Today: The weekend according to Instagram VII.
Welp, Monday again. Did anyone else struggle to drag themselves out of bed this morning? I love that it’ll now be light when I leave the office, but maaaaan… 5:45 AM certainly felt like 4:45 AM. And I am wondering if 8:15 is an acceptable bedtime for a thirty-one year old.
In the meantime:
The weekend according to Instagram VII.
- Clark and I spent hours running around in the snow this weekend. He loves light, fluffy snow. And I love watching him hop around like a little snow bunny.
- Speaking of the little guy, this is his signature “prayer hands” pose. It’s like blue steel, only cuter.
- Being snowed in means being comfy and cozy. And that means peace Minnetonkas and a mint scarf (I love everything mint lately) from ModCloth.
- I had to have minor surgery a few weeks ago and now that my stitches are out and everything’s a-oh-kay, I was itching to get back to Crossfit Southie. We had a great Sunday morning WOD. I missed those barbells.
- After working out, Nick and I made a quick stop at Whole Foods River Street. Just a few things for me this week (I stocked up last week, big time): organic spring mix, unsweetened almond milk, carrots, apples, bananas, peppers, cucumbers, and apple sauce.
- Weekend burn!
- Tina got me hooked on Inside of a Dog. I finished it this weekend. After wondering for years what was going on inside Clark’s little brain and body. My absolute favorite part? Dogs laugh! I knew it! (It’s called social panting, which makes me laugh.)
- I got in a good run this weekend, which is exactly what I needed – half an hour to run away from the stress of the past few weeks and a chance to quiet down my brain a bit.
Also On Tap for Today:
- So fun: edible masterpieces!
- Love this: The only 3 questions that matter
- Hours of social panting…
What was the highlight of your weekend?
Comments (2)
March 11, 2013 at 11:13 pm
Great post!
Since it got warm over the weekend here in Ohio, we did our last snowboarding for this year… it’s hard to say goodbye, I love snow but I think I’m over it. I can’t wait to run in shorts again! 

P.s.: I love modcloth too!
March 12, 2013 at 12:42 pm
I want there to be a book like that about cats! But I doubt cats laugh… they’re kind of a-holes.
I can’t even remember the highlight of my weekend, isn’t that awful? Probably the half day I worked on Friday