Today: (Strange) dreamin’ of the marathon.
[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false] This week, I have alternated between not sleeping at all, and passing out immediately, only to have the strangest dreams about the marathon. They’re like the dreams I had the summer I waitressed (the ones where you think you forgot about a table entirely, or that you served some lady a hunk of ribs when she actually ordered the haddock… although that happened in real life), but more bizarre.

The night before our 20 mile run, I dreamed that our Team in Training coach brought us to a marathon, but would only let us run 20 miles. Once we reached that mile marker, some sort of night club bouncer busted out of nowhere and pulled us off the course. I was pissed because he violated the “no horseplay on the course” rule, which I had found in some sort of running rule book on the way to this imaginary race. Huhhhhh?
Earlier this week, I dreamed that Disney had flooded and that there were so many abandoned cars on the roads in and around the parks, that the marathon had to be moved to my hometown. The town didn’t have enough notice to shut down any streets, so we ran approximately 8,000 laps around the extinct Bradlees parking lot. Seriously, why?

This morning, I awoke completely exhausted, having dreamed that I had finished the marathon. As I crossed the finish line, I looked down at my watch (which wasn’t my Garmin, it was some huge wonkin’ thing that looked like the 108 minute counter in the Swan hatch… please excuse the very brief Lost geek festival you just unwittingly attended) to see I had finished in 5:04. In my dream I was so overcome with joy (and frankly, in reality I will be happy to cross the finish line at any time), that I fainted. When I came to, I realized someone had stolen my medal. But again, I was just so happy I didn’t care. Time for some medication, perhaps?
I think enough anxiety has built up in my body to power one of those giant chocolate fountain things. Maybe I could rent myself out for a Super Sweet Sixteen? I just want to run the dang thing already. And you most likely want to stop hearing about the dang thing already. Just a few more days, my friends.
Also On Tap for Today:
- Drop Clark off at Camp +dog
- Maybe I should look up Bradlees in this dream dictionary
- Time to load up the iPod: last minute song suggestions would be so appreciated!
Are you a vivid dreamer? How do you sleep soundly before a big event?
Comments (11)
Michelle @ a whole lot of life
January 5, 2011 at 8:37 pm
Ummm… Lil’ Weezy songs ALL THE WAY. That’s what I would run to if I were running a marathon. My fav. lately is Mrs. Officer and of course his new single 6’7′. One of my favorite lines: “I got through that sentence like a subject and a predicate” LOL!
Also, I worked as a waitress for many years and remember those incredibly vivid dreams of feeling like you were “in the weeds” all night in your dreams. Absolutely awful.
Sorry your week is so stressful but in just a matter of days you’ll be a marathoner. I think only .01% of the population can say that, right?
January 6, 2011 at 12:50 am
If I know I have to get up extra early for something, the night before, I end up dreaming either that I somehow messed up, or did in fact get there early, or managed to be late. Either way, those dreams are super confusing. Once I wake up, I have to figure out that it was all a dream. Though sometimes, the dreams remind me of something I need to bring or to do prior to going to this early drive/trip/appointment/event/etc.
Kick some butt in that marathon! I know a few people running it. I’m so impressed with you guys!
January 6, 2011 at 12:39 pm
G’luck!!! The abandoned Bradlees is more like a nightmare, no? You’ll rock it.
January 7, 2011 at 9:12 am
Good Luck on your marathon you will do great! I don’t sleep before big events I have to much anxiety. I have finally learned to accept it.
January 7, 2011 at 9:48 am
Funny dreams! As hard is it is…try to relax before the race…try to justsee it as another training run. You can do it!
January 7, 2011 at 10:39 am
Best of luck to you on the marathon! It’s amazing that you’re trying this, and I hope you are thrilled with the results.
As for your question, I always have vivid dreams. It ends up being kind of tiring cause I don’t feel like I’m asleep when I sleep! But on the other hand, I get to have some cool adventures, I guess…
January 7, 2011 at 12:29 pm
Good Luck on the marathon!!!
January 7, 2011 at 3:01 pm
Good luck on the marathon!!!
January 7, 2011 at 5:33 pm
Those dreams are so funny. I guess your anxiety is starting to show. Good luck on your first marathon!
January 10, 2011 at 11:14 am
Good luck!
January 11, 2011 at 8:59 am
yay marathon! I trust it went well. a bunch of my friends ran the half and loved it