Today: The weekend, according to Instagram.
With work being crazy (in a good way), I’ve been making a conscious effort to unplug a bit more during the weekend. I can’t seem to put my Instagram machine iPhone down, though. Technically it’s only plugged in when it’s charging, so… I guess that still sort of counts as being unplugged. Maybe.
The weekend, according to Instagram.
- The Os Gemeos mural in Dewey Square, taken from a stoplight (safety first).
- View of Logan from the Seaport – I love living so close to the water.
- Spotted this so jelly mug (the reverse side features a pair of jelly fish) at Target while running errands. And then I had Destiny’s Child stuck in my head for the rest of the day. I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly.
- I whipped up a quick and (extremely) easy lemon artichoke pesto on Friday night. I love throwing together ingredients with neither measuring, counting, nor caring. Pestos are perfect for that. I used two small jars of artichoke hearts (drained), added a generous helping of walnuts (~2 cups), a bunch of fresh parsley, a drizzle of olive oil, juice from one lemon, a pinch of nutritional yeast, and little salt and pepper. You could probably chop up the ingredients and mash together in a bowl, but I went straight for the food processor. Nice and smooth.
- Clark and I enjoyed the spring-like weather this weekend with a few extra-long walks. I thought this tree was cute.
- I slept in on Saturday and missed the early class at CrossFit Southie, so I threw together a little at home WOD, after checking out a few of the workouts on The Traveling WOD. That site is a great resource for workouts on the go, or at home – with very little, if any equipment required. After six rounds of my made up workout, I got to work on pull-ups. Practice makes progress.
- After taking some time a few weeks ago to organize my random collection of ribbons, mint and coral colored pens, and washi tape, I’ve been obsessed with little projects like this one: sprucing up my iPhone and iPad chargers with different tapes. Here are a few more clever uses for washi.
- There was a time when I never, ever napped. That time can be defined as my entire childhood. Nowadays, if football is on and Clark’s feeling snuggly… the two of us are out like a light.
- I am finding my Polar FT4 heart rate monitor from h.h. gregg to be not only informative, but super motivating. I’ve been wearing it to CrossFit and am amazed at how much harder I push myself at the box, than I do when I workout on my own.
But wait… there’s more.
- Speaking of CrossFit, I left the box on Sunday feeling like a Mighty Endorphin Power Ranger after our rowing/DU WOD. It didn’t hurt that “Beat it” (rock in peace, MJ) was playing on the radio on the way home. While I’ve been able to do one or two double-unders here and there over the past few months, I’ve never been able to string them together before. Usually I would feel or hear the rope pass under my feet for the second time, freak out, and then immediately whip myself in the shins. I’ve been practicing, checking out YouTube videos, and watching other athletes and somehow… it just clicked during the warm-up. One double-under turned into two… and then three… and during the workout, twenty! I must have looked like a total goofball, but I could not stop smiling and Irish-whispering “I am doing it!” When I went up to the board after class to give our coach my time, I started to say level one (which was scaled to 10 DU attempts), our coach replied… “What you did was not level one.” Perma-smile.
- After class (and various leaps and spin moves about the condo while I described my jump rope glory and push jerk PR to Nick), we headed to Whole Foods River Street to stock up for the week. Pomegranates: check.
- As soon as we got home, I traded my skinny jeans (no one should wear real pants on the weekend) for short shorts and ProCompression socks. Much better.
- Yet another water view from the Seaport. You will not be shocked to learn I am a Pisces.
- This was the mess I made while multi-tasking. I perused Runners World for a spring half marathon to run, while painting my nails, while watching the Pats (I stayed mostly awake for that game). I like to pick nail colors based on their names (seen above: essie eternal optimist, beyond cozy and miss fancy pants). I’ve been reading Apartment Therapy: The Eight Step Home Cure and was reminded about the good having fresh flowers around can do. Tulips are a favorite of mine.
- As of Sunday evening, I have successfully completed 13 out of 13 #fmsphotoaday challenges. Yesterday’s theme was circle. This was kind of a stretch, but the BC seal is a circle. I recently joined a mentoring program at my alma mater and will be paired with an undergraduate student next month. I think it will be a good way to reconnect with the Heights, especially with my 10 year reunion not so far off. Yikes.
- An impulse purchase from the Whole Body department while grocery shopping: Biggs and Featherbelle Beauty Soak. I love bath time.
- A nerd’s dream: French grammar review books.
- Clark and I headed out for another long walk (clearly, I put my pants back on). It’s January in Boston, yet it was too warm for a jacket and real shoes, so I dug out my Toms. Al Gore was right, people.
Also On Tap for Today:
- I love reading Monday Announcements from Healthy Living Blogs
- Meetings, meetings, more meetings
- How to seed a pomegranate the easy way
Do you unplug on the weekends?
Comments (8)
Kelly Nigl (@kellynigl)
January 14, 2013 at 1:44 pm
That lemon artichoke pesto sounds delicious!!
January 14, 2013 at 2:01 pm
notes on things you said, in the order of which you said them:
i NEED that “so jelly” mug. I use “I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly” in every day speech, quite often. [especially at the office. My 73 year old coworker has no clue what’s going on.]
also – that lemon artichoke pesto sounds AMAZING. I may need to work that into my next flatbread pizza night.
psst: you forgot to add the link for the washitape uses – but thankfully I favorited the tweet between you and Michelle this weekend and have already reread it twice. [and added it to my Pocket app, so that i wont forget to actually do things with it eventually!]
i, too, pick my nail colors [and other things] based on names. Love the ones you chose. I’ve been known to pick out a color theme for an event based on the paper color name for the invite. just saying.
I’d love if you posted some “tips for mentoring” or something similiar in the future.
umm! THANK YOU for the Monday Announcement shout out! So unexpected and fun to find at the end of this post, which I’ve been coming down to the comment section of a bunch of times and still didnt notice until right NOW. THANK YOU. you ROCK.
also – i really like this post and the concept of these sorts of post and think you could/should make them a reoccuring feature on On Tap for Today. LOVE.
January 14, 2013 at 2:31 pm
Bless your heart and keen observation skills for catching that missing link! (AAAAH! THE MISSING LINK!) I wish you lived next door so we could have these conversations in person. You always spark so much creativity and positive thinking. Simply put: you are a good influence. xo
January 14, 2013 at 3:06 pm
Thanks for the link to the pomegranate massacre. I have one in the fruit drawer at home and its been mocking me.
I try to unplug on the weekends, but with everything going on, my phone is my constant companion for information-finding purposes.
Did you go to Pinterest yet and enter “washi tape”? I have fifty new ideas for it!
January 14, 2013 at 10:44 pm
Well, now I hate you for getting Bootylicious into my head
Mentoring a student sounds pretty cool. I helped younger students when I was still in school, but haven’t done much alumni mentoring. Hmm, something to look into.
Looks like a great weekend!
Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic
January 15, 2013 at 11:31 am
I love your instagram pics. That lemon artichoke pesto sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing the recipe!
Kate Lamie
January 16, 2013 at 9:59 pm
The BC mentoring program sounds super! That lucky mentee =)
January 17, 2013 at 11:49 am
Thank you, Katie! So sweet.