Today: Make way for gooselings… goslings, whatever.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false] I was home visiting my parents a few weeks ago and saw these little guys hanging out in a neighbor’s yard. I made an illegal u-turn (don’t tell) and creeped onto the property to take this photo. Then I remembered how scary Canadian geese are (much scarier than Canadian humans), especially when they’re protecting miniature Canadian geese, and decided I should probably get back in my car. And back to whatever I was supposed to be doing.
Anyway, my intended point was to say Happy Father’s Day. I’m not really sure if that’s the dad goose or the mum goose, but I couldn’t help but think of my dad as I picked up a stick in case the big goose tried to peck me with its beak or something. My dad has always done an incredible job of protecting us, leading the way, nudging us in the right direction, encouraging us to spread our wings, lifting us up when we’ve needed it, and celebrating our every flight.
I am so grateful for all that he has done, and continues to do for me and my siblings. I love you, Dad!
Also On Tap for Today:
- Uploading photos from New York, my parents’ 35th anniversary dinner and 4,500 glamor shots of Clark
- Love this: “Eating with a spiritual compass”
- Awkward Family Photos, Father’s Day edition
Comments (1)
June 21, 2011 at 7:45 am
I love seeing little families of geese, or ducks, or whatever animal it may be. Even scary geese are cute early in their lives haha!
I’m also with you on summer frizz hair!! I would of commented on that post but I wont be around for the harborfest. I always want to go, LOVE chowder, but the thought of eating hot chowder in the summer sun heat just never appeals to me…Boston needs to move this one to November or something!