Today: Yes, you May.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]This year is flying by at a frightening pace. May shows no signs of slowing down. I feel like I should be wearing safety gear.
I was cleaning out our cabinets this weekend, pulling out cans and boxes to donate to Feed the Need, when I came across a box of Wasa crackers that expired in June of 2011. “Good,” I thought, “another month free and clear of botulism.” Wrong. It’s 2012. I am still not sure how that happened.
With work busier than ever, it’s no surprise that old “I skipped Spanish class so many times that I am afraid to go back to class” recurring dream crept into my sleep Sunday night.
Let the record reflect that I never skipped a single Spanish class, but the dread always feels so real when I dream that weird dream. I think it usually means that I’m over-scheduled and worried about letting something I’m responsible for slip through the cracks. Or that I need to brush up on my romance languages.
Regardless of the fact that I feel like I am holding on for dear life, there’s a lot to look forward to this month:
- Zella Day of Movement at Nordstrom this coming Saturday– all are welcome! Check here to find the nearest participating location and join in the fun.
- Clark’s Therapy Dog exam
- The New Balance Falmouth Road Race Lottery opens on Monday, May 7th
- My last big work event of the academic year, plus some work travel down South
- A visit to Reebok Headquarters with the FitFluential family
- Mother’s Day
- Follow-up with my RD
- The New Balance Reach the Beach Relay with #teamoffbalance
- My sister-in-law’s shower (which means the baby is on the way!)
- My sister’s law school graduation
- Boston’s Run to Remember
- Memorial Day Weekend
- Six perfect parties for your mom
- Dodging raindrops
- Finishing up the last items on our wedding list
Comments (5)
May 1, 2012 at 9:03 am
I’m definitely looking forward to my friend’s wedding this weekend…on Cinco de Mayo!
Halley Sikes (@blunderblog)
May 1, 2012 at 1:40 pm
I have that dream sometimes, too! I used to get it all the time after I graduated college, not so much anymore – and it was for calculus class. Now I dream/nightmare about packing for trips and I AM NEVER READY… AH good luck with all of it!
Kelly @ Laughter, Strength, and Food
May 2, 2012 at 9:37 am
Love that little calendar! Looks like you have a pretty awesome month coming up!
Katie (The Aspiring RD)
May 2, 2012 at 2:05 pm
I have the exact same calendar! As an ode to Hugo.
May 4, 2012 at 11:57 am
May is ALWAYS the craziest month!! Looks like you’ve got a fun month ahead!! Visiting the reebok headquarters sounds awesome!!
And maybe we can actually get a run together before RTB
Haha. No really though…