Today: Everything’s coming up roses.
And daffodils. And tulips. And azaleas. And flowers I can neither spell nor pronounce.
After getting caught in a stampede at last year’s flower show, I was very thankful when my dad suggested we go early in the day to this year’s Boston Flower and Garden Show. My dad is quite the gardener, so it was fun to see what appealed to him, and take mental notes for a time when Nick and I have a yard of our own. A few of my favorites this year included the rosemary border that lined the brick walkway above. Imagine how lovely coming home would smell? I also really liked these city-friendly succulent jars. The moss and dirt add really nice color and texture, and I imagine this is something I could pull together with relative ease. Unless my hand got stuck in there, or something. That would likely happen to someone like me.
This back deck scene captured my imagination. I think these knitted poufs would be perfect for the pool deck. Unfortunately, shared space doesn’t lend itself to personal decor or furnishings. Heck, I doubt I could leave my towel unattended up there without being reported to the condo association.
I loved and all water features, especially a turquoise urn that we spotted.
I made a fountain (inspired by Swan Lake, no less) in my 12th grade art independent study. The fountain part was surprisingly easy, as they sell easy to install kits online. Or maybe it was from a catalogue. I am not sure if the internet existed back then. Regardless, the fountain part was easy, but putting my swans back together after one of the art teachers randomly re-fired them in the kiln, blowing them to bits, was quite difficult. This same teacher once painted on one of my sculptures. She was a weird bird.
Speaking of weird birds, these guys weren’t the only things making music at the Seaport World Trade Center. In the middle of the flower show, a gorgeous exhibit featured Spanish guitar music and a really spectacular carpet of vibrant flowers and plants.
A few other highlights included a child’s garden, complete with the coolest fort I have ever seen, plus a display of handmade hats.
There was something interesting at every turn, I’d be stumped if I had to pick a favorite.
Just kidding. My favorite was this stone with an inlaid glass mosaic.
I thought this was just gorgeous.
I’ll have to jump back to this post if and when we ever leave the city. With so much to see and be inspired by, the Flower Show would be a great way to trick someone into moving to the suburbs. Myself included. In the meantime, I am quite happy with my vases of cut flowers. And the crocuses along the Broadway bridge.
Also On Tap for Today:
- I think a visit to the Gardens at Elm Bank is in order
- Ultimate Bootcamp Day 3!
- Cooking class at Whole Foods River Street
Do you have a favorite flower? Do you have a green thumb like my dad?
Comments (4)
March 21, 2012 at 2:26 pm
gotta love the flower show. I went with my Mom a couple years ago, she has a serious green thumb. I can’t keep a plant alive but i sure do love the displays!
Molly Galler
March 21, 2012 at 5:54 pm
I read about the flower and garden show but wasn’t sure what exactly would be on display. You made me feel like I went!
March 22, 2012 at 9:19 am
When I was in Oakland, I stayed at my friend’s house and she had the most beautiful patio filled with succulents and lemon trees. It was a little urban oasis.
Elina (Healthy and Sane)
March 22, 2012 at 4:54 pm
So much gorgeous color! I like those jars with dirt and moss too