Today: A figment of someone else’s imagination.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]On Saturday afternoon, I met Cristy and Julia at the Aquarium stop on Atlantic Avenue to check out Figment Boston. I wasn’t sure what Figment was all about, but I thought it was an art festival, and was looking forward to spending sometime with the girls. I had a few minutes to spare, so I walked from South Station to the Aquarium, and was able to scope out the scene en route. And I was slightly terrified.
I am likely the opposite of counter-culture. I like law and order. I like rules. I’m rather buttoned up. I am afraid of clowns and adults wearing face paint. I deeply value personal space and boundaries. I don’t really get electronica and techno music. I’ve never worn a raccoon tail on my bum. With that said, I appreciate creativity. I try to have an open mind. I think self-expression is important. And I could probably stand to loosen up a bit.
According to Figment’s website,
FIGMENT is an explosion of creative energy. It’s a free, annual celebration of participatory art and culture where everything is possible. For two days this summer, it will transform the Rose Kennedy Greenway into a large-scale collaborative artwork, and then it’s gone.
Cristy, Julie and I walked through the Rose Kennedy Greenway, one of my favorite places in the city, from State Street to South Station and checked out all of the exhibits and performers on the way. I especially liked the umbrella/tee shirt jelly fish things.
I also liked this little guy. Yes, he’s real. We watched him to try to escape, crawling across the temporary dance floor set up for performances by local dance organizations.
I could do without the unitards, however. And the face paint (see irrational fears listed above.) I think I’ve watched too many serial killer documentaries.
It was certainly a change of pace to see so many people– children and adults alike–playing with hula hoops, dancing, throwing rose petals, and drawing on big easel boards with reckless abandon. Figment wasn’t necessarily my scene, but to each their own, right? I was happy to enjoy a nice walk in the sun with Cristy and Julia, just taking it all in.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Boxing class, pow!
- Figment is in New York June on 10-11th and in Detroit on August 6th
- We lost of our soccer game, but that’s ok… because the Bruins won
Comments (5)
June 7, 2011 at 9:45 am
Wow this is really cool wish I knew about it! YAY BRUINS!!!! I am sad to say we don’t get the game so i did not see it:(
June 7, 2011 at 1:24 pm
Wow I had no idea that was going on!?? Craziness. Yeah I can only take so much of the human art thing too haha…esp Giant jellyfish.
Yay for HLS!! So question, is your husband tagging along?? I sort of invited Brian, but now I dont know what he would do as I feel like ths schedule is pretty tight, but if others were too then at least they could hang out.
Halley (Blunder Construction)
June 7, 2011 at 3:43 pm
I wish I had heard about this, too, would have been worth the trip to check it out! Just found your blog on the TechMUNCH list, happy to be following another Bostonian.
Run Fast Travel Slow
June 8, 2011 at 9:43 am
Looks fun! But I hear you on the creepiness of unitards/face paint…. irrational fears are totally legit. I have a thing about birds (and when a bird got in the house recently, it was like my worst nightmare come true).
June 8, 2011 at 2:35 pm
That thing… in the unitard… with the mask… is horrifying.