No Shop February
I am Jessie Spano level excited/scared (but mostly excited) to join my friend Danielle and Natalie and a (growing!) number of other lovely women in a No Shop February challenge. I was on board the second D + N floated the idea, but I’ve become even more enthusiastic + invested after reading the flurry of emails that have come in from the group during the past few days.
I love that everyone is participating for the own reasons and motivations, following their own guidelines, and planning really great ways to give back and show gratitude, while still following the same spirit of not shopping for an entire (shortest of the year…) month.
February comes on the heels of the holidays and both our children’s birthdays, so the timing feels especially right to take a conscious break from excess spending, mindless shopping, and, well… accumulating more stuff. I know I’m really lucky to be able to make choices like this (let alone to have more than I need). So when I say it’s a privilege to join my friends in this challenge, I mean just that. I am privileged. (This NYT article on The Class Politics of Decluttering is worth mentioning.)
Back to my Jessie S. excitement (sans the caffeine pill addiction). I figured I’d share my guidelines + plans for the month, and keep you updated (here + on Instagram with #noshopfeb) on how the month is going, what I’m learning, what has been especially challenging, what has felt like a breeze, etc. Overall, I’m looking forward to taking better stock of what I already have available to me, both using + enjoying those things, sharing with others, and giving our home a little room to breathe. Does that make sense? That felt a little weird to say.
- NO: Purchasing clothing, accessories, shoes, make-up + home decor
- NO: Drive-thru iced coffees
- YES: Necessities (i.e. food, diapers, gas, deodorant… I am basically on my last swipe, so a new deodorant is like community service for my family + fellow gym-goers)
- YES: Mama Beasts and YMCA memberships, meter parking, pre-booked appointments for a haircut and color + RISE Beauty
- YES: Valentines for the kids’ classmates + family
- Avoid stores like Target AT ALL COST… Those, shall we call them, auxiliary purchases really add up. I go in for diapers + yogurt, but find myself contemplating a giant blush pink shaggy pillow shaped like a heart. No. Not this month, my bullseye friend.
- Avoid shopping with my children. I love them. I love bringing them (mostly) everywhere. But I tend to lose focus when we shop together and also… one time Grace snuck a notebook with a chihuahua on the cover into the cart and so… we own that now.
- Meal plan on the weekends and when appropriate, order grocery delivery to eliminate the opportunity for impulse shopping. I want to be especially mindful of cutting down on food waste this month.
- “Shop” my own closet and make note of what I wear, what fits well, and what doesn’t. I’ll be using a lot of the things I learned from my fall session with SwapIt (more on that soon).
- Spend leisure time doing things that I love, that bring me real satisfaction + enjoyment, and that bring me closer to my personal goals (for example: reading grown-up books for fun, working on art projects with the kids, running, creating great meals, writing). Seems obvious, but…
- Check in with the #noshopfeb gals to share + learn
- Keep donation bags/bins accessible + make at least 2 trips to collection sites for Cradles to Crayons, the Family Pantry of Cape Cod, etc.
- Make a “wish list” of items I am interested in (perhaps these will make it into my cart in March, perhaps not), rather than giving in to a need for instant gratification
- Unsubscribe (at least temporarily, possibly permanently) from mailing lists like Nordstrom, Etsy, and Loft.
- Temporarily mute accounts that post a lot of shopping “stories” on Instagram.
- I don’t shop for clothing, accessories, shoes, make-up and home decor (duh).
- I see increase in saving + a decrease in spending compared to other months (again, duh).
- I have a clear sense of what clothing items I truly love and enjoy wearing.
- I have a realistic sense of “holes” in my wardrobe (and don’t immediately rush to simply fill them, but sensibly search for the perfect fit).
- I am closer to establishing my personal uniform for this season of life (this was something I nearly perfected when I still worked in an office).
- Our home feels less packed to the gills and more like, you know, it’s breathing.
- I have used and truly enjoyed more of the things I own (fancy, pretty bath salts + bejeweled slides… I am looking at you).
- I have contributed some of our excess in service to others.
- I fit into Jessie Spano’s leotard (JK).
You can find + follow the whole lovely crew by following the #noshopfeb hashtag on IG, or here: @achicvoyage @afashionfix @amodestlife @asequinedlife @ashleyvbeine @bluebootsgo @champagne_thursday @cmcinthecity @d_mobley @elizabethev @emilyshell @gretsky126 @iceberghaha @jenfirshe @klassicallykaytee @kristinbassett @kristylyons @lyssmmm @mystyletales @natmazz @nishatnguyen @primandpropah @sassyysaraa @shaunagallagher @sixfeetinheels @speedy2ac @thechroniclesofsheel @aline_aesthetic @alexbyersays Feel free to join in!
What’s On Tap for your February?
Comments (4)
Robyn Racheotes
February 1, 2018 at 9:55 pm
Jessie, this post is awesome. You pretty much captured all my thoughts perfectly! Can’t wait for us all to share our progress and how we are feeling come March 1st.
February 2, 2018 at 8:18 am
Great idea if I didn’t have four birthdays in February! I pretty much do this in January. After Christmas I am done with shopping! So, aside from birthday gifts, I’ll give some effort as well. It is amazing homw much mindless shopping that I do do!
No Shop February – Why I'm Doing #noshopfeb | where the blueboots go
February 6, 2018 at 1:30 pm
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#NoShopFeb: First Update – The Chronicles of Sheel
February 8, 2018 at 7:07 pm
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