Today: A weekend at home.
Home Alone
My older brother and sister-in-law celebrated their wedding anniversary this week, which meant Nick and I got to babysit our niece for the first time. We partied like animals, singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star while changing into PJs at 6:45 PM and reading not one, but two books before bed. She is just heaven to be around.
Home Improvement
Much of the rest of the weekend was spent working on wedding projects and trying to rectify the broken sink situation. We made two trips to Home Depot and managed to sneak in a little fun between visits to the faucet aisle. There is so much to see and touch (and break) in that store. I was tempted to buy a pink ride-on pony from the Christmas section, but refrained. Instead, we picked up some PVC pipe for mobility and Crossfit practice at home. It will also come in handy when I want to turn off the light switch without getting up from the sofa. Just kidding. Mostly.
Home away from home
We spent this morning at Clark’s home away from home, the local children’s hospital where he does his therapy dog visits. I can think of no better way to pass a rainy Sunday morning than watching the kids snuggle with the Frenchie, feed him treats, tug on his ears, and hold him in their laps. It makes my heart swell.
Home cookin’
At the risk of tooting my own horn, I’m very excited to share that On Tap for Today was included in the North Atlantic edition of the Whole Foods Market 2012 Holiday Magazine’s “On the Web: Fresh Voices” feature, along with my pal Caitlin and the lovely We Are Not Martha girls. I’m really grateful to the team at Whole Foods for including me, and was sure to pick up a few copies today after grabbing groceries at River Street.
On the menu tonight? Enough vegetarian chili to feed an army.
What would Sunday night be without a do-it-myself manicure?
I live for rituals. And weekends at home.
Also On Tap for Today:
What’s your Sunday ritual?
Comments (6)
October 14, 2012 at 10:15 pm
Oh my gosh congrats on being in the magazine! That’s so awesome!!
I love Essie nail polish! It’s my favorite!
Ashley (@healthyhappier)
October 15, 2012 at 8:33 am
Can you share the recipe for the chili? Also, did you combine all those colors in one manicure? If so then I can’t wait to see!
I too love weekends at home. Bo and I are forcing ourselves to have at least 2 weekends at home per month so we are refreshed and energized!
October 15, 2012 at 11:33 am
I need to get into a Sunday manicure ritual myself! I used to have all sorts of Sunday rituals (meal planning, food shopping, the gym, playing hide and go seek with the cat) but since we moved I cannot seem to get into a routine!
And congrats on the magazine!
alex eats green
October 15, 2012 at 12:17 pm
Whole Foods!! SO big time. Congratulations that is AMAZING!
Molly Galler
October 16, 2012 at 9:46 pm
Congrats on Whole Foods! So exciting!
October 17, 2012 at 11:26 pm
The Whole Foods mention is so cool! (and well deserved!) I had just picked up a copy the other day and flipped through to find you when I saw this post! I was first drawn into the magazine from their chocolate feature. YUM. Also their apples
I want my sister to have some kids so I can babysit them
Would love to see your chili recipe
Also, I think I should start a Sunday night nail painting routine. But I guess first I have to pick up some new nail polish