[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]If you were worried that I had succumbed to a trust fall related injury, never fear. I am alive and mostly no worse for the wear. The ceramic skeleton key that used to hang by our table, however, didn’t fare quite so well. I’ve been tempering last weekend’s festivities with 13 hour days at the office, endless meetings, and welp… staring at this.
The thought of springing forward and subsequently losing an entire hour of sleep has me downright cranky.
Then again, I am usually cranky. Because I rarely sleep enough. And sometimes because I eat too much sugar. I am a work in progress. High on my self-improvement agenda lately is making quality sleep a priority. Incidentally, that handle belongs to a door on that cute little cottage in Boothbay Harbor.
While I have a million excuses for both staying up too late, and pressing snooze too many times the following morning, I am making a bit of progress, starting with a mini-makeover.
I went to town at West Elm. And yes, I do keep a Twitter bird-shaped nightlight at my bedside. You never know when you might need portable illumination.
In addition to my attempt to design on several dimes, I’ve made a few adjustments to my evening and nighttime routines. Rather than scramble in the morning, I am spending a few minutes before bed putting away dishes, packing my lunch, running a load of laundry, putting away errant shoes and Frenchie toys, picking out an outfit (and then another one for when I decide I hate the first) and carving out my to do list for the next day. It’s amazing how much more quickly my brain turns off when it’s not preoccupied with the frenzy of the next day. Speaking of frenzy, I am trying to replace cop shows with reading. And simplifying my soul. Sort of.
While 40 days will be up before we know it, I highly recommend this read for anyone trying to incorporate the Lenten message more practically into their day. From spending 15 minutes in silence, to wearing your oldest clothes, Paula Huston offers really interesting suggestions and exercises for connecting with those who suffer. I just made the books sound really depressing; it’s not. Quite the opposite, really.
After reading for a few minutes in my newly refreshed bed, I think about all that I have to be grateful for. I turn up my sound machine (set at “ocean”) to full blast, and before you know it, I’m out like a light. And then I wake up an hour later, and remember that I forgot to set my alarm. Baby steps.
Also On Tap for Today:
- A few tips for preparing for DST
- I love a good flowchart
- Enjoying this glorious weather
Are you an early riser? I need your help.
Comments (8)
March 8, 2012 at 5:23 pm
Definitely an early riser! I’m up at 5 most mornings during the week and sleeping in Monday- Friday means sleeping til 6:10. I make my lunch, put dishes away, mentally plan an outfit and get my work bag all set and ready by the door before bed. It definitely helps with the morning rush! I don’t have much trouble because I’m usually crawling to bed after 10 and tired from the day, running and my 5am wake up call. Keep up your good work!
March 8, 2012 at 5:32 pm
I go to boothbay harbor every year! We usually stay in a bed and breakfast but I would love to know which house that is? Could you walk to the downtown area? My family is looking for a house that could accommodate us all!
I love to go to the Lobster Dock? Do you go to the ice cream place by McSeagulls? That is another one of my faves!
Beth @Sailing Foodie
March 8, 2012 at 10:41 pm
I have the same planner! I also noticed “spring forward” and was instantly sad at the thought of it being dark again when I wake up…. Le sigh……
March 9, 2012 at 9:52 am
I am SO not looking forward to Daylight Savings Time this weekend either. I am most productive in the morning so I always try to plan my work outfit and my work-out outfit the night before so they are both easy to throw on in the morning. I tend to bring leftovers for lunch so I always pack them the night before. Planning ahead is definitely key.
Emily @FamilyNLifeLV
March 9, 2012 at 5:59 pm
What planner is that? I am not an early riser – I suffer with that issue too! The book looks good, and exactly what I need right now!
March 11, 2012 at 3:05 pm
Hi Emily! It’s an Erin Condren Life Planner. It’s perfectly organized for the way I work and track meetings, goals, and “to do’s.” They’re well worth the investment, and their customer service is top rate.
Emily @ A Cambridge Story
March 9, 2012 at 7:45 pm
Ha – love the idea of falling asleep to ocean waves! I don’t want to switch the clocks but am really excited for the extra light in the evenings – it makes summer feel that much closer. I find that if I just set the alarm for 10 minutes earlier than I think is necessary, my morning is much less rushed and my day way smoother.
March 9, 2012 at 10:09 pm
I’m an early riser too, but mostly out of habit. I’m up by 5:15am daily, at the gym by 6. It definitely helps to know my workout is already finished for the day before I even make it to work… but also often difficult to roll out of my cozy bed when it’s still pitch black outside!