Today: When Thursday equals Friday.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false] You know you’ve been living in a cave your office (with no time to Google around) for too long when your sister mentions something about a potential government shut down and you’re all, Huhhhh? The fact you’re going through three times the normal amount of under-eye concealer is a pretty good tip off, too. After a few weeks of burning the proverbial candle at both proverbial ends (and looking like a house-trained raccoon), I am pleased to report that today is my Friday. Even though it’s only Thursday. That’s right people. This little lady is taking a vacation day tomorrow. Can I get a Hallelujah? Or maybe low five (I don’t have the energy for much more)?
I have a habit of writing out the following day’s To Do list the night before. It helps keep me focused, so I don’t go off the reservation and eat cheese doodles all day. I almost just died of excitement when I finished tomorrow’s list. But instead, I stayed alive. Aren’t you lucky.
1. Burn the candle at only one end.
2. Pack some snacks.
3. Float around (in the tub). And yes, I am wearing a bathing suit. No nudies On Tap, people.
4. Nap.
6. Enjoy a little Turtle Time.
7. Be thankful for what (and who!) I have.
8. And focus on what’s really important.
I’m off to the Cape for the day with my mom and aunts. Toodles, my friends!
Also On Tap for Today:
- I’m officially the last person on Earth to be reading (and loving) this book
- Class at the Pawsitive Dog
- Enjoying a new Whole Foods treat: kiwiberries!
What’s on the agenda for your next day off?
Comments (3)
April 7, 2011 at 11:23 pm
I wish I can also make a to-do list of things I should discover and enjoy. It seems that making a to-do list centers only in work, work and more work!
I have nothing to do because its summer vacation now for me, all I ever do since summer started was to log-in the internet and read entries, look at pictures..
April 8, 2011 at 12:13 am
Nice!!! I wish I could do the same.
Those flowers are GORGEOUS, by the way!
April 8, 2011 at 12:45 pm
Hallelujah coming atcha! Sounds really, really nice, Elizabeth. Have a great one!