Today: The weekend, according to Instagram II.
Another weekend, another attempt at unplugging. Save for the Instagram machine iPhone. Here’s what I was up to.
The weekend, according to Instagram:
- One of our trainers at + dog is fostering a pitbull named Dexter. I had the chance to take class with him (while our old man Frenchie snored in a nearby crate) on Friday night, working on basic obedience. I used to be terrified of big dogs (some little ones, too), but have made a lot of progress in the past year or so. I’ve learned so much about the importance of training, and how our behavior and energy affects our dogs. I love that our trainers offer these opportunities; the foster dogs get additional socialization and we get to hone our skills. It’s also a great exercise for Clark, the spoiled only furchild, to see us handle other dogs. I have a feeling Dexter will be heading home with a new family very soon. He may be bigger than my car, but he’s sweet, stable and really affectionate.
- Nick and I headed to CrossFit Southie on Saturday morning for a partner WOD. Between the two of us, we cranked out 100 kettle bell swings, 100 overhead squats, 100 box jumps, 100 power cleans, and 100 burpees. I laughed, I cried, I said swear words.
- And I burned a solid 819 calories between the warm-up, wod and cool down. I love my Polar FT4.
- I take l-glutamine daily, per my RD’s recommendation, and decided to give fitmixer aminos (which contain l-glutamine and several other amino acids) a try this weekend to mix things up a bit. It’s definitely on the sweet side, but a nice change from plain old powder and water.
- Clark was also in the mood to mix things up a bit this weekend, and took on a new roommate for his already overcrowded bed. The dude loves to drag his toys over for a nap.
- I’ve been on such a lentil kick lately (see: last week’s red lentil and lemon soup). This weekend’s creation looks, welp… sort of repulsive… but tastes incredible. I sauteed half a yellow onion and four cloves of garlic with a little olive oil, salt and pepper while cooking one cup of black lentils. Once the onions and garlic had softened and started to brown, I added two cups of diced roma tomatoes, and the cooked lentils. And now you know what I am eating for lunch all week.
- If you’re nerdy and you know it and you really want to show it, Instagram your new collapsible recycling bin.
- When it comes to garlic and all things spicy, more is more in our condohold.
- Speaking of condos, we’re on the hunt for a new one. While I love our home (especially after all the changes we’ve made), I am excited for what the future holds. Especially if it holds additional storage for my nail polish collection.
- After Saturday’s workout, I promptly showered and put on pajama pants and an ugly, free tee shirt. That’s our uniform for family pig piles on the sofa.
- We’re in the process of ditching cable TV, thanks to Nick’s ingenuity and ability to connect wires to things. If you’ve got a Roku, I’d love any tips or recommendations you might be willing to share.
- I spent some time meal planning and perusing my new gluten free cookbook, a Christmas gift from my brother-in-law.
- A cold Sunday night called for an easy rice noodle, lemon grass and chili oil soup.
- Welp, here’s me and my (life) partner in crime after a tough workout, but before an iced coffee.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Love this: Alex’s top vimeo picks
- Looking forward to above-freezing temperatures this week
- Fun, fringed hearts for Valentine’s Day
What was the highlight of your weekend?
Comments (2)
January 28, 2013 at 1:44 pm
i hope this “the weekend according to instagram” theme is now on the regular. I know my rambly list like responses to them aren’t going anywhere
1. i love that your trainer does this with the foster dogs. For all the reasons you mentioned, it seems like a really creative idea!
2. Have you done a formal review of your HRM I missed it?
3. something tells me Clark has only the most stylish toys. Because really, why wouldn’t he?
4. this may be a bit premature, but when you do find your dream condo and get ready to move, I’d love love love to see the way your organize and tackle all tasks moving related!
5. warm rice salad has me imagining all sorts of fun creations for the cold weather. yum!
January 28, 2013 at 9:32 pm
Is it strange that when we looked at our house, we looked at the closet in the bathroom and one of my first thoughts was “oh good, finally somewhere to put my nail polish”?
Highlight of my weekend was that it was a long weekend spent hunkered down in Maine, napping and eating and being bear-like.