Today: The weekend according to Instagram XXI.
I need to brush up on my Roman numerals.
In other news, it was a lovely fall weekend in Boston. I feel like, lately, I am doing whatever is the opposite of nesting– running around from one thing to the next, spending as much time as possible with family and friends, and enjoying how wonderful I’ve been feeling recently. The third trimester is just around the corner, though, and I have a feeling the urge to nest isn’t far away either. In the meantime, I love being about chase Clark around the park, watch my niece climb and slide and swing at the playground, and catch up with friends in and around the city.
The weekend according to Instagram XXI
- Clark has taken to pawing down various blankets and pillows, making himself little thrones throughout the house. If he had has own credit card, I imagine one of his first purchases would be a La-Z-Boy recliner. Or a giant tub of cheese balls.
- ‘Tis the season to break out the legwarmers. I wore one of my favorite pairs (complete with little heel openings) to prenatal yoga on Saturday afternoon, and for a nice walk through Charlestown with my pal Alyson on Sunday. While I do not care for most things fall, I do like being cozy. And looking like a jazzercise instructor.
- My Project X bulldogs and barbells tee has gotten a bit too snug. Thankfully, their stickers are one size fits all. They make really fun, limited edition gear. I heard Bob Harper was wearing one of their tees in last week’s Biggest Loser episode. Cool enough for Bob? Cool enough for me.
- Speaking of cool, this little miss is off the charts.
- Tina‘s recent posts about English muffin pizzas got me craving one of these childhood favorites. While I am still limiting gluten, my pregnancy m.o. has been if it sounds good… eat it. Within reason. Mostly.
- Few things make me laugh harder than when infomercial actors get fake-injured doing simple tasks. After I chopped a bunch of vegetables for the week’s salads, Nick suggested I film an infomercial for my “2 minute, fail proof salad creation system.” My draft script currently includes losing a thumb, spilling lettuce into some obscure place (like my shoe), and falling off a ladder (which I climbed in an effort to retrieve my 1970’s salad spinner… naturally).
Also On Tap for Today:
- Have you signed up for the HLB tea swap yet?
- Looking forward to our upcoming anniversary
- Tackling a massive to do list
What was the highlight of your weekend?
Comments (1)
October 28, 2013 at 1:32 pm
Oh man, I thought my dog was the only one who stole all the blankets to make his throne. Glad to hear that Clark does this as well