Today: The Bachelorette.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]I’ve never watched the show, but if it’s anything like this past weekend, I’ll be DVR-ing the next season. I got to spend the last three days on the Cape with some of my absolute favorite people. Equal parts low key and dancey, the weekend was absolutely perfect.
My sister and I picked up our cousin Katie from the train station Friday evening and made it to the Cape in record time, especially considering it was a holiday weekend. We shared a bottle of wine and a game of Phase 10, before beginning the search for the ultimate “learn to dance like Michael Jackson” YouTube video and establishing the sole ground rule for the weekend (we only needed one):
If you say you’re going to do it, you have to do it.
I broke that rule first thing Saturday morning when I… um… forgot to wear my newly gifted clip-on veil on our run. Colleen and Tina joined us shortly after we got back to the house, just in time for mimosas on the beach. We enjoyed beautiful weather and perfect tides all weekend long.
Being a complete control freak person, I was anxious to know what was in store, and a bit nervous about the surprises the girls had in store. Their thoughtfulness far surpassed anything I could have imagined. My sister worked with Nick to create a guessing game/video, which was definitely a highlight of the weekend for me. Not surprisingly, Nick and I had matching answers for most questions about one another, including how annoying my indecisiveness can be… and his questionable taste in music. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house, though, as Nick talked about how excited he is to get married.
I am just so lucky. For so many reasons.
Soon, our sweet ride was pulling up. Katie connected with Jerry, owner of Cape Cod Limousine, and set up a fantastic evening for us. Having a driver for the night was such a fun surprise. We played with the overhead lights and music like a bunch of junior prom goers. Our first stop was the Chatham Bars Inn for drinks by the gazebo as the sun was setting and a fabulous dinner in the tavern.
The roasted tomato soup was perfect for warming up (before donning a heavy Champagne jacket…).
After dinner, we made a quick stop at Land Ho! in Orleans. I enjoyed a hard cider, a lap around the bar, and a quick lesson on life courtesy of the ladies room.
Jerry’s prediction that the scene at the Ho would be a bust proved true, though the band (and the band members’ hair) was quite good. Sadly, our glow bracelets didn’t quite fit in. And no one was dancing. That was our cue to move on.
We took the express train limo to our old standby, the Woodshed, where we spend the rest of the night dancing, dancing, dancing, drinking and trying to avoid being danced on. There was some aggressive elbowing taking place on that tiny dance floor. The Boston Naturals played a great set and being surrounded by the girls had me smiling like mad.
I had to break out my flying squirrel costume (oh… doesn’t everyone have one?) before the night was over, but my attempt to sneak through the house resulted in a skinned knee. You can’t win ’em all. I am sure there are photos of Squirelizabeth, but I don’t have any. Which is entirely fine by me.
Sunday morning, I slept later than I have in decades (possibly an exaggeration, but maybe not) and missed Colleen and Tina departing. I had so much fun with them, and was glad they could both join us for part of the weekend. Several of my friends and bridesmaids were traveling, moving, and attending weddings and though I certainly missed them, I felt their love from far away and appreciated all the texts and calls over the course of the weekend.
Katie, Andrea and I fit in another run before more time at the beach, more Phase 10, more MJ videos, and a trip to Kate’s.
Oh, and a beer can duel. Because what’s a bachelorette party without Bud Light cans flying through the air?
I loved every minute of this weekend.
Also On Tap for Today:
- I went away and it was August… I came back and it’s September?!
- Just moved to Boston?
- Grocery shopping (sort of an emergency)
If you were in a cover band, what would be on your must-play list?
Comments (4)
September 3, 2012 at 8:56 pm
Sounds like an absolutely lovely bachelorette! I had mine on the Cape as well. Love it there.
September 3, 2012 at 10:27 pm
Aw that sounds like such a fun weekend!!
September 4, 2012 at 3:26 pm
Awww sounds like it was a fabulous time!!! So sad I missed it!!!! We’ll have to get together soon as a make-up
Today: Wine about it. « On Tap for Today
October 1, 2012 at 2:06 pm
[…] tasty, spicy wine), and brought a bottle home to share with Nick. Thirtieth birthday parties, bachelorette parties and Bruins games aside, I rarely drink beer (truthfully, I rarely booze anymore period), so […]