Today: Press pause. And reset.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]Our gadgets come with so many buttons. We can rewind television shows, skip ahead to our favorite jams, and mute ourselves during conference calls. I think you can mute other people too, but I imagine that negates the point of having a conference call. While I have most of my machines in check– all it takes is pressing a button– I could really use a pause and reset button for life.
While it’s likely the result of working my tail off all spring (I still live my life on an academic calendar, despite being a non-student complete with a non-existent summer break), I’ve been feeling a bit stuck lately. My sleeping habits have been weird, my eating habits even weirder. I’ve had trouble waking up early enough to apply two coats of mascara before work, let alone early enough to fit in a workout. I’ve been a little grouchy (except when I was on a boat, or holding my brand new niece, or dancing with Nick and my bestie at a wedding this weekend, or when my sister told me about her missing wallet… not that her misfortune is funny… but it kind of was).
In case I was oblivious to things being amiss, my body reminded me by failing to fight off a cold. The kind of cold that renders you the most disgusting person on the planet, unable to get out of your bed, which you’ve decorated with used tissues, empty boxes of Zicam and layers of discarded socks. (Don’t worry, I’ve since disinfected the environment. And myself.)
I am taking a cue from my keyboard and pressing Pause Underline Break. And then, I am going to take a cue from my wrist calculator Garmin and press Reset. This calls for more than just a to do list. I need a plan. Fortunately, I have the next few days at my disposal (Happy Birthday, America!) to design and implement this rut-busting plan.
Rut: I hate everything in my closet.
- Stop lying. There are plenty of things I love. I just can’t find them, because they’re sandwiched between things that either fall off my butt, or fall onto my butt too closely.
- Take everything out of the closet. Even the things I tucked into the back of the closet because I didn’t know where they should go.
- Try everything on. Be honest. Take photos if necessary.
- Only put that which fits, flatters, and serves a purpose (i.e. there is somewhere appropriate to wear it in the next 12 months ) back into the closet. This goes for shoes, belts, handbags, hats, workout clothes and everything tucked in my drawers as well. Goodbye, itchy soccer socks.
- Implement the “turn the hangers around” rule.
- Donate, consign, or discard everything left outside the closet. Except for my dog. He stays.
Rut: I eat well… until I don’t.
I have another follow-up with the RD after finishing a second round of the FODMAP diet and “challenge” diet for food allergies, and much of my frustration around food is tied to these challenges. I do a great job sticking to “the rules” during the day, but run into trouble when I haven’t pre-planned dinner, or find myself out, or on the go. Bottom line: preparation pays and laziness slays does not. Oh and another bottom line: The point of all this is to feel better and be healthy. That’s well worth the frustration.
- Carve out time to plan the week’s meals, food shop, and prep.
- Don’t be a lazy bum. Right.
- Account for time “on the go.” Pack snacks.
- Check in. If pizza contains yeast, and lactose, and tomatoes, and garlic, and wheat, and gluten and various other things I am supposed to be avoiding, I should not eat pizza. Even if my friends or fiance are eating pizza.
- Stop sneaking Diet Coke. (This is a recent slip… after two months of quitting cold turkey. Not proud.)
- Continue to stay hydrated. This is something I excel at. Yesterday I drank so much water, I felt like the ocean.
Rut: Oops, I did it again. I missed a workout.
- Today matters more than yesterday, because I can actually do something about today.
- Focus on how much I enjoy and have benefited from morning workouts in the past.
- Set the alarm.
- Set another alarm.
- No excuses. Play like a champion.
Rut: I feel a little burned out.
- Get my work done.
- Use the left side of my brain.
- Go away.
Simple as that. Sort of. I’m off to go press every button in the condo.
Also On Tap for Today:
- I have read this NYT post on being “busy” 100 times… and I want to read it again
- Donating a bunch of running shoes to Back On My Feet
- Perusing red, white and blue recipes
How do you reset when you’re in a rut?
Comments (6)
Charissa (@ColourfulPalate)
July 4, 2012 at 12:57 am
I love this post – especially the closet tips – I need to go through it again and throw away some clothes!
July 4, 2012 at 10:35 am
I have DEFINITELY been having similar feelings lately. I think I’m a little burnt out from work, working out and wedding planning. It seems like that is all I do. I’ve been trying to reset by spending time with people who remind me of the important things in life – love, laughter, and all that good stuff.
July 4, 2012 at 9:35 pm
Love this post! I’m always claiming “I have no clothes” and it drives my husband crazy since my clothes often take over our upstairs! I’m in the middle of a major wardrobe cleanse. Sorry you’re feeling burnt out, but it sounds like you have identified some great strategies for getting out of these ruts.
July 5, 2012 at 9:48 am
I love this post – I definitely can relate. Sometimes we have to push ourselves to be conscious of what is going on with us, like knowing that when we’re burned out, we have to just step away. I’m going through similar things, but it sounds like you have some great tactics to shake the rut. Keep it up!
July 5, 2012 at 9:52 am
love your blog as always!
happy 4th…and the diet coke can be conquered–it took me a few times of quitting, but it’s possible!
July 6, 2012 at 12:22 am
Wow, your ruts sound like my ruts. I definitely need to purge my closet. And when I buy new clothes, they tend to be the same colors/styles as before, so that just adds to a fashion rut. Where’s the What Not To Wear people when we need them?
I find myself getting in food ruts, too. In general, I’m not as healthy of an eater as I should be. And the past week or so, I’ve eaten WAY too much ice cream (my mistake was buying ice cream!) and I ate about 3 people’s worth of food at 4th of July festivities. Luckily the rut of making pasta multiple times a week (because it’s so easy) can be shaken up by picking up new veggies and trying a new recipe. Sometimes I actually do one of the recipes I see on pinterest!
I look to you for inspiration for fitness. You’re so athletic! So, I understand how you feel when you don’t work out…I feel that way a lot more often than you though! Some weeks I barely hit the gym. And then I feel like a flabby slacker. No good. I like your thinking for 1. Today matters more than yesterday. If I messed up yesterday, I can start again tomorrow. An exercising streak is awesome, but if I miss a day, I should just start up a new streak, not mourn my failing at maintaining a streak.
I find myself burning out when I don’t get enough sleep. I just need to get better at sending myself to sleep. And then also making my bf go to sleep too. We’re bad at getting to bed on time, which only compounds all our other laziness.
I hope you pause and reset works out! Good luck!