Today: Ultimate Bootcamp, Days 11 and 12
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]I was both excited and terrified to find out that last Wednesday’s workout had a name: The 200. While Jeanine and Kim have referred to other workouts by name before (JFK, the Heights, Castle Island), they’ve all had something to do with the location. The 200 could mean anything, and so I assumed the worst. It wasn’t quite the worst, but it was brutal. Brutal and awesome.
Switching off with a partner, we completed 10 triceps dips and then 10 bicep curls with a resistance band before running the stairs on one segment of the stadium. Once we got to the top of the next set of stairs, we repeated the process over and over, working our way up to 200 reps of each move. Once we reached the end of the bleachers, we stopped for 3 sets of 10 push-ups and 10 sit-ups before heading back in the opposite direction. We followed the same pattern, but this time alternating between triceps push-ups and reverse bicep curls. By the time we finished all 200 reps, my arms felt like overcooked spaghettis.
Wednesday’s workout included:
- Warm-up run to the stadium
- Dynamic stretching
- Bicep curls (standard and reverse)
- Pushups (standard and triceps/close grip)
- Triceps dips (standard, one legged)
- Stairs
Taking on “The 200” seemed impossible at first, but we slowly chipped away it as we made our way around the stadium. It was actually kind of fun. Mostly because the soreness hasn’t set in yet. We went back to the track on Thursday for running and core work. I was about to type, “This was my favorite workout yet,” but it seems like every workout has been my favorite yet.
I felt more like a runner than ever during Thursday’s workout. There have been plenty of times over the last three weeks when I’ve struggled (I am looking at you, shoulder presses), but running always feels good. Manageable. Enjoyable, even. After focusing for so long on distance, I’ve come to appreciate each opportunity to leave it all out on the track. I nearly diagnosed myself with asthma at one point Thursday morning, but still. It’s fun to go fast.
Thursday’s workout included:
- .25 mile warm-up run
- Dynamic stretching (high knees, hamstring curls, squats)
- Squat thrusts and running on the field
- A three person drill involving high knee step-ups, sit ups and 4 x 200 m. on the track
- Stairs, hill running
- Single leg raises with a resistance band
- Planks
I love the variety of these workouts. Just when I want squats to go extinct, we’re on to lunges. And as soon as I want to hunt down the person who invented the lunge, it’s time for planks. It’s impossible to get bored, and the sense of accomplishment at the end of each workout is addictive. Our group broke out into spontaneous clapping after Wednesday’s workout. It was pretty great. I’ve been driving home with a huge smile on my face each morning.
I really used to think people who exercised in the morning were either part-robot, or fully nuts. After more than three weeks of getting up at 5:15, I get it. I really do.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Watching my sister’s friend compete on Jeopardy! again tonight
- Fun with carrots!
- I am in love with these place cards
What’s On Tap for your Tuesday?
Comments (4)
April 10, 2012 at 10:12 am
E – i must say. I have never ever ever wanted to sign up for a bootcamp type class until reading your awesome descriptions and summaries of your workouts. I may have to commit to one of these [scary! scary!] classes during my 29th year.
April 10, 2012 at 11:10 am
I’m like heather

I’ve always avoided the camp of the boots….till now
April 10, 2012 at 11:12 am
Sounds awesome! Way to go.
As for workouts in the morning, they are definitely not for me. I love mid morning/afternoon. It’s perfect for my situation since I work at home and like to get some work done in the AM then I can break, workout and get back to work after my shower.
Elina (Healthy and Sane)
April 12, 2012 at 10:05 am
I’m super impressed. I really can’t do serious workouts in the morning (I tried! I really am useless in the AM) but I love bootcamp classes. They really do fly by even if midway you think there is no way you’ll make it through it, then next thing you know – it’s cooling down time. Love them!