Today: It’s good to live by the ocean.
It’s good to live by the ocean.
It’s good to have a place nearby where you can escape from the concrete and pavement, the stress and the worry. It’s good to see where land and sea meet, where the horizon stretches out before you. I like watching the waves move in over the rocks, giving the illusion that the rocks are expanding and contracting. When we were little, we called them breathing rocks. It’s good to remember to breathe.
It’s good to have a place to go, one that you remember from childhood. One that your grandfather frequented when he was a child. I find myself often wondering which places in Southie were his favorites, wishing I had asked him more about things like this. I guess I never imagined I’d be living in his neighborhood one day. And now I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. It’s good to know that you have roots. That you belong somewhere.
When you find yourself thinking too much about your own life, it’s good to look out on the water and see people working. It’s good to see people walking and playing, strolling and chatting. It’s good to know that it’s not all so serious. That even though you get distracted and disconnected and bogged down, you can always refocus and reconnect and lighten up.
It’s good to live by the ocean.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Soccer playoffs 🙂
- Making his and hers (omnivore and herbivore) versions of these little cuties
- There’s still time to
jamwin chia
Where do you go to lighten up?
Comments (5)
February 23, 2012 at 3:59 pm
I love Castle Island!! One of my favorite spots, we even did our engagement photos there 🙂 I’m jealous you live so close! When it gets warmer I’ll go out of my way to drive down there to go running! perhaps a training run date??
February 23, 2012 at 4:45 pm
Yes! Obviously.
February 23, 2012 at 5:12 pm
gorgeous post, my lady!
February 23, 2012 at 7:04 pm
How timely. My Grampa passed away today and now I wish I asked him more. You are right- the ocean is a perfect place to get some perspective.
February 24, 2012 at 10:17 am
Aw, this is so sweet. This sounds dorky, but I love reading to just relax. Nothing calms me more than sitting on the couch with the blanket my mom crocheted for me while I was in college and reading a book and sipping hot tea. I know, I’m an old lady.