Today: Currently | February 2016
Am I the only adult who spells February wrong at least 78% of the time? Regardless of how you spell it, February has been a really good month. Just ask these two.
Currently | February 2016
- This article on the ambition gap that my sister shared with me: America loves women like Hillary Clinton as long as they’re not asking for a promotion by Sady Doyle,
- An embarrassing number of toddler development books… I mostly have no idea what I am doing… except I believe you’re not supposed to laugh when your toddler’s being fresh. Even when her response to “Why are you standing on the table?” is “Because I’m being a freshie.”
- To Kill a Mockingbird (again)
Listening to
- Foo Fighters on Spotify + noise-canceling headphones (this is how I survived getting a crown at the dentist last weekend)
- Season 2 of Serial – I keep thinking I am done (I’m still not sure how I feel about this season), but then I get hooked. That Sarah Koenig, man.
- The St. Patrick’s Day decorations go up around the neighborhood
- We just caught up on Homeland and now I’m morbidly depressed (I don’t want to ruin it for anyone, so I will just say this, I think you-know-who is still alive… which makes me think his or her life is going to be even more miserable going forward. Also, post-partum hormones are real. And TV characters are not. But whatever.)
- Election coverage… and now I’m morbidly depressed. And we have months and months and months of this crap to endure.

- Signs of spring out at Castle Island (Sully’s opened this weekend)
- A month of really consistent workouts
- Baby wearing – I had forgotten how good it feels (and how it magically soothes a little one)
- Grace’s newfound love for telling “jokes” (a recent favorite: “Grandpa is your sister! It’s a joke!”)
- Extra productive and creative on some days, and like a nearly-expired sloth on others.
- An itch to sign up for a race or two or six. Blame the 50 degree weather and a fresh pair of sneaks.
Alright, I’m off to make the most of Leap Day… or as I think of it, an additional 24 hours for everyone to plan an extravagant birthday surprise for me. Just kidding. Also, I kind of hate surprises. Toodles!
Also On Tap for Today:
- Happy Leap Day!
- Speaking of, what’s the point of Leap Day? via The Telegraph
- Getting a printable March calendar ready for tomorrow #lastminuteLarry
What was the highlight of your February?