Today: White water… crafting.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]Nick spend the weekend with his groomsmen and friends white water rafting. Clark and I spent the weekend sleeping, eating and, um… crafting.
After finishing up a top secret project (a TSP, if you will) for my lovely bridesmaids, I tackled a few other things I’ve been meaning to accomplish since, like, last August. From keeping our paint colors organized to finding a way to keep my necklaces untangled, I checked off more than a few (non-top secret) projects over the past few days.
I got my car tuned up (it has officially become a money pit on wheels), had my first wedding dress fitting (I can’t wait to show you pictures, but… I need to wait to show your pictures), cleaned like wild and spent as much time outside as possible.
How cool is that bird’s nest? Very recycled chic… though I don’t recommend embellishing your home with TP left in a city park. I spotted the nest while taking Clark on an extra long walk last night. He was more interested in the mouse running up the sidewalk.
I rounded out the weekend with my first solo WOD. Lame as it may be, I had never gone to CrossFit alone before this morning. With Nick two states away, I could have easily skipped the workout and slept in, but I knew I’d be better off (wo)man-ing up and getting after it. Not surprisingly, I was glad I went. The workout was really fun, and I love knowing I am getting a little better and stronger each time I show up.
While I may have not needed a helmet or paddle for my weekend, it certainly feels like I got a lot done. (As I write this, though, I just remembered I loaded the washer… but never turned it on… hmmm. Can’t win ’em all.)
Also On Tap for Today:
- Visiting my adorable niece
- Watching track and field events (obsessed)
- DIY holiday projects… too soon?
Do you have projects waiting to be tackled?
Comments (3)
August 5, 2012 at 6:45 pm
I got my car tuned up this weekend, too. Was definitely due for a 5k mile tuneup.
I should make one of those necklace frames. My jewelry is all a mess, and I think I forget about what I have, when it’s all stashed in a pile. Is it just a board (corkboard?) + a frame + some pins/nails?
Where did the boys go for white water rafting? I’ve only gone a few times, but I’ve only ever been to this one place in Maine (I forget where, but it was quite a drive!)
August 8, 2012 at 9:41 am
I see Martha Stewart paint chips. I want to just collect those everytime I’m in Home Depot. So pretty.
I need to take my car in…I am the worst at maintanence!
August 8, 2012 at 9:52 am
We used a number of Martha’s colors when renovating our condo– they really are so pretty. I couldn’t bear to toss the paint chips once we finished.
As for cars, I wish they took themselves to the mechanic.