Today: Pulling myself up.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]Before I joined CrossFit Southie, I didn’t give much thought to pull-ups… well, other than, I can’t do ’em. Now I find myself passing the park on my way to the bank, eyeing the monkey bars and wondering if playground sand might be a suitable alternative to chalk. I grilled Nick the other day, demanding to know how long it took before he was doing unassisted pull-ups. His answer was akin to, “Once you get there, you’re there.” Very Zen. And very unhelpful. Just kidding. Sort of.
I want a date on the calendar. I’d like it to be tomorrow, but I’d settle for a month from now. Realistically, though, January 1st seems like it might be doable. In two months, with admittedly no practice outside of the box, I can whip through assisted pull-ups with a green band. I’ve even managed a set while wearing a weighted chain around my neck. Like a total badass. When I attempted to move up to the blue band, though, my eyes almost popped out of my head and I involuntarily made a dying cat noise. Like a total lame ass.
There are no shortcuts when it comes to pull-ups. I keep reminding myself to strive for progress, not perfection. I am sure there is a life lesson in there somewhere, but you’re not getting it from me today. Sorry for that. And for saying ass. Twice. The only way I am going to make this happen is by practicing. When I kept getting harassed about helpful advice pertaining to my inadequate squat form, I started practicing in secret. I am sure I could have done them in public, but hey. I was more comfortable gettin’ low in the comfort of my own kitchen. After a few weeks, yours truly was complimented on her form. And after 100 wall balls last week, I could still walk upright. My sneaky practice paid off. I’ve gotten better and stronger. In the spirit of full disclosure and humility, though, the squat part of my wall balls was awesome. The hitting myself in the chin? Not so awesome.
I’ve been working on pull-ups both at Crossfit and at home, using modifications like jumping pull-ups (using a sprinkler box below the pull-up structure) and bands. I’ve made a little progress with the blue band (which is to say I can get my nose to the bar, my my chin wants no part in whatever happens above the bar… yet) and have watched every “how to do a pull-up” YouTube video thus created. Will I reach my goal by New Year’s? We shall see. At the very least, I know I will have made progress by then.
Speaking of progress, I’ve been showing off my guns-in-the-making (they’re mostly like squirt guns right now, but I am expecting full blown rifles, or whatever, in the near future) in my new Poly PlayDry tank, which was sent to me courtesy of my friends at Reebok.
I’ve worn this tank to the gym, on runs, underneath my soccer jersey (long story… it involves us not having uniforms until 30 seconds before our second game… actually, that was the entire story), food shopping, dog walking, and just plain old hanging around. The fabric is extremely soft and wicks away sweat really well. The bright pink color will ensure that no one misses me when I finally get that first unassisted pull-up. In the meantime, I’ll keep on practicing and progressing. And being a complete cheese doodle.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Happy Birthday to my lovely mother
- An unexpected Halloween treat
- Bostonians and book lovers: Great deal at New England Mobile Book Fair
What goal(s) are you practicing towards?
Comments (4)
Tracey English
September 28, 2012 at 10:31 am
Pull ups intimidate the heck out of me. Need to get a bar for my basement so I can work on them! Nice work!
Sleep, Eat, Gym, Repeat.
September 28, 2012 at 3:21 pm
Oh my God, I am struggling with the SAME issues!! It is my goal to do a full pull up. I’m using the blue bands now.. I’ll shoot to do a full one by Jan 1 with you
September 28, 2012 at 11:46 pm
I’m trying to build up stamina and strength so that one day I can actually “run” a 5k instead of jog/walk one. I’ve been running on the treadmill and pushing myself, but I still have a long way to go. Right now, I do intervals, varying between walking and jog/running. How did you build up towards all your running?
It seems you’re a big fan of crossfit. I’d like to get into it, but it seems a bit too intense for me!
September 30, 2012 at 11:29 pm
I never did pull-ups before this year. I’ve been doing them assisted and been slowly working up to doing them on my own! I finally busted out 1 pull-up by myself this week! Big deal for me lol. Hopefully I’ll be able to do more than 1 in a row soon
I feel like it’s hard to have progression with them because you are staring up at this bar each time you do them. Like you said, progress not perfection!