Today: Fall back to reality
This is how I know it’s Fall (even though it isn’t until September 22nd): I wore a sweater today. I am allergic to my allergies. I can’t find a parking spot. Anywhere. There are giant yellow buses. Everywhere. I wore corduroys today. Kidding. The tomatoes…
Today: Add a dash of cinnamon
I still haven’t finished reading Julie & Julia. I find myself skimming and skipping entire paragraphs, and in the meantime have finished two other books. Not a good sign. I loved Julia, but I just can’t seem to fall in love with Julie. I hate…
Today: Detoxify
I have quit Diet Coke. Again. I know what you’re thinking, Heard that before. It’s true, I’ve given up the DC for six or seven Lents, several summers, and a week last October. This time, I mean business. While I love a good caffeine buzz…
Today: Go it alone
According to a Meyers-Briggs personality assessment from late 2002, I am an introvert. And while I’m no hermit, there are some things I like doing alone. And then there are those things I would much prefer to do in the company of a partner-in-crime. Attending…
Today: Break a leg
Once I had a soccer related emergency and went to the hospital. End of post? In your dreams. The people on either side of me in the ER had, respectively, a broken nose and several missing fingers. The second resulted from a man falling out…
Today: Marthacise!
Marthacise isn’t a real word, but Jazzercise is. The two don’t have much in common beyond the –cise suffix and a high level of pep. And thong leotards. After a crash landing on Planet Real Estate, we are on track to not being homeless. While…
Today: Start (and eventually finish) reading a new book.
Also On Tap for Today: Start packing for the big move (wooo!) Make a 4th of July play list Do you have suggestions for good summer reading? Bring ’em on! [Hand-crafted brews.]