While I imagine candles were invented out of necessity (you know, like, before an old person invented the Clapper to clap on all the lights in the house), these days, they do more than help us read once the sun’s gone down. For me, lighting a…
Search results: instagram
Today: My favorite vacation photos.
We’ve snuck out of town for some warmer weather. And yes, I know you’re not supposed to tell people you’re away, but let’s be serious: What happens on vacation ends up on Instagram and I can’t resist sharing a good sunset shot. All the important…
Today: Feeding baby, Part I (and a Delta Labs giveaway)
Sort of obvious disclaimer: This post is about breastfeeding. If Google brought you here because you searched for “breasts” and now you’re sorely disappointed and regret clicking through, that’s okay. You do you, boo… no judgement. Slightly less obvious disclaimer: I am not, like, a breastfeeding…
Today: A walk in the woods at Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary.
Thanks to C. Columbus, his holiday and his poor navigation skills (He was headed to India, right? …Also: The same day is celebrated as Native American Day in South Dakota and Indigenous People’s Day in places like Seattle and Minneapolis. These seem like much more worthy holidays.), my…
Today: Making room for creativity.
I first started blogging in 2006 or 2007 because I was feeling a bit stuck and needed a creative outlet that didn’t require expensive supplies or an expansive workspace. I’ve always gravitated toward writing and other forms of expression and thrive when I have projects…
Today: DirtyGirl Mud Run 2014 and being a beginner again.
I’m usually partial to good, clean fun. Mostly because I am lazy and don’t like cleaning up messes. This weekend, however, was a bit of a departure. My sister and I ran our first DirtyGirl 5k on Saturday morning and I swear, I am still…
Today: Feeding the giraffes and stalking the sloths.
Shortly after Nick and I started dating, we made plans to visit the Roger Williams Park Zoo. He’s always loved animals, whereas I’ve always been a little whatever. (This was after a feral cat specifically chose the underside of my car as its final resting…
Today: Summer Bucket List and some sweet shades.
Let’s start with a question: Where did the expression bucket list come from? (Please pause while I Google…) Hmm. Not a fruitful search. Ohhhhh….. it must have something to do with kicking the bucket, and like… things you want to do before that fateful day. One thing…
Today: Blog Tour – My Writing Process
My pal Molly recently invited me to join the My Writing Process blog tour. It’s sort of like a blogger’s chain letter (speaking of, did anyone ever participate in a middle school chain letter that actually worked?), where we talk about… well, our writing process,…