Today: Ten years later.

[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]Ten years ago, I was a sophomore at Boston College, settling into my seat in Devlin 008 for Biology.  My friend Julie (we had gone to high school together) saved me a spot in the right side of the amphitheater-style room.  There were rumors circulating that the White House was on fire.  Our professor, Dr. Strauss, pulled down the giant screen and turned on what he called the diamond vision (I am not sure if that’s really what it was called, but he loved that thing), and tuned into a local news channel just as the second plane hit one of the World Trade Center towers.

And the world was forever changed.

I don’t think Dr. Strauss formally dismissed our class, but almost immediately we began to filter out of the room.  My parents had bought me a cell phone the year before, when I was a freshman at at university in New York City.  I tried to call their house, but the call wouldn’t go through.  I wandered back to my dorm room, where my roommates were crowded around a small tv (the tv/vcr combo we all seemed to have). We sat, glued to the news, for what seemed like forever.

In the hours and days that followed, countless stories emerged about the people who ran, not away from, but towards the devastation.

One of those stories that echoed, and continues to echo, at BC is the story of Welles Crowther, a 1999 graduate and member of the men’s lacrosse team.  ESPN recently featured Mr. Crowther’s story in the following video.

There are no words to express how my heart continues to ache for those affected by the unthinkable tragedy of September 11, 2001.  But I have to believe, in that same heart, that people are truly good.  And that we need to take care of one another.

Also On Tap for Today:

  • Brunch with the Boston Brunchers 🙂
  • Are you ready for some football (aka hiding in the kitchen, baking)?
  • Weeding through stacks and stack of books
Who are the heroes in your life?

Comments (1)

  • Erica @ Boston Rookie

    September 11, 2011 at 6:02 pm

    First off- nice to meet you today at brunch. Thanks for offering me a ride. It was a nice day, so I enjoyed the walk.

    Regarding your post, I was also a sophomore at college. I was in class, but we didn’t know what happened until after leaving that class and the rest of the day was a blur for me.

    Not being from here, I hadn’t heard of Welles Crowther until this weekend- but wow, what a story.

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