Today: When life hands you roots, brew some root beers!
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false] Once I tripped over a giant tree root on my way into the butt ugly high school I attended (I’m sorry, but really… that building is heinous to the point of distraction. And I maintain that is why I performed so poorly in Algebra II.). I was running late and completely ate it, somehow landing halfway in a puddle. I did what any normal seventeen year old would have, and picked up myself up, dusted myself off, turned around, drove home and picked out a new outfit.

I think I scared my mother half to death when I reappeared at the house. After all, I was supposed to be in class at that point. She probably thought I had been in a car accident. I hadn’t (I tripped over that root, remember?), but since we’re on the topic, I once was in a car accident with a Japanese business man. He had, quite literally, just landed in America, rented a car at the airport and BAM! There we were on the side of a busy off-ramp, him with no driver’s license and me with no common sense.
Back to the root. That pesky thing really ruined my morning back in 2000. Today, vengeance is mine! I just brewed its entire family muhahaha.

I sort of wish this handy kit was called “Ms. Root Beer,” but I get it. Men have been so oppressed throughout history, the least we could do is let them have gender rights to non-alcoholic home brew kits. Pssh. The process in total took less than half an hour. First (and most importantly, I imagine… nothing ruins a beverage quite like botulism) comes sanitizing the equipment.

After mixing various secret potions into a big bowl, I funneled the soon-to-be-root-beer into four gigantic bottles and tightly sealed the caps. The final step is probably the most difficult: Wait a few days for things to carbonate before getting slizzzard (on root beer).

Sometime between now and next Sunday, I’ll be sippin’ on some homemade root beer and toasting that pathetic day in high school when I fell on my face. Revenge is a drink best served in a frosty mug.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Watching the NBA All Star game and wondering how all that ego fits on our TV screen
- Just when I thought Spring had sprung…
- Turning my BlackBerry off at midnight in observation of Presidents’ Day
What did you make this weekend? Some cupcakes? A mess? A new hat?
Comments (7)
February 21, 2011 at 7:25 am
My husband and I bought that rootbeer kit back in the day and we FAILED at it big time! I hope yours tastes a lot better than ours!!!
February 21, 2011 at 6:22 pm
That’s awesome – I wanna make RB!
February 21, 2011 at 6:37 pm
I love your random stories-from one then to another-you always keep me guessing;) I made delicious cake balls this weekend-they are heavenly!!
Garden Variety Mama
February 21, 2011 at 10:00 pm
Good luck with the root beer; revenge is a wonderful beverage. I guess. But seriously, looks like a lot o fun!
February 21, 2011 at 11:29 pm
I’ve made homemade ginger ale, now I’ll have to try this. Glad I found you through ICLW, I’m from Boston but relocated to Indiana and miss it dearly!
Empty Whole
February 23, 2011 at 7:45 pm
Mmmm…Root Beer, my favorite!
Today: And the Oscar doesn’t go to.. «
February 24, 2011 at 11:35 am
[…] My root beer is ready! […]