Today: Get Messy Art Journal | Weeks 3 + 4
Thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement on my last art journaling post. I’m playing a bit of catch-up, but most of my pages were at least in some way inspired by the Get Messy membership prompts for weeks 3 and 4. (You can learn all about– and join!– the program here.)
Get Messy Art Journal | Weeks 3 + 4
Real talk: This has been a bit of a challenging week. In a good way, but also in an exhausting, nerve-fraying way. I knew spending some time making crap would help. And it did.
I worked on most of these pages in one sitting. And that sitting happened to be on the sofa, with a bowl of peanut butter cups, after Grace was sound asleep, with our temporarily disabled Frenchie snuggled close, while Nick watched the CrossFit Open live announcement.
I didn’t want to break out all of my art stuff, mostly because I didn’t want to give up any space already occupied by Clark. Or the peanut butter cups. Limiting my materials proved to be surprisingly helpful. I spent less time thinking about what to use, and more time using what I had in my lap. Also, using permanent black ink while sitting on a cream colored sofa? This is me living on the edge, people.
One of the prompts was “What would the world be like devoid of love?” I can tell you, I wouldn’t want to live in that world. I worked quickly on this one, to avoid getting depressed (just kidding… kind of). I used black and grey watercolors (I’m obsessed with this travel set) with a water brush, a white paint pen and a red Micron.
I mostly stuck with black watercolor and black ink. The result: most of these pages look tense and moody. Which, frankly, is how I’ve felt lately. Until the sun came out on Wednesday… and I became a normal person again, along with everyone else in Boston.
I started the backgrounds for these pages a few days ago before having a clue what I wanted them to become. I used a thick coat of white gesso on the left side and added very watered down acrylics along with a spritz of watercolor while the gesso was still wet. On the right side, I used a more aggressive spritz of that same green watercolor and doodled a bit with a grey sign pen. I used black ink and a detail brush to paint the abstract-map-ish design on the left hand page, and used strips from a Chanel ad for the right hand page. I believe the letter stickers are from a Studio Calico kit, but my mind is full of Raffi songs at the moment, so I could be wrong.
One of the prompts for Week 4 was to describe the greatest act of love. This time of year, a lot of my work centers around families and clearly that’s on my mind (see the crop top photo below). There are so many different ways a family can come to be. I knew the second I heard Grace’s heartbeat that we belonged together. But I also know you don’t need a biological relation to belong to someone. This may not be my final answer, but I think that giving someone a place to belong, and being open to belonging to someone else, takes tremendous love.
I like how the hand-stitching from the previous page peeks through on the lower left. The stamp is from A Beautiful Mess, and I used black archival ink. Which never. Comes. Off. The ripped paper on the left is a e.e.cummings poem (supplied as one of the prompts). I can’t really decide if these pages are done are not. I’ve been trying to let them be, rather than over-work them. Perfectionist habits die hard (that’s a movie script Bruce Willis and I are currently co-writing.)
This photo is of me and my mom (I am the one wearing the hot shorts and crop top. That’s not something I get to say every day. Or, really… ever.) I am not sure if my head is actually shaped like that, or if I am scissors-challenged. The full quote is “We are born of love; love is our mother.” Preach it, Rumi. When working through many of this season’s prompts about love, I couldn’t help but think how lucky I am to have come from such a loving home, and to have such a solid foundation. I love this photo and owe so much to my parents.
I’m already itching to sit back down with my sketch book. But I think I will stick to the table going forward. I’m certain I’ve jinxed myself with the ink on the sofa comment.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Love these sleep tips for beating the time change from Amanda
- Fridayfridayfridayfridayfridayfridayfriday!
- New app-session: Squiggly
What kind of mood are you in this week?
Comments (5)
Vanessa Oliver-Lloyd
March 13, 2015 at 5:40 pm
Oh how I love these pages! I think limiting your material is a great idea and look what gorgeousness came out of it. I find the story of your hearing Grace’s heartbeat very moving.
Vanessa Oliver-Lloyd recently posted…A little profanity is sometimes necessary
March 14, 2015 at 7:27 pm
I love your interpretation of these prompts! The hints of colour on each page really pop, and what a great Rumi quote!
Delaney recently posted…Project Life 2015 | Title Page
March 16, 2015 at 7:10 am
Love these pages !! your patterns and colours are really beautiful
March 19, 2015 at 5:04 pm
I love your pages! They are very beautiful. I am also trying to limit my materials to prevent myself from getting overwhelmed with too much. Great job! I look forward to seeing what else you come create.
Sarafree recently posted…Get Messy Art Journal || Week 5
Raisefrequency- Yudith
March 8, 2018 at 3:18 am
Your description of the bond between you and your daughter is so beautiful. It is an example of great love and what Rumi quote is describing “We are born of love, love is our mother”
Raisefrequency- Yudith recently posted…42 Rumi Quotes on Love, Life, Friendship, Tears, Peace and Self-awareness