Today: Hello, August.

[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]Goodbye, July.  Helloooooo, August.

It’s amazing how quickly the summer passes, even when you’re a real, live adult and haven’t had a summer vacation in eight several years.  June and July were just fine, but I’ve been looking forward to August for ages.  Mostly because I promised my sister we’d go to a water park after she took the bar exam.  She has earned a trip to Water Country… and then some.

I know what you’re thinking: The lazy river you’re planning to luxuriate in is full of pee and floating band-aids.  I plan to only go on the really fast tube rides.  The germs won’t have a chance to attach themselves to me when I blaze by.  So really.  Don’t worry.  I’m also really looking forward to the Healthy Living Summit.  It’s been great to help out a bit and see the plans evolve and come together over the past couple of months.  Which reminds me, did you sign up for Ultimate Bootcamp at HLS yet?  You know how I feel about UBC.  Between bootcamp and CrossFit, I am hoping people mistake my arms for Michelle Obama’s whilst I walk down the aisle.

With just three months until the wedding, I can barely contain my excitement, nor my excessive pinterst-ing.  Nick has his bachelor party at the beginning of the month, white water rafting somewhere up north.  That sound like the beginning of a Lifetime movie.  Meanwhile, I’m planning to have my own fun while he’s away, spending the weekend building forts with my dog and reading fashion magazines.  And not doing a single load of laundry.  Until the smell of CrossFit socks overwhelms our condo.  I also have the shower and bachelorette party to look forward to this month.  I’m very lucky.  And prone to happy tears.  Consider yourselves warned.

Speaking of happy tears, I laughed so hard I cried when I watched this video last night.

Can we register for a Buttermilk?

Also On Tap for Today:

What are you most looking forward to this month?

Comments (3)

  • Janine (@PurpleGiraffeJ9)

    August 1, 2012 at 2:29 pm

    I’m looking forward to my lazy river trip on Saturday – except it’s the Pemi! Then next week is my RTB fundraiser and the weekend after that is RnR Providence! Crazy!!! This summer is FLYIN’!

  • Kristi @ lifesprinkles

    August 4, 2012 at 10:57 pm

    your blog makes me smile every single time – I love that you rationalized how germs won’t have a chance to attach themselves to you 🙂

    I’m looking forward to the start of a new job and, hopefully, shorter days and a more balanced schedule. oh, and being one month closer to the next season of dancing with the stars 🙂

  • Sleep, Eat, Gym, Repeat.

    August 6, 2012 at 3:40 pm

    Just registered for Ultimate Bootcamp! Thanks for posting about it

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Today: Mary Poppins, Lord Voldemort and Lolo Jones.

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Today: White water... crafting.

August 5, 2012