All or nothing | Last week’s workouts
If you count soothing a teething infant and successfully potty training a toddler to be exercise… I hit it out of the park last week. And if you don’t (because you’re a reasonable person), I barely hit it out of the living room. Which is where I spent 90% of my time. Sitting on a floor covered with beach towels (see: potty training).
If we’re counting actual workouts, this was sort of an all or nothing kind of week. Better than a plain old nothing week. I guess.
MONDAY: Nothing.
TUESDAY: TIU daily workout, and nap time yoga in our bathroom. Because it’s quiet in there. And bizarrely spacious.
Prepare yourself for a tangent.
I think I was, like, 2-3 months pregnant with Grace when we had our home inspection. It was blazing hot and I had round-the-clock morning sickness. We hadn’t told anyone we were expecting, so I think maybe our realtor and home inspector thought I was very emotional about the condo. Or that I smelled something. Or that I am a rude person. Regardless, at one point I stopped paying attention to the air vents and window seals and circuit board things and was trying to figure out how un-okay it would be to lay down in the current homeowners’ bed… and then I thought about bed bugs… and then I almost threw up.
When I finally got my act together, I found three grown-ups (my husband, the realtor, and the home inspector) just chilling in the master bathroom, moving freely and not, like, bumping into each other. Or any of the fixtures. And, having felt like I alone was the size of three grown-ups at the time, I took that as a sign that this was the right place for our family.
And now I do yoga in there. And occasionally take showers.
WEDNESDAY: Class with the Mama Beasts. I hadn’t been to class in a week and definitely felt like I was sucking wind. Is that an expression? I think so. We did a lot of hill running, and I found myself swearing a lot questioning whether or not I was ready for Sunday’s road race. Regardless, it was a very good workout and one I was happy to be able to fit in, knowing I’d likely be held hostage for the next day or two by the “big girl undies” we picked up on the way home.
THURSDAY: Nothing.
I sort of condensed the two day potty training method into a day and a half, so Thursday was literally spent doing nothing but that (and taking care of the baby, obvi). It was exhausting. But kind of awesome. Grace is so cool.
FRIDAY: Class with the Mama Beasts… this counts as more of a nothing than a something, mostly because I spent the better part of the hour opening and closing Grace’s travel potty seat, opening and closing various bottles of anti-bacterial gel, and talking about pee. I tried to give it my all when I was actually participating, and I know it was good to get out of the house, but it was a bit of a wash. Such is life at the moment.
SATURDAY: Nothing.

SUNDAY: Corrib Classic 5k in West Roxbury. I loved being able to run this with so many other Mama Beasts members. It was just last year that I was asking my sister-in-law Colleen about the group after seeing so many women running in matching shirts. I joined the group a few weeks later and have been so grateful for the workouts and the supportive community. I pushed Grace and Nick in the double stroller and did my best to keep up with Colleen (until that last hill… not happening). I finished nearly 2 minutes faster than the Marine Corps Honor Run (my first post-baby/double stroller race), which seemed like a pretty awesome way to celebrate baby Nick being six months old. It was definitely an “all” day.
This week I’m aiming for more consistency. And less rambling about home inspections and potting training. Who’s with me?
Also On Tap for Today:
- Yessss! The scientific case for doodling while taking notes via
- Practice Makes Possible: What We Learn By Studying Amazing Kids from NPR
- Being Hillary happy
How do you stick to your fitness routine when life gets weird?