Today: A Woods Hole afternoon.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]After picking up our race packets on Saturday afternoon and a failed trip to Pee Town (better known as the child and creepy adult-infested hotel pool), Nick and I took a quick drive down to Woods Hole for lunch on the waterfront and a bit of strolling. I hadn’t been down that way in ages, but it wasn’t long before I had my bearings, remembering all the trips to the Vineyard we took as children, from the Steamship Authority in Woods Hole.

We walked past building after building belonging to the oceanographic institute and I couldn’t help but wonder if any of the old Voyage of the Mimi cast members were out and about, tracking humpback whales or collecting water samples or whatever it was they were doing back in the early 80’s. Did anyone else watch that PBS series in fourth grade? Remember Ben Affleck and the episode on hypothermia? Brilliant.
We grabbed lunch at Shuckers and browsed at the co-op across the street, and paid a quick visit to the harbor seals at the aquarium. What a vast improvement from the morning’s 30 second visit to the over-chlorinated pool area, complete with a strange man videotaping a game of Marco Polo. I still don’t know why I thought that was a good use of the afternoon. (Note to self: As my sister so perfectly put it, people who go to pools at the Cape are not beach people. We are beach people.)

Woods Hole is the perfect place to spend an afternoon (or longer, obviously). It felt good to get some fresh air and stretch my legs a bit before heading back to Falmouth High School to watch the mile invitational races. Watching people run a sub-4:00 mile was both mind-boggling and the perfect juxtaposition to a slow day of strolling by the sea.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Oh no! The Mimi is no more!
- Forfeited our soccer game
- It’s a good week to be a duck
What does your perfect Saturday afternoon involve?
Comments (4)
Shelby @ Lady Gouda
August 15, 2011 at 2:43 pm
Oh my gosh! I was JUST talking about the Voyage of the Mimi recently- which means I got the theme song in my head for days. I read an article last week that they recently scrapped the Mimi in an East Boston shipyard- a couple of fanboys tried to save it, but it was going to cost millions. WHERE was Ben Affleck, I ask you? The Mimi made him a STAR. At least in my eyes. Nice pick of a clip, by the way, that was a memorable scene.
August 15, 2011 at 4:33 pm
Voyage of the Mimi!!!!!!! Major flashback.
August 16, 2011 at 10:10 am
woods hole is SO fun!!! glad you had a great time!! WHEN WILL WE MEET AGAIN?!?!!
August 16, 2011 at 8:39 pm
I love that seal! I also remember renting The Voyage of the Mimi sometime after Good Will Hunting just to see baby Affleck.