Today: Running… into old friends.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]Remember when we were in middle school and we’d plan coordinating outfits with our besties? Reebok took the guesswork out of matchy-matchy for me and six other FitFluential ambassadors running the Canton Road Race at Reebok World Headquarters this morning. We had no trouble finding one another in our fresh aubergine (purple, for those who don’t speak color wheel) tops and black crops, provided along with our race entries by Reebok.
I can’t tell you how many compliments we got on those short sleeve tech tops. I kept wanting to say, “Thanks, but um… I had nothing to do with this!” We were even stopped by a woman who had worked on designing the tees. I thought that was pretty cool. I met up with Tina and Sarah just as the rain was starting, about an hour before the race began. We ducked beneath an overhang with Robin, Katie, Mattie and Kelly to wait out the passing showers before heading to the starting line. While hiding out, Tina and I had an impromptu Team in Training reunion with our Southie chapter teammates, Amy and Bryan. If only Ben Nick and Mal had been there to join our group hug…
The race started and ended on Reebok’s campus, and wound through some very scenic (and hilly!) Canton neighborhoods. The final stretch on Washington Street brought us past the Trailside Museum (a childhood favorite of mine) at the foot of the Blue Hills. A highlight of the race was definitely having my name called by the announcer as I crossed the finish line (nerd alert!). The course was challenging and well marked, and the organizers did a fantastic job. We had our results emailed to us long before we left campus, which was a bonus– something I’ve not seen at past races. After cooling down, Tina and I took advantage of the 25% discount being offered at the Reebok corporate store. I’d had my eye on this CrossFit warm-up for a bit, and picked up that as well as a few teeshirts.
While I could have spend hours (and hundreds) shopping, my favorite thing about visiting Reebok World Headquarters is the inspiring atmosphere. Their mission as a brand, Empower People to be Fit for Life, seems to be carried out not only by their employees– we were surrounded by a sea of red “Team Reebok” shirts during the race– but also in the facilities themselves and inspiring messaging posted throughout campus. It’s clear that fitness is a key element of their work culture.
I can’t help but think of my own work environment, which as the bo$$ (if I could spell that with cent symbols, it would be more accurate), I’ve largely created. I’ve spent years working through lunch, veritably tied to my desk, feeling creaky and cranky by the time six o’clock rolls around. Lately, we’ve made a concerted effort to take “wellness walks” (that’s how I saw the trapped skunk, obvi) and balance work and life a bit better. I am sure I can be doing even more, and this morning’s trip to Reebok was a great reminder of that.
Perhaps it’s time to close the office door and dust off the yoga mat tucked behind my file cabinet thing.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Tackling the last few items on our I Do to do list
- Grocery and supplement shopping
- Foam rollin’ with my homies
How do you fit in fitness and wellness during the workday?
Comments (3)
September 16, 2012 at 3:45 pm
We usually take a walk outside after lunch to get a little extra walking in. I also try to hit the gym at least a few times a week. And lately, I’ve tried to join in on #plankaday and #pushupchallenge on twitter.
September 17, 2012 at 10:46 am
I work with kids, so… I plan being active when I can with them. Summer is great because I take groups of them on trips for a week at a time and I sneak walking and hiking in there when I can. Which they complain about. But I’m all “yes! I’m getting a walk in!”.
Sleep, Eat, Gym, Repeat.
September 21, 2012 at 12:56 pm
I’ve been trying to do the same thing at my office! Actually wrote a post about it a couple of months back, hopefully it will spark some inspiration