A fresh stack of books
Fun-ish fact: This is my 1001st post. And yes, I had to Google “is it 1001st or 1001th?” and then got distracted and went down a very deep grammar rabbit hole, so essentially I’ve grown very little as a blogger (or person) since starting this thing in 2009. Speaking of words, and grammar, and letters and stuff… I’ve got a fresh stack of books on my nightstand and thought I’d share them in case you’re looking to add to your pile.

As the saying goes, why read one book in a reasonable time period with a high level of comprehension and enjoyment, when you can bop among twelve books of varied topics over what amounts to your lifetime on this Earth with a strong likelihood of needing to re-read entire pages, chapters, or… like… the full book in order to retain the high level facts or plot. You know. That old saying.
Cool. Let’s get into this fresh stack of books I mentioned.
- Give a Sh*t: Do Good, Live Better, Safe the Planet by Ashlee Piper // Ashlee Piper’s session at WELL Summit (Sustainability as a Mindfulness Practice) was my favorite of the entire weekend. She shared such helpful information, but also created such a welcoming space for discussion — it felt like a very community-oriented hour. I left with an autographed copy of her new book (also we hugged, and I like to think we are real life friends now) and tore into it as soon as I got back to Boston. It’s truly hilarious… but also truly empowering. I tend to be very all/nothing, and this often keeps me from really embracing new ways of being. Like, what if I can’t be the best at it? Probably shouldn’t try. But Ashlee breaks down sustainable living into manageable steps– guiding us with the kind of advice you’d expect from a great friend (even if you’ve only met once and maybe the other person doesn’t know you’re friends yet).
- Atomic Habits by James Clear // I really enjoy James Clear’s newsletter and was excited to learn my husband had pre-ordered the Kindle version too. I asked him to join my book club (is the theme of this post my efforts to gain friends + influence people… or it books? IT’S BOTH OKAY!) and he seemed into it.
- The Ultimate Guide to Chakras by Athena Parakis // I’ve been meaning to grab a book about chakras for, like… 4 years (my interest was piqued during my Reiki I training). After Nikki Novo’s session at WELL Summit and some chatting with Amanda, we both ordered this beginner’s guide. It’s fascinating. I’ve always been pretty curious about and open to energy work and the like (maybe a bit skeptical, but hey)– I figure if it can’t hurt, right? It’s definitely akin to a textbook (makes me feel young again… kind of), but very readable. My goal is to get a really good handle on each chakra before moving on to the next.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Dropping off clothing donations (and selling a few items on Poshmark like a real millennial)
- Checking out the new Okuda San Miguel sculptures along Seaport Boulevard — they are amazing
- Fighting the urge to stay home (and read, obvi) for the foreseeable future
Anyone else out there need to read more than one book at a time? It’s the only way for me.