Today: National Yoga Month.
I’m normally none too pleased to see September and fall arrive, but National Yoga Month is something I can get behind. As my body seems to get bigger (and less graceful) by the minute, I have fully embraced prenatal yoga. It’s been the perfect compliment to CrossFit and has really helped quiet my brain, which is going a mile a minute these days with nonsense like, Did I remember to feed Clark? Where did I park the car? Did I take my vitamins? What iiiiiissss a breast pump? Where is my wallet? What was I just doing? To be fair, I’m thinking about important things too. Sometimes.
I always leave my mat thinking, “This was exactly what I needed.” Yoga provides me with a much needed time out from the noise, the worry, the stress, and the busyness of life. I’m finding myself craving that quiet more and more, and look forward to unrolling the mat, cranking up some weird ambient music, and zoning out at the end of the day.
For those who can’t make it to a studio, I highly recommend browsing online for a podcast or video that suits your mood and style. I recently found a great series of prenatal yoga videos on YouTube. The instructor (who is fabulously pregnant and has a British accent… so I automatically love her) says really affirming and soothing things like, “You’re making room for more air to feed you and your baby.” Everything is a bit more gentle and a bit more slow. In other words, it’s perfect. Still, there’s nothing quite like a great studio class, so I’m also very much looking forward to the four week prenatal yoga series being offered by Bodywaves Therapeutic Massage in the North End later this month. Mostly so I can grill other mothers-t0-be about maternity yoga pants.
My m.o. for the next few months: The more namaste for this baby, the better.
Looking to celebrate and share your OM? Check out these Yoga Month opportunities, courtesy of Athleta:
- Free online classes
- Enjoy special Yoga Month classes and events in your nearest Athleta store
- Strike your favorite (yoga) pose and tag it #shareyourOM; it may end up in this album
Disclaimer: I received complimentary yoga apparel (including the top pictured above – so cozy!) from Athleta. All opinions are my own.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Catching up on HLS recaps
- Love this: Tips for Cranking Up Your Immune Engine
- Unpacking those last few boxes (hopefully…)
What is your favorite yoga class, video, or podcast? Feel free to share links!
Comments (4)
September 19, 2013 at 4:05 pm
I’ve been craving yoga lately. Need to fit some in. PS: I love your top in that photo. Where is it from?
September 19, 2013 at 5:03 pm
Thanks, Jane! The top is from Athleta (they hooked me up with a complimentary outfit). It’s super comfortable and comes in a couple other colors:
Ja @Ja on the RUN
September 19, 2013 at 6:44 pm
Yay to National Yoga Month! Hubby and I registered to LULULEMON’s RunOMCincy. It’s a run and yoga event!
Can’t wait!
Kelly @ Cupcake Kelly’s
September 19, 2013 at 10:33 pm
I did some retail therapy last week, and my first purchase was that top. I fully plan on asking for all the other colors for Christmas. I can’t wait until it is cool enough to wear it every day…