Today: The weekend according to Instagram V.
I’m hitting that stretch of the year when I am in full on workbernation mode. It’s sort of like hibernation, minus the sleeping and being a bear parts. I spent most of Saturday at work and the better part of Sunday obsessively checking my work email. It will be much of the same most nights and weekends until July. I am, like, the least cool cell phone plan ever. Get it? Nights and weekends? Right.
I’m focusing on being as present as possible when I am home (that means putting limits on the ol’ email checking compulsion) and simplifying where ever and whenever possible. For example:
- I am making Nick do all the chores. Just kidding. Or am I?
- I’m wearing nothing but black until further notice. Depressing, yes. But everything matches.
- I’m waking up even earlier (even if this requires going to bed the second I get home, which it might).
- I am devoting time this week to eliminating as much visual clutter as possible. It helps my brain feel more organized.
While I workbernate, please enjoy another installment of The weekend according to Instagram.
The weekend according to Instagram V
- One of my favorite views in the condo: Clark and I love watching Nick make grocery lists. And not just because it means he’s going grocery shopping. That’s an added plus.
- Thanks to the magic of Twitter, I learned that Saturday was National Banana Bread Day. Not wanting to be unpatriotic, I broke out my gluten free flour and a few overripe bananas and got to work.
- While waiting for the over to preheat, I channeled my inner botanist and put together a little terrarium-esque centerpiece. Despite spilling half a bag of potting mix on our cream colored rug, I was quite pleased with my work. The flowers in the tall vase were an early birthday treat from Nick. Both vases were steals from Homegoods. That is to say, they were very inexpensive. I promise I didn’t steal them.
- Gluten-free cinnamon banana oat muffins. Need I say more?
- I got a gel manicure this weekend, effectively saving myself the usual 45 minutes I spend each week painting and repainting my nails and ensuring I don’t look like a (cinnamon banana oat) ragamuffin at work events for the next few weeks. I talk with my hands. A lot. So this is sort of important. There. I think I have sufficiently rationalized treating myself. [Side note: did you know ragamuffin is a type of cat? Totally Googled the word to make sure I spelled it correctly (I am bad at the Internet) and the search yielded lots of scary cat pictures.] The color is CND Shellac Romantique, the closest possible gel relative to my usual standby, essie Ballet Slippers.
- Speaking of treats, I got a lovely package in the mail from Heidi at Intelligent Nutrients, a certified organic health and beauty company. I’ll give you the full scoop this week on detoxing my locks.
- I snuck in a quick Sunday morning workout in my Saucony Virratas. And then I sat on the floor for an hour with my dog. Somewhat related: my stitches came out this morning, so I am officially back in action.
- Please don’t report me to the MSPCA or Sarah McLachlan (that PSA just kills me). Don’t let his face fool you, Clark likes wearing origami hats fashioned from magazine subscription tear-outs.
- And last, but not least, the perfect daily yoga sequence from Yoga Journal’s 21 day challenge. I completed this before bed on Sunday, helping to quiet my mind a bit. I am all about the simple.
Also On Tap for Today:
- This is one cute bug…
- For when we all have more time: make your own protein powder
- 11 tips for skipping the snooze button
What was the highlight of your weekend?
Comments (2)
Kelly Nigl (@kellynigl)
February 25, 2013 at 11:33 pm
I think I need to sign up for that 21 day Yoga challenge…
Also, I think I need to celebrate a belated National Banana Bread Day…
February 26, 2013 at 7:59 pm
for the record, i have had this post open in my browser since yesterday because I didn’t want to forget to comment but ran out of time when I tried to do so yesterday. for another record, I have your last TWATI post saved in my gmail, awaiting my commenting as well… let’s see how long it takes for me to get there
onward & upward, onto my comments:
>> i am a fan of your planting of things! Last week I had so much fun rearranging a large vase of mixed flowers into a handful of small vases of the not-yet-dead flowers of the bunch. It’s making me reconsider a kitchen herb garden in my 30th year.
>> i rarely do my nails or have them done, but your pale pink shares are starting to make me reconsider taking on the habit. [maybe another 30th year addition?]
>>soooooooooooo – that shampoo for Heidi. SERIOUSLY. My locks have never smelled so delightful.
>>THAT HAT ON THAT DOG IS TOO MUCH FOR THIS GIRL TO HANDLE. /end excitement influenced screaming
>>I am so excited to see a “I am NEW” option on the yoga journal challenge. PERFECT reason to sign up STAT. I do the same sequence every time I pretend to be “yoga-ing” – all of which are basically glorified running stretches I saw in a magazine once when I was in college. Yeah – i’d say “NEW!” fits me just fine