Today: Ultimate Bootcamp, Days 5 and 6.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]With the excitement of last Thursday’s BPS “skip day” (essentially, a non-event) behind us, the gates at our usual parking spot along the beach were open on Monday morning. Despite waking up a full 15 minutes before my alarm, I felt a little more sluggish than the previous week. Realizing that the weather was much more March-like, I added an extra layer and hit the road.
Kim brought us across the field to the sidewalk along Columbia Road for a warm-up run and plenty of lunges and squats. Using the Farren footbridge, we alternated between running up and over Columbia Road and hunkering down for jump squats and split jumps (I have a feeling there’s a more technical name for that), and static squats and lunges. We also spent some time on the damp, cold grass (after a brief taste of summer, it is definitely early spring again) taking on suicide-style runs paired with sit-ups and side planks with a twist.
Monday’s workout included:
- Warm-up run
- Lunges (front, side, walking)
- Squats
- Squat jumps
- Planks (high, low, side, walking)
- Sit-ups
- Push-ups
- Leg lifts
I came home feeling cold, soggy, and ready for a nap. Unfortunately, that nap had to wait until bedtime. There was a lot to like about this workout though, especially I using the bridge for climbing. It was a great reminder that we don’t need to travel far or find expensive equipment to get a great workout in. There is so much available right in our own neighborhood. Though I am not sure I’d be comfortable busting out a set of burpees by myself in the middle of the sidewalk, it’s good to know that’s always an option. If all else fails. And I’m really desperate. (I am trying to imagine a scenario where this would be the best option… so far: nothing.)
Tuesday provided a new challenge: get from bootcamp to work in under 60 minutes in a suit with my face on and my hair did. I had an early morning meeting in the Financial District and was forced to duck out of class 10 minutes early to ensure I wasn’t late. I really could have used 45 extra minutes just to warm up. Good Lord, it was cold yesterday morning.
I’m no meteorologist, but the wind coming off the ocean made it feel more like -28. Despite wearing a tank top, a short-sleeved tee, a long sleeved thermal, a fleece, a ridiculous hat (with a pompom) and gloves, I was still quite cold. I was hoping for a lot of running for this reason. That, and I had a tetanus shot on Monday and my left arm feels like it’s full of lead. I crossed my fingers for a leg day, but as soon as Jeanine kicked off the workout with 25 burpees, I knew that finger crossing was in vain.
Tuesday’s workout included:
- .25 mile warmup
- Burpees
- Jumping jacks
- Line drills on the football field
- Pushups
- Planks
- Bicep curls
- Overhead presses
- Rows
My arms felt less like lead and more like jello by the time I made it to the car. I wish I could have stayed for the full hour, but sometimes duty calls. I should probably remind duty to not schedule any more 8:00 meetings. Later in the day, as I ran through all of the other meetings, appointments, and tasks that needed tackling, I was so thankful to have started the day with a workout.
Before beginning Ultimate Bootcamp, almost all of my workouts (boxing, running, yoga, soccer) were at night. I can’t tell you how many times a work or personal obligation got in the way of those workouts. While it would have been easier on such a cold morning, with a meeting to worry about, to have stayed in bed, I am really glad my fellow bootcampers and I chose to get up and work out.
Full disclosure: I am attending this session of Ultimate Bootcamp at no cost. I am not being compensated for writing about participating, and per usual, you can trust me to be open and honest about the experience.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Disruptive or not, I can appreciate adults in superhero costumes
- Sneaking in some much needed yoga tonight
- Great tips for spring entertaining on a budget
If you’re weather-obsessed (like me), what’s your go-to source for forecasts?