May 2016 | Currently
It took nearly all month, but the sun is shining and the temperatures are more May-like than November-ish. So we’re eating ice cream dairy-free sorbet (I’m like, Live a little. And my stomach is like, Please don’t.).
Welp, anyway…
May 2016 | Currently
Currently feeling
- Grateful for improved weather – that cold, rainy stretch we had earlier this month made me feel positively… negative.
- Happy that we got to see my extended family this weekend at my cousin’s wedding down the Cape!
- A bit itchy. I don’t want to rush nature along and I know trees need their leaves and all, but I wouldn’t mind coming home from a walk or workout and not feeling like I’m wearing a pollen sweat suit. Or whatever.
- Proud of my first post-baby 5k with the double stroller and excited for the next race.
- Relieved (speaking of itchiness) that Clark’s vet referred us to a dermatologist who’s helping us get his allergies in check (hopefully). We started his immunotherapy injections last night, and I feel like an especially weird dog person, but these are the things you do when you love your aging, semi-grouchy, fully-sensitive French bulldog.
- Like I need a new big project or goal or challenge to work towards. But maybe I should just put away last week’s laundry.
Currently eating
- Lots of vegetables and fruits and sprouted things. Not so many nachos and pizzas and processed things. Girlfriend needs to reign it in a bit.
- Aaaaaand the aforementioned lemon sorbet. With rainbow sprinkles. Just do it.
Currently listening to
- The Bon Iver radio station on Spotify — it’s extra chill, which is good, because I am extra not.
- Catching up on episodes of On Being + Leslie Stahl on Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!
- Grace sing “Ring around the rosie, a pocket full of rosies!”
Currently watching
- The OJ miniseries (that’s definitely not the official name, but you likely know what I’m talking about… and you also know I’m too lazy to Google)– I was skeptical when my parents recommended it (sorry!), but Nick and I got completely sucked in.
- Daily Drawing Challenge and How to Design Fabric videos on Creative Bug
Currently reading
- I read an actual book this month, people. It was a bit fluffier than I anticipated, but it was a good, fun read.
- 11 talents introverts don’t realize they have (the astronaut sloth illustration is kind of amazing) by Flora Paul, BuzzFeed
Currently making
- Not much of anything art-wise… but I just signed up for a new painting class (Mary Ann Moss’ Oh My Gouache — totally obsessed with the name) and started a new large format sketchbook earlier this week.
- A batch of these gluten free cranberry and dark chocolate granola bars each week – so delicious, so easy.
- Lots of baby food — Grace loves to help me feed Nick (almost as much as Nick loves being fed). It’s so much fun.
- Plans for the summer. I can’t wait.
May the last few days of the month treat you well… get it… May…? Right. Cool. Bye.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Mixing up a new running playlist
- Making and using shrubs and syrups from Whole Foods Market
- Snapchat filtered selfies… aka where did the last hour go…
May highlights?
Comments (1)
Molly Galler
June 9, 2016 at 9:15 am
I was addicted to the OJ mini series too! I also hear you on the pup and the allergy meds. Scout is itching like crazy since allergy season kicked in.![My Profile](
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