[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]Just kidding. I haven’t turned evil… yet. Then again, we haven’t made any concrete plans, so who knows what I am capable of? Muhaha. We are visiting our first potential venue this coming week, but until we have an actual date set, it’s difficult to do things like, um… send out save the dates. Or reserve a moon walk (some people call them moon bounces or bounce houses. Those people also happen to be wrong.).

I’ve been all over Pinterest, however, pinning flowers and cakes and basically anything Martha Stewart has published in the past decade.
I’ve also been perusing various wedding magazines and I’ve got to tell you, the pictures are pretty, but most of the words make no sense. Take, for example, this article by David Tutera. You may have seen his terrifying television show? According to David, a bride’s mantra should be “This is my day.”
After marching around our living room chanting “This is my day!” in my sweaty boxing outfit earlier this week, I found it prudent to assure Nick that our wedding day will be our day, not my day. Imagine if Nick turned into a groomzilla? That would be amazing. Regardless, if that article is at all representative, the bridal industry thrives on tools tulles the self-absorbed. (Maaaan, I crack myself up.)
Then there are the ubiquitous countdowns, found in every, single magazine I’ve creepily bought. Could they be any more anxiety producing?
Holy crap! I’ve only been engaged for a few weeks, and I am not sure when the wedding will be, but Lord, have mercy. I’d better ask my fiance what his groomsmen plan to wear! And then I need to register for silverware and random kitchen gadgets! And then I need to demand that my sister shrink by several feet so she can serve as both maid of honor and flower girl!
Thanks, but no thanks, crazy magazines.
For the time being, I am just happy to be focusing on the fact that we’re happy. And lucky. And excited. And engaged. And (mostly) not totally demented.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Prep for tomorrow’s long run (i.e. don’t eat ice cream)
- Try not to get hit by a satellite
- Sparkling Chardonnay! Yay!
What’s the wackiest thing you’ve witnessed at a wedding?
Comments (5)
Vintage Feel
September 24, 2011 at 7:58 am
I get where you’re coming from, but in a completely different way!
I got an email reminder from some wedding website the other day telling me that, with 12 months to go, it was time to ‘start planning’ – man, I’ve been planned for the last 4 months!
I guess the moral is, no website or magazine is going to be in the same space you are, no matter how pretty the things in it!!
Renee {Eat.Live.Blog.}
September 24, 2011 at 8:56 am
A) I don’t think you could EVER turn evil, no matter how good your muhahaha is.
B) I am so with you on the “my” day thing. It has never made since, and I have cringed every time I have ever heard it. Makes no sense at all….
September 24, 2011 at 9:00 am
Hehe you crack me up! I’ve joked with my boyfriend that we’re going to get a bouncy castle for our wedding. That’s at least one of the ways I’m trying to convince him it would be awesome to get married
Yeah, just being at friends’ weddings stresses me out a bit. I think of how much planning they’ve done, and how many things they had to take care of, and, being the personal finance-focused person I am, how much it’s going to COST! Sometimes I watch Say Yes To The Dress so I can laugh at how crazy these brides-to-be are. Like when their dress budget is, say $10k. WHAT? I don’t plan to spend any more than $1k, max. Most likely, I want to just get a pretty white dress for less than $250. A girl can dream.
Shelby @ Lady Gouda
September 24, 2011 at 9:50 am
I think you have your head on straight about this- that’s the first step!! I definitely like the “its OUR day approach”. Also, I totally missed that you got engaged. Congratulations!
September 24, 2011 at 7:37 pm
Hahaha I call Colin the groomzilla! He enjoys it. I think…..