Today: One tough mother and a Ziploc® brand giveaway.
This post is sponsored by Ziploc® brand. I received product and compensation, but as always, the opinions shared here are my own. I truly appreciate your support of the brands that, you know, support On Tap for Today.
While I couldn’t be more happy and proud to be a mom, motherhood can be tough. Fortunately, I’m surrounded by tough mothers who serve as role models, advisors and middle-of-the-night “Is anyone else awake?” text-mates. I would be lost without the close-knit community of mothers we’ve formed since Grace was born.
We benefit from the fact that we’ve grown up differently, have our own parenting styles, and our little ones are at various stages of walking, running, climbing, talking and, yes… biting. One mom’s tough day might be someone else’s proverbial walk in the park, but we’re all in this together. In that spirit, I’ve partnered with Ziploc® brand to share a few lessons I’ve learned over the past 16 months (some from friends, others from trial and error…there’s been a lot of that).
Whenever possible, plan ahead
It only takes running out of diapers on the road once before over-planning and over-packing becomes second nature for even the most disorganized crew. Though it takes a bit of energy (which can be tough to find at the end of the day), I swear by this rule: Clean out, re-pack and re-stock before going to bed. This works wonders for a diaper bag, but it can be applied to your gym bag or handbag (Side bar: Is it true that fanny packs are making a comeback?).
Ziploc® brand Freezer Bags Quart with Easy Open Tabs are the perfect size to hold 3-4 of Grace’s tiny diapers and a few wipes. I can quickly stash this bag in any handbag or tote to run errands or take a quick trip. The new Easy Open Tabs make Ziploc® brand bags really easy to grip and open, which helps because so much of parenthood is spent with one hand full.
Available in freezer, storage, sandwich and snack varieties (in a number of sizes), the new Ziploc® brand bags with Easy Open Tabs can store food, art supplies and other household items. These are great for keeping an extra change of clothes (one for me, one for the baby) and keeping dirty laundry separate in the event of spill, spit-up or other excitement. All Ziploc® brand bags can be recycled at your local grocery store.
At 33, not only did I just discover the merits of our freezer, I’ve also (finally) started putting some real effort into meal planning. Nothing beats waking up to a pre-prepped breakfast, or coming home to an effortless dinner. Tossing ingredients for fresh juice in a Ziploc® brand bag with Easy Open Tabs at night makes sticking with a juicing routine so much easier. The same goes for chopped vegetables for a salad or for roasting, soup that can be frozen and reheated, and a cool summer treat.
Take notes
Lately, if you tell me something (especially if I am in the midst of multi-tasking), there’s a chance I may forget it. But, what if I write that same thing down (or see it written down)? It’s trapped in my brain forever. With multiple schedules and social security numbers to memorize (seriously, I still can’t remember my child’s number… is that normal?), I think we could all use a break. Figure out your learning style (you likely know this already, you’re a grown-up after all), and do what works for you. For visual learners like myself, we’ve got to take notes.
Other times to take notes:
- At the pediatrician’s office: Both before and during visits. Our doctor encourages us to come with a list of questions.
- Future plans: I keep a running list of books I want to read, movies I want to watch, and museums I want to check out (the Eric Carle Museum is at the top of the list for a summer visit). I also take notes for paintings or art projects while I am out on the go (because this is when inspiration most often strikes… not when I am actually sitting down with a blank page).
- The daily routine: Sure, it’s routine for us, but having notes on your little one’s “schedule” (whatever that means, these days) is really helpful if you need someone to step in for the day. It’s also pretty amazing to look back and see how this routine has changed. I have an iPhone note from when Grace was 3 or 4 months old that details every waking and feeding…we’ve come a long way, baby.
In the spirit of staying organized, I attempted to pack light for a recent work trip and realized I could keep my flight info and plane-friendly toiletries (I had electronic boarding passes and wanted to be covered just in case I lost my phone or whatever other imaginary scenario I had dreamed up) stored in a Ziploc® brand bag with Easy Open Tabs. I thought I was a genius.
Take care of yourself
I think it’s possible to balance both the importance of self-care, and the realities of life. I couldn’t tell you the last time I got a massage or manicure. My “me” time often consists of a quick trip to the grocery store. And that’s okay. But it’s important to do something for yourself. It’s important to make time for the things that you love to do. And it’s important, above all, to take care of yourself.
For me, that means having a little sketchbook on hand, traveling with little luxuries like cuticle oil (it’s easy to apply in the car before you start a trip and so good for your nails) and light, natural roll-on fragrance in a Ziploc® brand Snack bag with Easy Open Tabs, always having a great playlist ready to go, and keeping a stash of magazines to enjoy during Grace’s nap time.
The best way I can think of to take care of yourself, though, is by asking for help when you need it. Lean on your family, friends and fellow tough mothers for support. We need each other, and that’s a good thing.
“Team Tough Mother” at Tough Mudder events
To celebrate the launch of their new bags, Ziploc® brand is partnering with one of the most challenging events around, Tough Mudder, in celebration of moms who are taking on a whole new level of strength. They’re creating Ziploc® Team Tough Mother to compete at Tough Mudder events across the country to honor tough mothers everywhere. By the way, I love this Ziploc® Tough Mother YouTube video created to mimic real-life motherhood; some days I really do feel like I am completing an obstacle course!
New England friends: It’s not too late to sign up for this year’s Tough Mudder on June 6-7 at Mount Snow. You’ll find Ziploc® brand bags with Easy Open Tabs at bag drops to store your gear during and after the event.
You can find more inspiration from Ziploc® brand and other Tough Mothers by visiting
To win your own set of Ziploc® brand bags with Easy Open Tabs, please leave a comment below. This giveaway is open to US residents and will close on Friday, June 12th.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Another great use for your plastic bags: printmaking with Alisa Burke
- Working on our summer bucket list
- Potting this year’s first tomatoes!
When the going gets tough… let’s hear your best tips!
Comments (9)
June 5, 2015 at 2:05 pm
Great tips, Im due soon and can use them!
Ashley C
June 6, 2015 at 8:59 am
I love ziploc, it’s the only brand I buy!
June 6, 2015 at 9:18 am
My wife is due in July and we will be travelling in Sept so I’m gonna grab some ziplocs
June 6, 2015 at 2:23 pm
Great blog post! Definitely some “why didn’t I think of that” ideas for using Ziploc bags. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks also to you and Ziploc for the Giveaway
June 6, 2015 at 4:08 pm
I would love to have these! I use a few Ziploc bags in my purse, in my drawers for sweaters, etc., organizers, foods, too, of course, you name it!!! Luv!
June 6, 2015 at 4:31 pm
I love Zip loc bags, so many great ways to use them
June 8, 2015 at 5:59 pm
Great tips! I especially love the flight details on the bag. I am always checking and rechecking.
Erica recently posted…First time experience at an all-inclusive resort
June 8, 2015 at 6:16 pm
I’m obsessed with Ziploc bags for everything and would love to try these, thanks for the giveaway!!
Meena R
June 12, 2015 at 11:18 pm
I literally use Ziploc bags for everything! I have them in my kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, closet and the list goes on. Thank you for the awesome giveaway!