Grace is 3… and what an incredible three years it has been.
I could not be more grateful to be her mother. She is kind, sensitive, and endlessly curious. She is full of spirit and compassion.
She loves trucks, farms, creatures, stickers, rocks, art projects, gymnastics, grocery shopping and adventures. She speaks up for others (often suggesting that Clark needs some “peace and quiet from our noisy fun”). She is observant and remembers everything. She captures the smallest details and delights in things I might completely miss if it weren’t for her wonderful declarations about birds nests and police cars and seagulls.
Without fail on our morning drives to school, she tells me she will “be a good friend, a good listener… and not take a nap.” She recently told me she couldn’t eat beans because she “is a human bean!”
She favors rules, routines and order. She loves her brother and wishes he wouldn’t do “tricky, dangerous things” like climbing on the table.
Grace wears a size XXS leotard, but her heart is so big it fills the whole house.
She is the best motivation for speaking kindly, clearly and honestly. She is the best motivation for seeing good + God in all things, and in all people. She is the best motivation for doing what I can, when I can to make this world worthy of her, her brother and all children.
Happy Birthday, Grace! I love you beyond measure.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Celebrating with a “unicorns doin’ gymnastics” party
- Getting my act together (hopefully) for the week ahead
- I’m ashamed to say how loudly this lifehacker article speaks to me: How to tell if your plant is dead or just dormant
Who motivates you most? And how?