Today: Sometimes the little things are the big things.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]Today was bound to be one of those days. I got to my desk bright and early so that I could head out for a doctor’s appointment. I was scheduled for some testing, poking and prodding… not exactly my idea of a pleasant lunch break.
I had been up much of last night worrying, and the twenty minutes I spent waiting in the exam room alone didn’t help my anxiety. I caught up on a few work emails and scanned the room for anything (those creepy body part diagram things were not helping) that might distract me from my own over-active imagination. And there it was, a gift from the heavens (sort of): A Where’s Waldo book.
I have no idea what it was doing there, but man. It was just what I needed. In addition to being the perfect distraction, it was a great reminder that often it’s the little things that help the most. Sometimes they turn out to be the big things. They give us comfort when we’re worried, a lift when we’re down. I couldn’t help but think about all the other little things that carry me through my days.
Like this photo I keep on my desk. My dad took this photo of me in West Dennis when I was little. I might be a creeper for having a photo of myself, but come on. Look at how cool I was in my Barracuda jacket. Relaxed, carefree and as smiley as ever. This little photo, in its little frame, reminds me to be that version of myself more often. Crises come up, deadlines approach, meetings are called… but life goes on. And it goes much more smoothly when you’re grinning.
Speaking of grins, all it takes is a patch of grass to get this little guy smiling from one bat ear to the other. Sometimes the little things do that for us.
And sometimes it’s the thought behind the little things that makes a big impact. Like when a friend comes by with treats (those shortbreads, made locally in Essex, are to die for) because you’re having a tough week. There’s no feeling quite like being cared for.
Similarly, there’s no feeling quite like laughing with good friends. Our Team Off Balance crew has put group texting to good use before, during and after the Reach the Beach relay. The system came in handy when a few of us were trapped in the ladies room at the New Balance factory in Lawrence prior to the race. All it took was a little text to break us free, giggling all the way. The laughs just keep on coming.
Maybe it’s a bendy straw, a good book, a walk with your better half, or a fresh-from-the-dryer pair of sweats. Or maybe it’s all of the above. I’m pleased to report that while today could have been one of those days, it was quickly salvaged by the little things.
Also On Tap for Today:
- #RWRunStreak Day 2
- Wedding chatter with my sister
- Enjoying the first summer tomatoes
What are your favorite little things?
Comments (5)
Megan@ The Running Doc
May 29, 2012 at 9:38 pm
After a long or stressful day nothing cheers me up like playing with my dog (I swear her only emotions are happy and excited) and pulling on a pair of yoga pants. Pure bliss
May 30, 2012 at 9:10 am
My favorite little thing is a plastic toy dog that Bret got me. I keep it on my desk and I smile whenever I look at it. It is a good reality check when the day seems to overwhelm me.
May 30, 2012 at 11:52 am
I hope your doctors appointment goes well! The waiting part totally sucks. I try to stay distracted by snooping into drawers and cabinets and seeing if I can find anything to steal. I mean…
I totally need a bendy straw in my life!
June 3, 2012 at 7:37 pm
I LOVE this post! Life is definitely about the little things – so many little moments that add up to create beauty or pain or growth or newness… Although we remember the big things, there are usually only 2 or 3 really big things in life that happen and instead the little moments, like you said, carry us through our days. For me it’s time spent in God’s Word reading and connecting with him; it’s moments laughing with my husband and cuddling on the couch; it’s when a comment from a client about their progress; it’s a short phone call to my mom. Great thoughts; thanks for sharing, Elizabeth!
10 Things to Remember Today – LeadBIG | LeadBIG
July 19, 2012 at 7:07 am
[…] Photo credit: On Tap for Today […]