Today: Catch Up and Ketchup
Being busy is a good thing, as it often indicates that you’re still alive and employed and maybe even a little bit important. The downside is that sometimes you have trouble squeezing everything in. When this happens, I tend to prioritize based on the following criteria:
Will I get yelled at if I do not show up/complete the task/call this person back? If yes, show/complete/call immediately. If no, will I feel guilty or interpret the non-yeller’s non-yelling as reverse psychology? If still no, still do not do it.
Will I feel better if I skip it (remember those things?!)? If the answer is yes (to the original question, not the question about Skip It), skip it.
I also consider questions such as, Will I get free stuff? Will I advance my career and/or social standing? Will there be puppies there? Will there people present that I want to punch? Will there be people present who want to punch me? Will there be spiked punch?
And then I make my decision. In my head, this process is completed in mere seconds. When I type it out, not so speedy. If I need more than mere seconds, I fake a sneeze or incoming phone call to give myself an extra second or two.
There are also times when I know I need to meet a deadline, or when I have to get gas so that I can stop charting downhill courses to enable coasting to my destination on fumes. And as much as I should do these things, sometimes I just don’t want to. All I want to do is have some fun, just me and Sheryl Crow and our Tuesday Night Music Club.
So tonight, I am going to catch up with some friends over dinner at the Corrib. And by dinner, I mean French fries and half a beer.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Have two pairs of pants hemmed, or grow two inches, whichever happens first
- Watch Top Chef Masters
What do you do when you don’t want to do what you’re supposed to do?
Comments (2)
Big Daddy Boyfriend
July 22, 2009 at 9:35 am
Hmm… now I know why you didn’t answer the first time I called you.
kristine (aka k*twan)
July 24, 2009 at 11:13 am
OMG I had to coast to work the other day! My red “you have no gas light” even went off! Miss you.