Today: Time for a reboot.
Every now and then, it’s time for a reboot. Having spent so much time away (when I got back to my office earlier this week, my desk calendar still said October…), and even more time focused on wedding planning, I am overdue for such a reboot in essentially all areas of my life. Including my eyebrows. Please remind me to schedule a wax.

I’ve been feeling really good since working out a plan with my RD. The plan mostly went out the window while we were on our honeymoon, however. Eating out three meals a day will do that to a girl. I kept up with all of my vitamins and supplements, except for the probiotics (which need to be kept refrigerated, something I couldn’t count on during two full days of travel) and l-glutamine (I am okay with not carrying a tub of fine white powder on an aircraft). With limited vegetarian options, and very few vegetarian and gluten free options, I did my best to get creative. When it comes to digestive issues, simplicity is often a far better route than creativity. Needless to say (but I’ll say it anyway), I felt like crap (…) after nearly every meal. Very romantic, I assure you.

Now that we’re home and settling back into our routines, I am so happy to be back in control of my meals. I found preparing my food at home made a significant difference while undergoing all sorts of body experiments with my RD and doctors this summer. Inevitably there will be holiday parties and dinner dates on the calendar, but that’s what pockets on dresses were made for, right? Gluten free snacks? Baby carrots? A handful of beans?
In addition to spending a bit more time in the kitchen on meal prep and planning, I’m also making time for tracking. I am a big fan of the Lose It! app and website for two reasons:
- You can set iPhone reminders when you’ve forgotten to log a meal. This is especially helpful for people like me, who can’t remember where their car is parked. Six minutes after they’ve parked it.
- You can generate weekly reports, which can be emailed to you or someone else at a set time. This makes sharing a weekly food log with my RD and doctor effortless.
I hit the resort fitness center twice while on our honeymoon, swam a lot, ran a little, lifted even less, and relished in the time I had to rest and relax. Two weeks away from Crossfit Southie was plenty, though. I’ve been there three times in the last five days and lady, I am feeling it. (You can find my WODs and various goofball photos on Instagram.) Surprisingly, I am continuing to improve, even after being away. I added a whole 5 lbs to my bench press PR this morning, and strung together more double-unders than ever. With a bit more free space on my schedule (no more bridal hair trials!), I’m excited to add another day of Crossfit to my weekly schedule and look forward to seeing how that goes.
Amanda‘s Holiday Booty Buster Challenge has been a great motivator for staying on track amidst the busy-ness of the season. This week I am focusing on morning workouts and making sure I get in at least 10,000 steps (which reminds me, I need to sync my fitbit) each day. I like having a community to keep me accountable.
Likely a result of daylight savings time, I seem to be going to bed earlier and earlier. This means I am able to wake up earlier and earlier. I like that. I am making the most of this quiet time by squeezing in some reading, whipping up our daily green juice, praying, and playing games like “No, yoooou’re the cutest Christmas elf!” with my dog.
Winter is my absolute favorite season (besides those summer days when I am outside and swimming). I find it so easy to count my blessings and find shiny things to look at this time of year. I am balancing time socializing (both intentionally and with strangers, who always seem to want to chat with me, in line at Target) with quiet, solo time.
Being away was just perfect. Nick and I had little to worry and stress about, and so much to celebrate and enjoy. While there will always be worries and stressors at home, there is also so much to be celebrating and enjoying. Sometimes it takes a little reboot to find the balance between the two. A reboot and a highly detailed planner with color coding and Post-its.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Restocking the kitchen
- Listening to Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! podcasts
- Turning vegetables into vases
What do you love most about this time of year?
Comments (4)
November 25, 2012 at 7:22 pm
I <3 you…and especially your writing style.
meghan @ little girl in the big world
November 25, 2012 at 9:40 pm
I need a reboot too. Mine is mostly with food, though. I’m sticking with my running goals pretty well, but my food choices are junky. I’m doing HBBC too!
November 26, 2012 at 11:44 am
First – you and me both on the eyebrows, girl.
And, second – I think we asl need a good reboot from time to time. I’m feeling it too as we’re heading into the thick of the holiday season. I think that always having a place you can come back to and refresh (be it for health, wellness, personal grooming..) is so important.
My favorite thing about this time of year is spending time with family and friends and just the overall feeling of celebration in the air. Such a fun, fun time!
November 29, 2012 at 10:37 am
I am obsessed with dresses/skirts that have pockets- not necessarily to hide snack in them haha but because they’re awesome! I agree about the reboot thing. After spending a weekend away from home and my routine during Thanksgiving, it always feels so awesome to get back into the swing of a normal schedule like working out and eating what you want/like to eat. Congrats on the PR’s, always an awesome motivator at CrossFit