin 008 for Biology. My friend Julie (we had gone to high school together) saved me a spot in the right side of the amphitheater-style room. There were…
Today: Only light can do that.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false] Also On Tap for Today: Reflections from Boston College, where I was a sophomore on September 11, 2001 Sending you all, where ever you may be, love and peace.
Today: Celebrate the New Year
Happy New Year. While New Year’s Day is traditionally celebrated on January 1st, the anxiety of choosing a really good resolution coupled with a hangover and the biting cold of, well, January, doesn’t exactly thrill me. But the start of a new school year? Now…